Game over

"Mathyas."Sienna's mind stopped for a moment as she watched the tall black figure walking slowly forward them. She started to worry but decided to pretend everything is just fine!

"Ahh, king Mathyas, "Sienna smiled sweetly."Did you come to say farewell to me? I'm glad you are not upset with me anymore." she looked cutely at him.

Mathyas looked almost kindly at her."Why should I be upset with you? You are the queen of my little brother. You are too cute." he smiled gently and touched her cheek with his hand, but his eyes were still red cold red icebergs."You must be hungry after such a journey, I came to take you for a dinner."

Sienna smiled sweetly."Ahh, how lovely, we can have a picnic here then", she smiled.

Mathyas nodded." I have everything ready in the mountain pass. Just come, "he took her hand relaxedly. Mathyas's hand was pale, warm and strong, Sienna felt that he hold her firmly as she still sat on the black panther.

Xander looked at Ramse knowingly. It looked like they lost already! Xander as a panther walked next to Mathyas quietly. Ramse walked next to Xander from the other side. Sienna petted Xander's fur a bit nervously. She felt something is up. Ramse saw a group of Black Lizard warriors come out of the long grass and followed them. Sienna kept glancing at Mathyas, but he was looking forward seriously. Sienna started to feel scared.

When they came to the rocks a black carriage with dark curtains and four black horses was standing there.

Sienna pulled her hand from Mathyas's and looked at him with a question on her face."Are you going to a funeral in this?"

Mathyas looked at her a bit shocked."She still dares to insult me! She must know I'm taking her by now!" he thought in disbelief.

"No," he nodded his head "We are going to family dinner at my fortress, the funeral will be later..." he said coldly.

Sienna looked at him a little surprised and slid off Xander's back." But I'm on my way home. I want to have dinner with my family." she smiled gently.

"Yes, you are going home with me."Mathyas nodded.

Sienna was still playing confused."You will come with me to Sand City?"

"No, to my home, you little trickster."Mathyas sighed."Enough of games, you can travel in the carriage or walk tied behind it." he finally lost his patience.

"That will be really slow."Sienna nodded jokingly.

"I have time! Your choice."Mathyas glanced at her coldly.

Sienna bit her lips and looked around. Apart from Mathyas, they were surrounded! His warriors looked dangerous but Sienna had enough of wetlands, so she started to behave recklessly again! She sighed and turned around."I'm going home!" she said resolutely and walked away in the opposite direction.

Mathyas stared after her. "She is so unreasonable and wild, I understand now how Sarcos have a hard time keeping her alive!" he sighed. He was getting upset because actually, he did not have that much time left! The dragon scouts were searching wetlands and he needed to hide Sienna underground!

Mathyas looked at Ramse and Xander coldly. He started to think, about who to kill first to get Sienna's attention. Ramse bit his lips nervously and lifted his hand to show him to wait. Mathyas nodded and glanced at walking away Sienna.

Ramse saw Sienna overdo it and walked fast behind her. He circled her waist from behind and simply lifted her over his shoulder as a potato bag!" Come, Sienna, till he will kill us just to show you who is the boss," he hissed quietly to her. Sienna did not protest to Ramse, his touch felt a bit paralysing to her. She realised that she lost suddenly. Ramse carried her to the carriage and sat her next to him. Xander sat from Sienna's other side and blocked her in.

"Ready king Mathyas!"Ramse called darkly. He was upset they did not make it on time into the tunnels!

Mathyas looked into the carriage thru the open door. Sienna sat stuck between Ramse and Xander. She was quiet and glanced at him with a faint smile. She was clearly upset but tried to hold it. Mathyas smiled at pale Sienna sweetly."I see you listen to Ramse and Xander quite well. Keep it that way if you want them to stay alive!"He closed the dark doors and the carriage moved.

Sienna looked at Ramse worriedly."Did you betray me?"

"No, we were too slow!"Ramse hissed upset.

"Do you think he is taking us to Sarcos's funeral?" Xander asked.

Sienna'heart flinched. Her face became pale as a whitewashed wall suddenly.

"Shut it Xander." said Ramse."And you Sienna behave well." he sighed."Mathyas is unpredictable!"

The ride in the carriage was really bumpy. Sienna leaned on Xander a bit and Ramse moved opposite to them. He watched Sienna's beautiful but worried face.

"Ramse, what is going to happen now?"Sienna asked a bit scared. She was not so sure what to expect. Mathyas was a bit of a mystery to her!

Ramse looked at her with his deep grey eyes. His face was hard and stern."Well, it depends on how much you will enrage Mathyas." he said coldly.

Sienna chuckled nervously."Hm, do you think he hates me now?"

"Who can ever hate you? Stop being silly."Xander petted her head gently.

"Yes, stop being silly and listen for once."Ramse sighed.

"Listen to who?"Sienna asked a bit worriedly.

"To Mathyas, me and Xander," Ramse said seriously.

"Sarcos said nothing to me about listening to Mathyas, "Sienna bit her lips stubbornly.

"He told us to listen to Mathyas and keep you well! So we listen to Mathyas and you listen to us, which means you need to ultimately listen to Mathyas as well! Besides we are in his hands now. Is it clear enough?" Ramse noted coldly.

"Maybe."Sienna looked into his eyes a bit stubbornly.

"Please, don't make this difficult Sienna. Nicer you will be, more easy Mathyas will be with us all."Xander noted.

"I will try, " Sienna sighed and let her head fall on Xander's shoulder."I just wanted to go home and divert that terrible whatever is after me and Sarcos away from here." she moaned a bit upset.

Ramse looked at her in disbelief. He was speechless!

Xander just petted her head quietly. He was actually thinking that this was her plan!

After an hour of a bumpy ride, the chariot stopped.

"We arrived." Sienna heard Mathyas voice from outside.

Xander got out first and helped Sienna down. She looked around the dark rocky mountains. The big hole underground was lit by torches and it looked like a gate to hell!

Sienna hesitated. She held Xander's hand and stared. Now she understood better why they called Mathyas the King of the Underworld!

Mathyas showed Sienna to walk down the lit opening. Sienna did not move." I can't." she shook her head. She squeezed her hands nervously. She was scared. Mathyas pointed to Xander and Ramse."Go!"

Ramse and Xander went inside, following the black warriors.

"Where are you taking them?"Sienna called hurriedly.

"Come and you see."Mathyas extended his hand to her.

Sienna bit her lips and took his hand. She walked next to him quietly. Mathyas walked slowly, but Sienna rushed after Xander and Ramse! She almost pulled him forward through the rocky underground corridors!

"Why are you in such a hurry? I will not hurt them if you do what I say."Mathyas looked at her coldly.

Sienna nodded holding the tears in her eyes. She hoped Sarcos will come for her soon!

Mathyas led her into a giant underground Throne Room. It was chiselled roughly from the natural cave. It was dark and lit by torches. The air felt wet.

On the stony polished pedestal was a black obsidian throne shaped like an enormous scaly lizard. His mouth was open and in them was a torch with a bright red fire. Sienna stared as two human-looking silhouettes came closer to them.

There was a middle age man with white-plated hair, red eyes and a cheeky grin on his face and a very slim woman with long copper hair, pale skin and wild yellow eyes. The woman looked very similar to Sharchan and it made Sienna stare in surprise!

Mathyas led Sienna closer to the pedestal."Here, my father, old king Marath and my mother Queen Thyasse."Mathyas introduced his parents.

"Scorpion, Eagle, Snake and Tiger Queen Sienna."Mathyas lifted Sienna's hand coldly. Sienna smiled politely and curtsied a little.

"Welcome queen Sienna."Marath smiled coldly. His red eyes shone excitedly. It looks like the day of my glorious revenge just started." he thought really pleased.

Thyasse wore a silky black robe, it hugged her slim body so tightly, that Sienna could easily count her ribs! She moved elegantly with fluid movements, but her presence felt dangerous as the creeping snake! She fixed her wild hungry eyes on Sienna and walk down the pedestal with a soft smile on her lips.

Sienna watched as Thyasse came to her really close. She looked at Sienna's beautiful glowing skin closely and gave her a slow kiss on the forehead. Sienna had a creepy feeling that she was actually tasting her!