The lesson on justice

Sarcos looked at Mathyas with a bit of sad resentment."I will not expect less of you. But you are fighting for Crodius here?" Sarcos chuckled bitterly.

"A little bit, same as you guarding your own queen, so unheard of!" Mathyas shook his head amused."I was curious about your queen, so I came."He said nonchalantly. He pointed his men to lower their weapons and leapt over the low decorated wooden railing.

His dark figure came down from the gallery smoothly, almost like he was floating on a dark smoky cloud.

"He must be a vampire!"Sienna screamed in her mind as she watched with horror in her eyes and clenched Sarcos's arm tighter. She expected he will come to talk to Sarcos, but the black warrior stood in front of her suddenly! His red scarlet eyes pierced into her blue ones.

"A little tigress, how cute! " he chuckled in a freezing echoing giggle."If you have to choose between me and him..." he pointed at Sarcos, "Who would you choose?"

"Sarcos!"Sienna said immediately and pressed even tighter to him.

"Do you find me so repulsive?" he asked her coldly in a dangerous tone. It was clearly a provocation to show his power.

"No, you are very handsome," Sienna shook her head, "But I love Sarcos," she said gently. She did not want to provoke the vampire, everyone knows about their vanity!

"Aha," he nodded his head, "So if I will kill Sarcos, you will be mine?" he asked nonchalantly.

Sienna opened her eyes wide."Please, don't talk like that, how can I love someone who is willing to hurt my mate? If you want to be my spouse you need to ask Sarcos first! Maybe we can sit together and talk about it in private, hm?" Sienna tried to ease the tension.

"Sneaky!"Mathyas chuckled."You should know Sarcos will be never my family!" he frowned.

"You are right in that, I will be never family with you."Sarcos scoffed.

"Ok, as you wish. I was thinking you were friends and you were joking with me."Sienna shook her head innocently.

"You did not even tell her about me?" Mathyas shook his head in unbelief.

"We were kind of busy."Sarcos smirked."No time for small talk."

Sienna was confused. They clearly knew each other, they talked well and they did not want to be family." How strange! I should rather watch," she thought.

Mathyas smiled coldly."Let's finish our lovely meeting then. He lifted his right hand elegantly and started to point as if counting."Crodius, the hustler, 2 weak kings," he pointed at Xander and Ramse and one almost king," he smiled at Gaius pitifully."Mighty Scorpion King," he pointed at Sarcos," and one pretty queen with a kind heart." he looked at Sienna. Then he moved his finger around cruising confidently as if playing a game. Sienna noticed his nails are painted silver."Are they poisonous?" she thought and her imagination run wild. Well, it is not every day you get to see a vampire!

Mathyas stopped his silvery finger at Crodius." So, let's start with the hustler, "he said in a freezingly cold voice.

Mathyas moved his index finger up and the mage was suddenly floating in the air as held by an invisible strong hand!

"Nice!"Sarcos nodded approvingly,"What else can you do?"

"Please, Sarcos, he wants to hurt him."Sienna whispered." Can we save him?"

"No," Sarcos said firmly."The mage enjoyed selling females, he could stop it at any time, but he did not. He tried to kill you and he took Ramse and Xander to blackmail me. And he set up a trap for king Gaius with Mathyas here. His cup is full! Let's see what Mathyas will do. I want to see his powers."Sarcos said in a daze. In the same kind of daze, modern men watch football on Tv!

Sienna furrowed her brows a bit." Sarcos is acting strange around this vampire guy. He is kind of careful with him and let him act!" she thought.

Crodius was really scared... He did not expect Mathyas to know Sarcos and to turn against him."Mathyas, kill all these kings and I share the queen with you."Crodius called to the pale warrior.

Mathyas smiled."You are not in the position to negotiate eighter. You betrayed your own king. I hate traitors."He looked at Sarcos."Don't you, my little brother?" He clenched his fist and Crodious started to if the invisible hand was tight around his neck!

Sienna's face was pale, she felt sick from the view and chortling noises of Crodius's suffering! She buried her face in her hands and turned to Sarcos's chest."Please, stop him." she begged.

"Are you scared, pretty queen?"Mathyas turned to her slowly, Crodius still hanging in the thin air."Look, how this man will end. He betrayed your trust. He wanted to bleed you to death! Doesn't it feel good to see him suffer?" he whispered in cold satisfaction.

Sienna shook her head." No, it feels horrible. Can you let him live, please? I do not require revenge for me. I have already forgiven him." she whispered.

"You mean, I should let him go, so he will do bad things to other females again?" Mathyas looked at her sternly, talking in a pitifully mocking tone.

Sienna bit her lips. The vampire was actually right!

"Mathyas smiled at her sweetly. He was a bit theatrical ."You see! He is getting what he deserves!" he smiled victoriously.

"In that case, stop then," said Sarcos resolutely.

Sienna looked at him hopefully.

"Can you make him bleed out first?"Sarcos asked a bit wickedly.

"Sure, if you want."Mathyas nodded smiling.

"I was starting to think you got soft near your pretty queen!" Mathyas chuckled.

"Bran, get us one empty barrel there," said Sarcos. Bran put the barrel under Crodius who hanged in thin air.

"Now, it will not make a mess!"Sarcos nodded.

"Sarcos, please," Sienna felt sick in the stomach, "I can't watch."

Crodius started to bleed into the barrel from his hands and feet. His facial colour started to get paler.

Sienna felt her knees wobble, she felt dizzy as if she were fainting. Sarcos took her around her shoulders tightly."Watch, he wanted to do the same to you. Is it not just?"

Sienna just stared dizzily. The picture was blurred in front of her eyes.

"It is horrid."Sienna shook her head.

"It is just!"Crodius rasped dying. "You should not forgive me as easily as you did. But I like you still, you little naive queen. Live well and don't mourn for me!" he grinned in pain.

Siena's eyes teared up. She sobbed. This was too hard to watch.

'What is this?"Mathyas came to her and smeared a tear from her cheek. He looked at it and smeared it on his finger with great curiosity. Then he licked it."Bitter-sweet tears, I sense sorrow, forgiveness kindness...all strange words..." he chuckled.

"Sarcos, where did you find such a sensitive female?" he asked curiously.

"In the jungle.." said Ramse, "I found her first."He said proudly.

"Did you? So where is your mark?" Mathyas looked at him with entertained facial expression. This was fun!

"She ran away from me."Ramse bit his lips...

"Hahaha, ran away? You must be truly unbearable then. How funny!"Mathyas chuckled.

"And tell me, you were too weak to get her back, yes?" he said pitifully.

"Yes, king Sharchan took her from me."Ramse nodded.

"Haha, so funny. But where did she come from ...?" he scanned Sienna's face.

"A cave, I think, she was looking for some crystal," Ramse noted.

"Where is her tribe?"Mathyas's eyes lit scarlet light.

"It is not important," said Sarcos."She is my mate!'

"Ahh, you did not!"Mathyas realized something, Sienna had no idea of. But he did not ask more. He looked at Sienna a bit pitifully."You should toughen her up a bit. She is too sensitive."He smiled and Sienna felt coldness down her bones.

"No, I like her how she is,"Sarcos noted.

"Crying like a little baby over traitors. How pathetic." Mathyas shook his head.

Sienna wiped her tears." You should be crying too. Your heart is made of stone. Who doesn't know how to forgive, can't be a good king."She said resolutely.

"Aww, so cute."Mathyas smiled."It can bite back a little bit." he ran his hand over Sienna's hair, but did not touch them."Don't be sad little queen, look." he picked one of her long golden hair in his silver fingers.

He winded it around in his palm and closed his hand. He smirked at Sienna and opened it. The little gold butterfly was sitting on his palm and fluttering his wings. Mathyas clapped his hands and the butterfly flew off!

Sienna stared in awe. She could not help but smile at it.

"How easily distracted."Mathyas chuckled.

Then he turned to dying Crodius." Aaa, almost done." he looked at the barrel filling with blood satisfied. Sienna looked up and saw that Crodius's body was having ash-like tint and the blood just dripped in big slowly forming drops down to the barrel.

She put her hand over her mouth and turned away. If she has eaten something, she would vomit it out immediately!

The blood stopped dripping and Crodius's body fell down next to the barrel.

Bran went to check on him and turned the mage's body around as a hunter dead prey.

"He is dead."The eagle noted coldly.