The gift for the King of the Underworld

Sienna felt sick. Her body trembled and she felt she would fall to the ground at any moment.

Sarcos turned to her, "Sienna, you need to get used to seeing death." he said gently to her.

Sienna felt the anger raised in her body. She let go of Sarcos's arm and straighten up.

"Do you want me to be of stone? I'm what I'm and I'm not changing for anyone, not even for you!" she called upset.

Mathyas heard her and went over to look too. He glanced at her upset face with amusement. Sienna took a breath and glared back at him. She was kind of getting fed up with everything. The shade of tiger strength passed thru her eyes, her heart hardened a bit. Sienna had enough of the pressure in the air and got nervous. She wanted to get out of that room, eat and rest, have a bath, and cuddle Sarcos in the bed. She was overwhelmed and that made her stop caring about consequences or being careful!

Mathyas smirked at her." Who next?" he looked around the hall again. He pointed at Ramse and Xander.

"2 weak kings, so useless!" he smiled cruelly.

"No, leave them alone, they are my friends!" Sienna stood in front of them resolutely. Her eyes shone brightly.

"Aww, we are brave too...what a little tigress."Mathyas seemed interested.

"We are all friends here now," Sienna said strongly." I thank you for your help Mathyas, "she smiled sincerely at him," Here, king Gaius will hold the coronation banquet, so we can express our gratitude better. You are invited as a special quest."

Gaius nodded, he saw she wanted to end the tense situation."Yes, it will be held tomorrow evening at my palace. It will be my pleasure if you can come." he said politely.

"What will I be doing there?" Mathyas frowned a bit. He was thirsty for more blood!

"Well, we dance of course, "Sienna smiled excitedly." I have to thank you for that beautiful butterfly you made for me." she curtsy elegantly.

Mathyas stared at her."Yes, you should give me a present too. What can you give me in return? You know what is the most fitting gift for a king, yes?" He chuckled.

Sienna looked around. Then her eyes fell on one of her portraits. " Yes, I have a gift fit for a king for you!"She walked to the table with her cosmetics display."Here, is my portrait. Painted by a queen, great gift for a king."She smiled confidently."Just for you!"She picked it up and brought it to him. Mathyas took the portrait from her hands a bit puzzled. He stared at Sienna's portrait and then glanced at her face, seeing if it is the same as hers!

"If you like, I can paint your portrait too!"Sienna said excitedly.''He would be quite easy to paint, with his pale white face." she thought.

Mathyas forgot about his bloody intention. Her excited energy was catchy and he somehow swayed over.

"Painting queen! How unusual!" he chuckled. "Yes, you can come over to my underground can draw my portrait there!"

Mathyas still held Siena's portrait." I like it," he nodded...Then he walked over to Sarcos, who was just watching Sienna nonchalantly. "Sarcos, my little brother, I hope you will don't mind if I dance with your queen?" he asked very caringly. He wanted to provoke him a bit!

"She can grant you a dance if she wishes so."Sarcos nodded.

" You are very tolerant for a scorpion."Mathyas chuckled.

Sarcos nodded with a soft smile. He would not fight with Mathyas yet, because he wanted to talk to him in private first.

Mathyas wanted to provoke Sarcos a bit more, but then he realized he was holding a portrait under his shoulder, so was no point to fight. His hands were full!

"Sneaky little queen." he thought smiling in his mind.

He nodded to Sarcos and looked at Sienna, who came to stand next to her Scorpion King again."You are such a little treasure. I bet Sarcos will never get bored with you."He poked Sienna's chin with his free hand. He held her portrait under his arm and leapt up to the gallery, he almost seem flying.

" I will see you soon little brother," he turned around and disappeared back into the gallery walls. The black warriors followed him.

It was like they were never even there in the first place.

Sienna and Ramse sighed in relief. Xander was a bit in a daze. Sarcos seemed thinking. Sienna pulled Sarcos's arm."Sarcos, who is Mathyas?"

"Noone," Sarcos said, still thinking.

Sienna turned to Ramse with a question on her face.

"Black Lizard King Mathyas," said Ramse.

"I think you got a new fan, Sienna."Ramse chuckled a bit nervously.

"Mathyas is the King of the Underworld," he added.

"You mean ghosts?" Sienna opened her eyes wide.

"No, just lizards. He is like Sarcos's opposite pole."Ramse said seriously."His strength and dark powers are unchallenged. They used to be close friends as kids, but then they fell out suddenly, they met a few times after that and always compete as crazy. In everything. They don't know when to stop once they start."

"We are frienemies."Said Sarcos finally..."Don't worry about him, Sienna."

"You should worry about him."Said Ramse."Did you not see how he stared at your queen and that picture?"

"Who doesn't?"Sarcos shook his shoulders, "I stare too and she is my mate already." he chuckled.

" As you say." Ramse nodded."Sienna, can I have that other portrait ?"

"For what?" Sarcos asked him.

"I like to help distribute Sienna's cosmetics range. I think it looks really good. It will be a pity not to use it, she worked so hard on it surely." Ramse noted.

"Hm, you are right," Sarcos noted."Gaius's people can make the little containers, I provide the cosmetics and you distribute."

Gaius came closer as he heard his name." Sure, I'm up for it." he nodded.

Sarcos looked at him."Good, the more work your people will have, the better they will live and the stronger king you will become."

"Thank you."Gaius nodded, "But I will also need one queen's portrait, I like to stock and sell these in my city too, I will arrange it with merchants."

"I will paint you one."Sienna nodded.

Gaius and Ramse smiled, they wanted to get their hands on Sienna's portraits really and the business idea was just a bonus!

Sarcos turned to Gaius seriously." You are the unchallenged king now here, make that crowning ceremony good. You need to impress Mathyas a bit. He is your neighbouring king and you want to have friendly relations with him."

Gaius seemed a bit shocked."He is my neighbour? How is possible I never saw him then?"

"I think Crodius kept you away from him deliberately." Sarcos nodded.

"How do I make that crowning ceremony? " Gaius thought loudly.

" I will help you" Sienna nodded," But I want to get out and eat something first."

"Let's go to my palace then. I have a lovely room already prepared just for you."Gaius smiled," You two." he chuckled as he saw Sarcos's lifted eyebrow." And one for Ramse, Xander, and Bran. I have lots of nice rooms in my palace " He said proudly.

"Make one for Mathyas too, "Sarcos noted."All in black and silver in the cellars." he chuckled. "Was it a joke? " Gaius asked.

"No, he will be your business partner soon, you will need it. You need to invite all neighbouring kings for your ceremony." Sarcos nodded."I will help you to negotiate some deals with them."

"So soon?"Gaius was surprised.

"If you have good trading relations, they will be less likely to fight you," Sarcos noted.

"Can we go now?"Sienna was getting impatient. She needed to wee and they kept talking!

The men looked in surprise at her, she was mostly very patient and gentle.

"What? I'm stuck in this hall for hours now, I'm still human, you know?"She told them off half-jokingly.

"Come, my little human," Sarcos circled her shoulders and they all went to Gaius's palace.

The room in Gaius's palace was really beautiful. He even made it in turquoise for her and it had the most important room, the bathroom!

Sienna went in there and took all of her clothes off quickly. She finally went toilet and chucked herself into the warm bath. She washed her hair and then came out wrapped in the big turquoise towel.

Sarcos was waiting for her, looking from the window, still thinking. Mathyas had dark powers, so if they clash, it can create a huge explosion. That was one of the reasons he held back. But there was one even more important one, which he did not want to think about. It was painful for him. It was a reason, why he would not kill Mathyas, even if he wanted to!

Sarcos watched Sienna coming from the bathroom. Her hair were wet and her face was fresh. She finally looked happy. Sarcos licked his lips and came closer to her.

Sienna chucked him another towel."Your turn."Sarcos caught the towel, chuckled, and went.

Sienna sat down at the table and draw the ideas for Gaius's ceremony and wrote him a list of things he need to arrange. Then Sarcos came out with the towel around his waist. His muscular tanned body was having a golden glow and his black hair was still wet, he just brushed them out of his face roughly.

He stood behind Sienna and watched. "Here, what do you think?" she asked him sweetly, breathing in his fresh presence. His body emitted a lot of heat and Sienna craved it badly.

"It looks interesting. Add some dancers in, so it is not boring," he noted.

"Ok, " Sienna nodded and added it to the list.

Sarcos took the notes and opened the door. He stopped the first servant he saw and gave them to him." Take it to king Gaius immediately." Yes, king Sarcos" the servant bowed and went.

Sarcos came back into the room. Sienna lay on the bed eating grapes with her eyes closed.

"Are they sweet enough? "he asked and sat on the bed next to her, trying to sneak his hand under her towel.

"Not so sweet as your kisses."Sienna opened her eyes a little. Sarcos looked so hot! She licked her lips.

"I'm getting cold, would you mind warming me up?"

"I know of one idea how."Sarcos smiled and lay on top of her.

Sienna circled his neck with her arms."To think you were right next to me all this time!"She pushed him closer to herself and put her legs around his waist.

"It costs me a lot of self-control." he chuckled.

"So stop controlling yourself right now," she whispered and kissed him passionately. They mate wildly. Sienna was so hungry for him. Sarcos felt as if she is the wild tigress and he is the prey first time in his life! Sienna was on top of him and looked into his handsome face. The Flaming Scorpion blinked in Sarcos's eyes. She was making him too wild."Come out if you dare!" Sienna chuckled seductively. She was bewildered!

Suddenly Sarcos's eyes were in flames. She felt how he grabbed her buttock and pressed her strongly on him.

Sienna opened her mouth in pleasure and bend down to kiss him. His strong arms were holding her tight as an iron ring. He flipped her over and take her even harder. She saw the scorpion in him and was like in a mating daze."Do stronger, harder."She lost her mind in the pleasure with him. She was not able to move a bit when he finished with her! The Flaming Scorpion was laughing in Sarcos's mind."She asked for me, I'm better than you!"

"You are me! Silly Flaming Scorpion." Sarcos chuckled in his mind.