Blooming garden

Ramse and Mathyas went to the forest. Ramse found a few beautiful blooming trees. He changed into a huge ape and start ripping them out of the ground as gardeners pick up carrots!

Mathyas watched a bit shocked."You look really fierce in your ape form. No wonder Sienna doesn't want you!"

"Well, be happy you are not an ape then!"Ramse chuckled a bit bitterly and kept ripping the trees out.

"I can see why you call it the exercise now."Mathyas nodded. He was leaning on the big tree nonchalantly watching the huge white ape work!

"Can you do it in your human form too?" Mathyas asked.

"Sure," Ramse changed back and picked a few trees with their roots as nothing.

"Try it Mathyas, it is fun!" he grinned a bit cheekily.

Mathyas tried to take one tree out in his human form too, but he could not!

"You need to wiggle it out a bit," Ramse chuckled," Like this, "he twisted the tree a bit," Try now."

Mathyas took the tree out, "It was easy. Yes, it feels good." he nodded.

"I have to be more careful with him," Ramse sighed in his mind. He actually twisted the tree off his roots completely, so it was easy to take out because he saw Mathyas could not do it and he did not want to enrage him!"No wonder he calls Sienna heavy. The kiddy sorcerer needs to train more." he thought.

"You seem really strong, Ramse."Mathyas nodded.

"I work hard on levelling up. I need to catch up to Tyrell and Sharchan."Ramse nodded.

"What for?"Mathyas furrowed his brow.

"To be a strong king."Ramse shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, I'm powerful enough."Mathyas chuckled.

"There is a difference between strength and power. Sienna loved Sarcos because he was strong and powerful, he made her feel safe." Ramse noted carefully. "You have magic powers but you don't look strong to her yet. And the most important thing... you need to show Sienna where is her place."Ramse nodded.

"You mean like ordering her around a bit?"Mathyas asked.

"No! You need to show her, her place is in your heart."Ramse sighed.

"Aha," Marhyas nodded.

"I think we have trees enough," Ramse noted," Let's take them back."He started to lift the trees on his wide shoulders.

"I can do it much easier."Mathyas flicked his fingers and floated the trees in front of them in the air!

"That is something new." Ramse nodded."No workout for you then."He chuckled.

They took the trees to the old volcano. Mathyas called around twenty of his men to help."Take it as a form of exercise to build strength."Mathyas chuckled. "Then you can be burly like here the Ape King. I need strong warriors."Mathyas nodded. He would have fun watching his men work!

Ramse organized the men into a few groups. Some of them were cutting overgrown tree branches, some cutting long grass, some building neat stony walkways and some taking care of big bonfires to burn the cut-off branches and grass.

Mathays had to agree that Ramse knew what he was doing." Make it ready for tomorrow morning then."He nodded approvingly and left.

"Sure..."Ramse smiled sneakily. His plan was working well!

Sienna finished her modelling and left the figures to dry. Outside was getting dark already, so she went with Xander back to her room. She went for a bath and get ready for bed. She was still stuffed from pancakes, so she just ate a small bowl of grapes, brushed her teeth with a soda bicarbonate cleansing powder from Sarcos's treasure cave, ate a mint leaf and went to bed. She looked at the black panther sitting next to her."Xander, thank you for being here."

Xander nodded, "Go to sleep, I will always guard you."

When Mathyas went to check on Sienna, she was sleeping. Mathyas kissed her forehead gently."Sleep well, my queen."He felt his heart flutter as he looked at her. He felt like a strong man suddenly. He had someone to take care of. The panther lay by the window guarding, watching him quietly.

"You are quite a good pet, Xander. Pitty I can't keep you."Mathyas whistled at him entertained.

"Sure, at your service." Xander's sparkly eyes blinked innocently but he was raging inside. If Mathyas was not a sorcerer, he would beat him to mush!

Ramse was working deep into the night. The lizards could see well in the dark, so gardens were forming quite quickly. Ramse planted his forest trees into deep holes lizards dug for him and moved the flowers around. He ordered a simple pergola and gazebo from woodworkers as well and help them to set it up. Ramse smiled satisfied. He was glad he was working so hard before building his Waterfall City, he learned a lot of things and now he can use them well. He made sure the entrance to his secret tunnel was well covered with rosebushes."Sienna was quite right to enrage me so much before," he chuckled!

As the new morning came, Mathyas went to see the garden. They looked luxurious and pleasant. His men were half dead from working so hard, but Mathyas was satisfied. Ramse showed him around, he was covered in mud but cheerful. He did not look as if he was working all night at all!

"You did well."Mathyas nodded.

"Thank you. Now you can go pick the little queen and walk her around. Hold her hand and be a little romantic to make her fall more for you."Ramse noted.

"Romantic? What is that?"Mathyas asked.

"Like hold her hand, tell her she is beautiful, walk around slowly, stare into her eyes, ask her silly questions and give her some flowers," Ramse noted.

"Where did you come up with this stuff?" Mathyas shook his head.

"It is not me, I got it from Xander. It works."Ramse chuckled.

"Why does she need more flowers for? I just gave her the whole garden?" Mathyas shook his head.

"Because she likes to wear them in her hair," Ramse noted."The women just like it, so do it, hm?"Ramse smiled. He left the puzzled Black Lizard King in the garden and went to rest.

When Sienna woke up to a new day. She felt a bit tired and a bit worried. She sat in the bed and sighed. Xander sat next to her as a black panther."Good morning, get up and eat, your new garden is waiting with the eager king Mathyas. Ramse was working really hard all night, so appreciate it."He chuckled.

"Ramse made me the garden overnight?"Sienna shook her head a bit confused.

"Yes, he made gardens in Waterfall City for you too. It is his new hobby."Xander chuckled a bit wildly."I saw them, they are exquisite."

"He did?"Sienna open her eyes wide and petted his head.

"Sure, he will do anything for you. As me."Xander shook his head."Just make sure to keep Mathyas away from the rose bushes, we have a secret tunnel there to take you out." Xander whispered quietly.

"You have a tunnel already?"Sienna whispered and felt her heart flutter excitedly.

"We are simply amazing!" Xander chuckled." No, most of it was there already, I just cleared it out to make it walkable." he said quietly.

Sienna shook her head in disbelief."They are working so hard just to get me out."She thought. Her heart felt warm suddenly and she felt so excited and happy inside. She pressed her forehead on Xander's one. "Thank you, my strong black panther."She whispered.

Sienna get off the bed and started to get ready. She went to the bathroom and put on a warm blue velvet dress. She went out to brush her hair when Xander pushed her to the table.

"Ramse kept for you a few pancakes from yesterday with your breakfast, to help you stay sweet to a wizard boy. "Xander sighed." I wish to be stronger and take you away right now. It sucks that you have to protect us like this. "he said a bit upset.

Sienna petted his head."You are my rock here, you and Ramse. I will be long dead if not for you. Is hard to fight against magic. Don't be so hard on yourself. "She kissed his forehead.

"Don't get me killed, "Xander growled.

"Well, you are my pet, why I can't kiss you, "Sienna asked a bit surprised. Panther always liked her kisses before!

"Because I want to see the day when I will be your mate and kiss you all over!"Xander growled quietly.

"Shush!" Sienna blushed as a rose in bloom."You are so daring Xander the Cute king."She chuckled.

Sienna brushed her hair quickly and ate her oaty breakfast. Then she just gobbled up the pancakes as an impatient kid!

Xander stared."And I was thinking you can't go savage!"

"I'm just a bit nervous. Mathays is definitely coming soon."Sienna looked at the panther and smeared the thick layer of lipgloss on her lips. "I better take this with me..." she sighed and hid the tiny tin in the top part of her bra. "Why do these dresses have no pockets." she sighed."I need to make a little handbag." she moaned.

Mathyas came shortly to pick Sienna up to show her her new garden. "Sienna, are you ready?"

"Good morning, Mathyas. Sure. Where are we going?" she smiled sweetly at him.

"To see your new garden of course." he smiled proudly. It felt so good to keep his word so fast! Sienna nodded excitedly and took his arm. She walked clenched into him down the corridors. Sienna glanced at him a few times, he looked still so serious but a bit softer today.

When they came to the open volcano, Sienna was in awe. It looked like a hidden secret garden! The black rocks were circling it all around, the wild blue, white and pink flowers hanging down from steep black rock walls. The trees were formed elegantly and there were some beautiful blooming trees and flowers around little stoned walkways. Sienna was enchanted. It was much better than she expected. She felt her heart clench." Ramse made all this for me overnight just to hide the secret tunnel." she thought.

Mathyas watched her excited face with satisfaction. Suddenly he flicked his fingers and Sienna saw the sky above them move in a whirly circle suddenly.

"What is that?"She pressed to Mathyas tighter.

"A little force field." he chuckled."Is still not safe outside for you, so this will make this garden invisible from the air."He smiled. He liked to feel her body pressed on his. It felt good."Just make sure you are with me, Xander or Ramse when you go out here."Mathyas noted.

Sienna kissed his cheek."Thank you, I really like my garden."

Mathyas kissed her lips slowly." Anything for you!"

Sienna smiled."Now, we can walk, no?"She took his hand excitedly.

Mathyas nodded.

Sienna had a nice walk with Mathyas. He managed to put a pretty blue flower in her hair and listened to her sweet chit-chat. Sienna was praising him a lot and was excited about every little thing in her garden! Mathyas was staring at her full pink shiny lips thinking about a good moment to put her down on the cushions in the gazebo and kiss her again.

After a quite long walk, Sienna stretched her back a little."I'm getting cold. I like to finish my figurines for my fairy garden."She smiled."Your father said he will come to have a look at it, so I can't disappoint him." she chuckled innocently.

Mathyas heart clenched in instant."My father?"

"Yes, he came to see me yesterday."Sienna nodded. "I did not know he likes art too."

"He sure does."Mathyas nodded in a freezing tone."Come, I will take you up. " Mathyas walked Sienna up the corridors and whistled at Xander as they passed by his room. He treated him as a dog!

Sienna looked at his serious face and felt his mood get a bit freezing."Maybe I should not tell him about his father, but at least he will try to hold him away from me." she thought a bit worried.

Xander came out of his room and a big panther. "Take Sienna to the drawing room, "Mathyas sat her on Xander's back." I will come to see you later," he kissed her forehead and went to his library. He was trying to figure out how to get the essence of magic from his father without killing him!