Flying bunny

Thyasse ran to Marath. The tears of anger were at the edge of her yellow eyes."Mathyas made a garden for the little brat. "You never even thought of making me a garden."

"But you have your little skull collection, no?"Marath looked at her interested." It looks like the emotions started to come back into her suddenly.

"I still miss her skull. Then the garden will be mine!"Thyasse hissed.

"Don't even think about it. You are not allowed outside anyway." Marath shook his head.

"Why you are so unfair to me?! I have to look at how they walk holding hands around the garden. When you will hold my hand? Why you can't go garden with me? I will not run away anyway. I just did not see the sun outside for twenty years!"Thyasse raged.

"I will think about it."Marath nodded."If you keep yourself contained I might take you out for a walk." he said thinking.

"Really?" the glim of hope lightened Thyasse's face.

"Wait and see."Marath smiled."I want you to be nice to the little brat as well. I want a big happy family." he said seriously.

"Sure!"Thyasse nodded.

Marath went to check the gardens. He had to say they look really nice. He caught Mathyas in the corridors."I see you made a garden for your queen. They are beautiful. You look in love, but you should show her you are a man, her master."Marath lectured his son.

"But that is what I'm doing father. As a man, I need to take care of her and she needs fresh air every day. "Mathyas shook his head a bit confused.

"You need to show her, where is her place."Marath smiled.

"Yes, father. In my heart !" Mathyas nodded."I'm working on it."

"No, you silly boy, under your feet."Marath shook his head."Who made you that soft? I want to see you being firm with her. You need to show me you are her master. It looks like she is affecting you too much, "Marath shook his head."I want you to show her, you are her master or I will!" Marath looked at Mathyas sharply.

"Do you want her that much father?" Mathyas looked at him.

"Pretty much, yes!"Marath nodded.

"But the deal was she will be mine, I gave my word," Mathyas said calmly.

"To a dead enemy."Marath chuckled."We have a bet!"He licked his lips.

Mathyas looked a bit worried." Why don't you get some other concubine from our tribe?"

"Because I have taste for her. She is a little soft pillow for my tired head." Marath chucked.

"But she said she liked me. She let me kiss her and held my hand."Mathyas smiled dreamily.

"You mean the little child-like kisses..."Marath chuckled," I can let you kiss her like that any time. You can be a big brother if that is what you like."

"What do you mean father?"Mathyas furrowed his brows.

"When you kiss passionately, you actually put your tongue in her mouth and have a taste of her."Marath chuckled.

"Why did she not do that with me?"Mathyas asked a bit enraged.

"Well, she just tried to warm you up I guess, most females wait for a man to initiate the passionate kiss."Marath shook his shoulders."But you are hardly a man and she is too young to know what is good for her!"Marath chuckled."You never had a female, how do you want to satisfy a queen who had 4 strong mates?" he doubted him."You better give her to me and don't embarrass yourself."

"Well, the mother does not look very happy," Mathyas noted.

"Well, she got you, so she must be happy at some point."Marath grinned."So go show the little queen you can act as her master or I will."Marath sent Mathyas off.

"Yes, father."Mathyas nodded and went to see Sienna in the drawing room.

Sienna already painted the figurines and was drawing ideas for her little handbag. She had to take her mind off the skeleton warrior because it was driving her crazy. When Mathyas opened the door she smiled cheerfully at him."Hello Mathyas," She tried to be nice to him.

When he was gentle and kind, she actually started to like him more!

Mathyas smiled, and picked her into his arms." I came to show you my office!" he said firmly. He kissed her forehead and put her back on the floor. Then he took her hand and pulled her behind him a bit excited, a bit serious and a little worried.

Sienna was surprised but did not protest. She felt he is trying to show her, he is a strong man, so she let him. But it sounded really weird to her! "Why do I want to go to his office?" she thought."Well at least is not a bedroom." she chuckled in her head nervously.

Mathyas went thru the dark corridors and entered his office. He sat on his big boss's black leather chair, still holding Sienna on his lap and moved her slowly to sit on his knees.

Sienna circled his neck to hold on and smiled, but said nothing, she was waiting for him to start.

Mathyas ran his finger on her cheek."You look so beautiful. I'm glad you will be my queen."

Sienna smiled sweetly and nodded. He was behaving too much like a playing strong man. But she felt he is kind of clueless.

"Thank you for my new garden."Sienna kissed his cheek and hugged him.

Mathyas held her in a tight embrace, "Her body is really so soft and comfortable..." he thought."I should keep the" soft pillow" away from my father." he chuckled in his mind.

Suddenly Mathyas noted his father entered the room quietly as a ghost. Marath looked into Mathyas's eyes and a wicked smile passed his lips. He came to see his son with the little queen!

Mathyas felt his heart freeze suddenly. He decided to show his father that he is Sienna's master! He tighten his grip and pulled Sienna slowly off his embrace and look into her beautiful face. Sienna smiled at him kindly.

"You are too heavy, get off now!" Mathyas said coldly.

Sienna looked at him a bit confused but then her strong tiger eyes took over! She hugged his neck even tighter, swinging her legs in the air."Well, I ate well and slept well, so you are right about that! But if you can't handle me, you need to train more, not just your magic booboo thing!"Sienna smiled a bit mockingly and get off his lap slowly.

Then she looked at him as a wild tigress who wants to eat her prey."Otherwise, if I step on your toes, you might die for it!"She stamped on his foot strongly and turned to leave.

And then she noticed her vampire father-in-law standing shocked near the doors! "Hi, Marath."She smiled at him, curtsy a little and went to pass him, but he grabbed her arm strongly."Is this how you talk to my son, the king?"

Sienna looked at him sweetly."My future mate, no? As everybody decided for me..." she smiled a bit bitterly.'"Please give us some privacy father in law. Or do you want to hold your son's hand as he will mate me too?" she lifted her eyebrow satirically.

Marath pulled her closer to him, he felt the wild energy from her and it made his blood boil! He looked at her really hungrily!

"Or you do it with me instead of him just to help?"Sienna hissed seductively.

Marath opened his mouth when Mathyas said."You are right, I can do training grounds from your new garden! I will make sure all the flowers are gone!"

Sienna slipped out of Marath's grip.

"Well, Sarcos could have a garden and training ground as well. But if you want to be just half good as him it is your choice."Sienna said pitifully.

"I said not to mention his name."Mathyas hissed.

"Next week, no? I have still a few days left."Sienna glared at him.

"Don't try my patience!"Mathyas looked at her hard. All the kindness was gone!

"You are the one who is impatient, my sweet Black Lizard King!"Sienna puckered her lips satirically.

"I think Sienna likes to see our dungeon!" Marath said seriously.

"No, I do not want to disturb your wife."Sienna shook her head.

"What? What will Thyasse do in the dungeon?"Marath asked a bit surprised.

"Scaring the prisoners to death, no? Or maybe eating them? "Sienna smiled a bit wickedly."Or enjoying slashing their backs with her whip and singing lullaby."Sienna laughed a bit crazily.

"Are you getting crazy?"Mathyas frowned his face.

"Of course not! I'm a little bunny flying in the wind!"Sienna laughed crazily and ran to the garden!

"What was that?"Marath asked a bit surprised."Is she getting crazy?"

"I think she needs to get out more. Let me keep an eye on her father before she does something stupid!" said Mathyas worriedly and went after her.

Sienna run to the garden. Xander who was waiting for her in the corridors ran after her.

"Xander, we need to run. I think the old king will definitely kill me after this!"Sienna panted heavily.

Xander nodded. He changed to a man and led Sienna behind the rose bushes, there was a small opening behind the flowers, covered with stones and fresh dirt.

"It is just a top bit we need to uncover. Quickly let's open it!"Xander whispered to her.

They both start digging frantically with their hands! Just then Xander heard slight steps."Mathyas is coming, we are busted!"Xander whispered.

"Play along, "Sienna whispered. Xander changed to a panther quickly and let the flowers cover the secret door again as a blooming curtain. Sienna picked up some fresh dirt into her lap and stepped away from the secret door. She kneeled on the soft ground and started to dig the fresh dirt and form a little grave from it, crying softly.

Mathyas come to a garden and found Sienna covered in mud. Crying and digging with her bare hands!

"What are you doing? You are all messed up. "he towered over her suspiciously.

"I'm burying a ladybird."Sienna cried."I stepped on it by accident as I ran from you, it is your fault you upset me so much."Sienna cried."Poor little ladybird."Sienna sobbed.

Mathyas lifted Sienna up into the air with his magic."Are you playing with me?"

Sienna felt so weightless in the air."Aaaa." she screamed in surprise. It was the first time ever she float in the air by herself! She kicked her legs and laughed crazily. Then she looked at the sky and sang a catchy melody;

"I'm a little bunny flying in the wind,

my hands go up and I can sing!

The golden sun shines so high above,

jumping over the rainbow is my soul.

Clouds drank my tears, the sky is bright,

and everything in my world is just right!"

Sienna felt so scared as in Thurssa's castle, so the rhymes comes to her naturally again! Sienna decided to be just crazy.

Mathyas stared speechless and looked at Xander. Panther stood in shock as well. He was not sure if she is pretending or not!

"I think you should stop using your spells on her, or she can become really crazy..." he looked at Mathyas worriedly.

"Do you think so?"Mathyas furrowed his brows.

"I never saw her like this!"Panther said visibly shocked."Well, Sarcos never used his magic on her. Better to put her down and go call Ramse. He might have some medicine to calm her down!"Xander was in awe.

Mathyas nodded."Ok, change to man. You will take her down."

Xander changed to a man and picked Sienna down from the air as a ripe plum. Sienna did not want to face Mathyas yet or go down into the dark room at all. She kicked her legs wildly."Bunny wants to fly, put me back up."

Mathyas looked at the handsome panther holding Sienna in his arms and jealousy clenched his heart suddenly. "Maybe, if I kill Xander you will sober."

Sienna looked at him with wild laughter."You are not sober!"She hugged Xander tightly."I'm not giving you my pretty black panther, find another toy! You act like a stupid king! Let his father dictate his life and his mother beat him up. You must be clearly frustrated and you went it on me. Anyway being stupid is far worse than being crazy." Sienna nodded."My condolences."

Mathyas was getting enraged."I will show you being stupid!"His hand lifted Xander holding Sienna into the air. He smashed them both at the rocks!

Sienna screamed, but Xander protected her and dodged the impact. He concentrated on his love for Sienna to lower the effects of Mathyas magic and use his panther-like movements not to get smashed.

Ramse heard Sienna screaming, so he went to check it out. He saw Sienna hugging Xander as Mathyas float them in the air, trying to smash them on the rocks!

"Mathyas stop, she is provoking you to kill her! Old tricks, Sienna!"Ramse shook his head.

"Tricks?"Mathyas stopped suddenly.

"Yes."Ramse nodded as if it was normal."She will say whatever just to enrage you, she has fun with it. It is a kind of a test of how strong you are." Ramse noted.

"A test?"Mathyas was getting confused.

"Strong men see the joke, but weak ones fall for it. She told me before." Ramse pointed at Sienna, who bit her lips guiltily."Ramse is really good with talking, no wonder Sarcos liked him." she thought.

"Are you calling me weak?" Mathyas frowned.

"No, just explaining what she is doing."Ramse sighted."I fall for it before as well." he shrugged his shoulders innocently.

Mathyas lowered Sienna and Xander down.

Sienna closed her eyes and just held Xander. She did not want to face Mathyas at all!

Then she felt a hand pinch her chin lightly."Next time, I will be not so lenient with you. I will kill him and punish you."Mathyas said seriously.

Sienna bit her lips."Just don't kiss me anymore. I can't stand traitors!"

"I'm a king here, I will do what I want."Mathyas chuckled. He found her quite cute now.

Sienna's blue eyes opened abruptly."But you are not a real king. You do whatever your father tells you and have lashes on your back from your mother. You are a little baby boy. You can never measure to Sarcos!"

"Xander, take her to her room, till she gets killed."Ramse sent her back quickly.

Mathyas stared as Xander carried Sienna away. He suddenly realized he just lost his temper. He almost killed them both!

"I was called weak too."Ramse looked into his shocked face."She was right with me. I changed my thinking and become a stronger king than before. All my people are stronger now, because of her! She is not crazy, she is clever!" Ramse noted.

"Who is more powerful than me?"Mathyas looked at him desperately.

"You are powerful, but not strong. You should be strong and powerful for her to love you!"Ramse noted.

"Do you want to join me for the hunt?"Mathyas asked him.

" Sure," Ramse nodded. It was a good idea to keep the king away from Sienna for a bit.

Sienna was with Xander in her room. He put her down and Sienna slipped on the cold floor and sobbed.

"I'm so sorry Xander. I almost got you killed!" she looked into his sparkly eyes.

"You almost got us both killed, Sienna! Did you go crazy up there?"Xander looked at her curiously.

"Just a little bit," Sienna nodded."I felt so scared as in a Spider Castle suddenly. "she whispered ."Xander, I really want to go away from here."

"Be patient, Ramse have a good plan," he whispered.

"Just take this messed dress off and go for a bath. You are covered in mud."Xander noted."And keep singing in the bathroom, I do not trust you today!" he looked at her firmly.

Sienna nodded and went.

Xander changed to a panther and the dirt from the garden fall off him, forming a tiny hill on the floor. "Burying a ladybird! Where did she get that idea?" he shook his head and listen to Sienna's sad singing from the bathroom." I really hope she will not get crazy here." he sighed.