The lovesick sister in law

"Welcome Sienna, "Thyasse smiled coldly holding Sienna's shoulders dominantly.

"Thank you for your kind welcome, " Sienna smiled gently, still having her hand in Mathyas's palm." Sienna squeezed his hand worriedly but he pretend as if he did not feel it. He looked straight at his father.

Thyasse glanced at Marath, he was staring coldly at the queen his son was holding." Ahh, you men are so serious. I see you want to talk in private." she chuckled coldly.

Thyasse wrapped her hand around Sienna's shoulders with a sneaky smile."Let me show you my favourite rooms," she took Sienna's hand from Mathyas's palm cheekily and pressed it gently. Sienna let her hold it, she felt really uncomfortable but did not want to upset the queen!

Sienna glanced at Mathyas worriedly and walked away with her.

Thyasse led Sienna thru the dark fire-lit corridors to a spacious hall full of silver mirrors. The room was seeping wet. The mirrors in silver and dark wooden frames looked old and were a bit dented. They had black spots in them because the silver under the glass was damaged!

Sienna remembered the Mirror Room in the Spider Castle. The mirrors there were golden, clean, and shiny in their perfection. Sienna looked at Thyasse curiously, "She probably doesn't have so glorious life here ." she thought. "In the dark underground, it must be hard for her."

Thyasse stood Sienna in front of a big mirror with a black wooden frame decorated with carved roses and snakes. Sienna felt this mirror is really old. "It looks like from her ancestors. Maybe it is her magic mirror."Sienna let her imagination run wild in her mind. She kind of expected the queen to ask."Mirror, mirror who is the most beautiful in the world?"

But Thyasse did not! She stood next to Sienna and looked at her closely. Sienna felt it and stared in the mirror at Thyasse's reflection too. She noticed that even Thyasse was tall, thin, and elegant, she looked like skin and bones! Even her skin looked a bit dry as it covered her so tightly. Thyasse had very defined cheekbones, her eyes seemed a bit big on her thin face, and she almost did not have any cheeks left!

Thyasse held Sienna's waist in a kind of friendly pose. She felt it was firm and a bit soft. It felt comfortable under her fingers. She watched Sienna's curvy body, big breasts, defined waist, and curvy hips. Sienna looked like an hourglass, and Thyasse found it unusual. Most females she saw in the Snake tribe were slim and tall and Lizard females were petite and athletic. Sienna was just too different!

Thyasse studied Sienna's face, her beautiful tiger-like blue eyes, full lips, a nose just right, pale soft skin and long golden hair. Thyasse had to agree that Sienna was beautiful as the sunshine, but felt some of her beauty come from her heart. Sienna had a bit of wild, but cheerful, kind, and happy energy coming from her. It was seeping from her every move. That was what enraged Thyasse the most. She could not stand happiness!

Thyasse smiled at her softly thru the mirror."Sienna, I'm your sister-in-law. I'm the oldest sister of Sharchan, your mate."She said in a bit rasping voice.

Sienna nodded."You look very similar to him, your hair and eyes are the same colour. I will give him regards from you if you wish."Sienna smiled gently.

"As if you will have a chance! "Thyasse chuckled satirically.

" What do you mean? " Sienna asked a bit worriedly and looked at her sideways.

"Do you think you will be going away from here? You are stuck here as me in dark corridors as a monster till you become one! Then you will feel right at home!"Thyasse hissed.

Sienna gulped in a bit of shock at her words."Well, why you can't go out?" she asked worriedly.

"It is forbidden for me. My king is very possessive. It is my destiny to be locked up!" she hissed resentfully.

"Well, Sharchan is possessive too, but Sarcos calmed him down. You just need a stronger king mate who will get your back." Sienna smiled." Then you can go out."Sienna bit her lips a bit, she was not sure if her advice was very appropriate at all, but it surely worked!

Thyasse looked at her in disbelief."You are so an ungrateful brat!" she said clearly upset and finally let go of Sienna's waist. She kind of pushed her away from her."What I will give for it if Sharchan is possessive of me..." she said longingly.

Sienna tried to save the situation."You only think that. It was hurting our love life a lot." she said quietly.

"What love? I'm the one who loves him!"Thyasse called a bit desperately.

Sienna looked at the slim queen with a question on her face.

Thyasse shook her head and stared into Sienna's eyes."I always liked Scharchan and protected him from our father. I fell in love with him when he grow up. He was strong, wild and cold to everyone apart from me. He called me his only love. "She said longingly." Then that tiger came along and Sharchan left. When he came back to take over the throne I told him about my love for him. He did not look at me the same ever again and let my father send me here." her voice felt broken." Here in the dark underworld! You have no idea, what I had to suffer here. What I had to go thru just to survive," she whispered a bit manically and looked around the room bluntly staring at her countless reflections the mirrors.

"And now you are here. Soft and plumpy as a newly hatched chicken! You don't look like a snake female at all. I do not understand how he could choose you over me." she shook her head."He dared to refuse me and now when I see you....How did you get his love?" she looked painfully into Sienna's blue eyes.

"He, he just saved me, it was all an accident, "Sienna whispered.

Thyasse searched her face carefully. She could see the golden hair queen is saying the truth."Forgot it then. Let's go to my favourite room."Thyasse smiled a bit wickedly.

Sienna walked worried next to the Black Lizard Queen."She suffers here a lot!" she thought a bit scared. Sienna felt in her heart that something horrible must happen to a strong woman like Thyasse to make her resentful as this. They walked through the dark corridors when Sienna smelled the faint stench of blood. It reminded her of Dark Eagle King Aiden's dungeons really strongly!

"What is in there," Sienna pointed to the big metal door worriedly.

"My second home, the dungeon. Would you like to have a look?"Thyasse lifted her eyebrows satirically.

"No, thank you ."Sienna shivered."I'm still curious about your favourite room," she smiled sweetly.

Thyasse nodded and smiled."You will have a chance to visit it later."

"I think I prefer gardens more, "Sienna smiled gently just to hide her fear," and pools with roses." she sighed at the memory of Sand City Castle gardens.

"Hm, I have a pool of blood if you like, is good for the skin," Thyasse noted.

"I heard that somewhere..."Sienna shook a bit remembering the dark tale of the bloodthirsty duchess," But it does not work like that! You will have to take the plasma from your own blood and inject it into your face for it to work." she noted.

"What did you just say?"Thyasse looked at her in shock.

"Well, it is an experimental beauty treatment I heard about."Sienna shook her shoulders innocently.

"Did you try it?"Thyasse asked curiously.

"No, I prefer to get old naturally", Sienna noted.

"Easy to talk, with your pretty face." Thyasse hissed.

"Well, you are also pretty," Sienna smiled carefully.

"Come, I will show you something you never saw." Thyasse led her to a massive black door with skulls carved into the dark wood!

Meanwhile, in the dark Throne Room, Marath glanced at Mathyas."Even lovelier than the picture, you did so well son." he chuckled." Tell me, how did you get her from Sarcos?" he asked curiously.

"He wanted to sneak her to Sand City in secret. He sent her with just two weak kings to blend into the countryside well. I just came to pick her up really." Matyas chuckled.

Marath nodded with a smile. He was hungry to hear more!

"So how did she react when she saw you?" He asked.

"At first, she was kind of happy to see me, she thought I came to say farewell to her!"Mathyas chuckled."Then she got suspicious but pretended everything is fine. When she found out I'm taking her, she just walked away! "Matyas shook his head."I had one of the kings who were escorting her to bring her back. I think she is a bit scared of him. He is an ape. The other one is a black panther, she likes him more. She listens to them quite well surprisingly."

"How interesting." Marath smiled."So how do you find her now?"

"Beautiful but too wild! You have no idea how enraging she can be. Like wildfire, reckless, stubborn and fragile. You just flick your finger wrong and she is dead, father."Mathyas shook his head.

"Well, that sounds like a little sweet challenge ." Marath chuckled. "You are a man now, show it to her or I will!"

Mathyas looked at his father and bit his lips."I will have to protect Sienna from him too!" he sighed in his mind.

"I like to meet that two weak kings, where are they?"Marath asked.

"They are waiting in the Big Hall with our warriors, father. They would not fight me, so I just took them along to help with the stubborn queen. I will send them back when our revenge is done." Mathyas nodded.

Marath smiled and went to talk to Ramse and Xander. The two kings sat at the table chatting nonchalantly with the Black Lizard warriors but looked worried.

"Welcome to the underworld, dear kings."Marat came closer to them.

"Old king Marath," Ramse noted," Nice to see you again."

"You grow to a strong man Ramse."Marath nodded approvingly." What you are even doing here? Don't you have a nice queen yet?" he asked a bit mockingly.

"I want the Sarcos's one!" Ramse sighted." But she doesn't want me yet!"

"So are you being the pathetic guardian then?"Marath chuckled.

"Kind of." Ramse bit his lips.

"And you?"Marath turned his attention to the handsome Panther King.

"I'm king Xander, the Black Panther King. I'm helping Ramse to protect the queen. "Xander smirked cheekily.

"Really? Well, you kind of failed at that."Marath chuckled.

"Your son is simply too powerful, is no point to fight him. Our job is to keep the queen well and alive."Xander noted.

"Well, she will just fine with my son and me." Marath nodded." Wait here then, I will call for you when Sarcos is dead to say your goodbyes. "Marath noted and left.

Ramse and Xander looked at each other." He must be crazy!"

Mathyas was in the kitchen arranging some grapes and buns for Sienna in the silver bowl. He got them at the market the same morning just before he left Moss City.

Marath suddenly came to check on him."What is this? "he stared at the bread buns.

"Grapes and bread buns. It is for the Sarcos's queen."Mathyas noted coldly.

"Why are you preparing it?"Marath asked curiously.

"Well, I invited the queen for dinner with us, so I get a few things she might like to eat," Mathyas said.

"Don't give it to her just like that. You don't want to spoil her. "Marat smiled cheekily."She is a prisoner, let her try our food first, maybe she will like it," he smiled a bit wickedly.

"I doubt it. You saw she is different from us," Mathyas said carefully.

"Yes, she is surely soft as the bread buns, she eats."Marath chuckled."Leave it to me son, I will make her eat from your hand willingly. "Marath smiled.

"Do as you think father. "Mathyas said and went. It was no point to argue with the old lizard!