A little surprise visit

After Sienna was completely stuffed with pancakes, she wanted to go back to the drawing room. She saw white clay in there in the morning and wanted to model a few little statues to decorate her new garden. She wanted to make a little fairy garden in there wherever it was! She hoped not to stay long with Mathyas, but maybe, in the future, the new Mathyas's queen will have something cheerful to look at in the gloomy underworld at least. "Besides, the more busy I am, the less time for kisses."She chuckled in her mind and walked the corridors up to the top floors excitedly.

Ramse and Mathyas walked slowly behind her chatting.

"Thank you for making her a garden, she really needs fresh air every day. I see you take care of her as a real man should."Ramse nodded appreciatingly."I will be happy to help you build it," Ramse offered his help carefully.

"You know how to build gardens? Are you not supposed to be a king?"Mathyas chuckled a bit.

"Well, I just finished lavish gardens in my Waterfall City. I'm not afraid of work. It is good for building up strength and impressing a special female."Ramse shook his shoulders nonchalantly.

"Aha," Mathyas smiled knowingly."You made gardens for Sienna in your city already! Pity she will never see them!" he chuckled.

"True, it is a pity, but if I can help you impress her here is still good. I just want her to be happy here."Ramse nodded a bit painfully.

"Well, I must say your methods are surely working."Mathyas nodded.

"I'm glad you are satisfied. If you can stay with Sienna a little longer, I will go search for a good place for a garden right now. And I will send Xander later on for you to approve it, hm?"Ramse asked carefully.

"Ok, go on then."Mathyas nodded. He liked to be by himself with Sienna anyway. Ramse went outside and Mathyas caught up with Sienna. He offered her his arm and she clenched to it happily."Ramse went to find a place for your new garden. Do you mind if I take you to the drawing room?" he asked her gently, but it was not really a question!

"Of course not. I like your company."Sienna nodded."Do you want to do some clay modelling with me?" she asked sweetly.

"No."Mathays shook his head."I will just watch you till Xander will come. I have still work to do. I want to design you the most beautiful garden."

"You are so kind."Sienna smiled," I'm not that picky, I just need a little place to walk and maybe a little gazebo to sit under or a pergola with flowers."She sighed longingly.

"Sure, I will give you anything you want."Mathyas nodded. He felt such a man now!

Mathyas brought Sienna up to the drawing room. He led her to the window and held her waist."Look out, all this will be yours, my queen."He smiled gently.

Sienna stared at mountain rocks, dark forests and wetlands lakes covered in a soft mist. It was a total wilderness!

"It is wild and beautiful," she nodded.

"As you!"Mathays turned her around and kissed her lips gently.

Sienna giggled."I come for modelling here and you are distracting me already." she slipped out of his embrace cheekily.

Mathyas went after her. He picked her up and sat on the table."You're so beautiful and wild. I have to tame you." he held her hips and leaned onto her to kiss her again.

"Just take your time my king," Sienna whispered and circled his neck hugging him tightly. She held her head on his chest for a bit. Mathyas petted her hair again and felt happy.

Just then Xander came inside. He stared at Mathyas holding Sienna."I'm sorry to interrupt, but Ramse found a great place for a garden in the old volcano. He has the plan to discuss with you."He stared at Mathyas.

"Wery well."Mathyas pecked Sienna's forehead and went.

Sienna sighed in relief. Xander came just in time!

She took the white soft clay from a waxed fabric packet and started to model, sitting on the table and swinging her legs...

Mathyas came to the old volcano, it was overgrown with wildflowers and vegetation. Ramse stood over a small cleared patch and draw something with a stick into the soft dirt."What do you think Mathyas?" he asked him,

"Well, is surely green enough," Mathays nodded.

"Yes, it just needs a clear-out and trims, and a few new blooming trees. I will bring them from the forest," Ramse noted.

"You will go bring trees?"Mathyas asked surprised.

"Yes, you can join me if you like," Ramse said nonchalantly.

"I want to see that."Mathyas nodded and went out with him.

Meanwhile, Sienna sat on top of the heavy table and started to model. She was relaxed somehow and felt a bit safer when Mathyas acted kind and gentle.

The big wooden door opened quietly and Marath slipped inside the drawing room as a ghost. Only Xander noted him straight away, Sienna was turned by her side to the door and was playing with the clay happily.

Marath scanned the room with his red eyes and saw beautiful Sienna with long golden hair in the wine-red dress sitting on the table and playing with white clay. The huge panther lay under the window and just watched him.

"How are you doing little queen?"Marath looked at her curiously.

Sienna lifted her head a bit shocked. She stared at his pale face, red eyes and a bit cheeky smile. He was still a man at his full strength and he projected confidence. His long white hair were styled in a plait, which made him look more exotic than old. He wore a black warrior-style kimono and light armour. He looked kind of dangerous, kind of curious, a little bit cruel, kind of making Sienna a bit confused and worried!

"Quite well, thanks to your son," Sienna smiled politely... "she hopped off the table and curtsy to him lightly. There were no jokes with the vampire father! Sienna was not sure what to call him.

Marath looked at the things she was modelling from the white clay."A little unicorn?" he asked surprised."Playing as a little girl. You should bear sons instead. Every day you are not pregnant is a waste with your hips!" He shooked his head and pressed Sienna's hips gently. He held her firmly at arm's distance and just looked at her closely.

"Well, I'm sure Mathyas will do his best when this week ends." Sienna blushed and bit her lips."I'm just trying to recover a bit."She looked innocently at him.

"Sure, sure, is good when the mother is relaxed while conceiving a child."He nodded. "Take your time then. You still have a few days left."He chuckled and lifted her back at the table really easily. Sienna noticed he is stronger than Mathyas for sure!"Thank you." She smiled and modelled on her little unicorn again.

Marath watched her curiously."How do you find my son?"

"He is very caring and kind."Sienna bit her lips."And handsome."

"More than me?"Marath lifted his eyebrow.

"I think he is handsome after you and his mother."Sienna smiled gently.

"Clever answer, "Marath nodded."But let me press you. Who is more handsome?"

"I think you both are handsome, but for me, kindness is more important," Sienna said quietly.

"Kindness?"Marath asked surprised.

"Yes. If somebody is cruel, he will be never handsome for me, however good he may look."Sienna nodded.

"What about if someone is really ugly but kind."Marath teased her.

"I can like a person who is kind."Sienna nodded.

"But can you mate them?"Marath asked. He got so much fun questioning her!

"Why mate straight away, where is the value of friendship?" Sienna smiled innocently.

"So can you?" he was not letting her off easily.

"Maybe yes. I don't know. Theoretically, when you love someone, it does not matter that much, no?"Sienna was blushing at his really personal interrogations!

"What if you just like him and you have to mate, but he is really ugly? Imagine his face is all scarred."Marath licked his lips, this was getting interesting for him.

"I turn the light off probably and close my eyes?"Sienna said innocently.

"Hahaha. You are so entertaining."Marath chuckled. He got so much fun teasing her.

"I think we can go quite well together." he looked at her entertained. "You can call me by my name," he nodded."Marath. Ok?"

"Yes."Sienna nodded innocently.

"Say it." He looked into her blue eyes firmly.


"Good."Marath chuckled."I will be happy to keep you company sometimes."

"Sure, we can play chess."Sienna smiled sweetly."Just today my hands are dirty from the clay."

"I don't mind, "Marath picked some clay as well."I like art."

"You do?" Sienna smiled at him sincerely.

"Yes, I like painting and calligraphy myself."He said seriously as he quickly modelled a little white lizard from his clay.

"Here, it is for you, for good luck." he gave it to her confidently.

"Thank you, Marath..."Sienna smiled gently.

Marath nodded."What you will give me in return?"

"A kiss on the cheek?" Sienna said innocently.

"Here," Marath gave her his cheek pointing with his finger where he wanted the kiss.

Sienna gave him a childish peck on the cheek. She noticed his skin was pale and smooth as Mathyas's one.

"I like it."He nodded."I got a kiss for a little lizard, what I will get if I make you a big one?" he asked to tease her again.

"Two kisses."Sienna smiled sweetly."

"And for a huge one?"Marath asked.

Sienna chuckled and swing her legs on the table like a big kid."It will be not a lizard but a d..."

"Sienna!"Xander interrupted her harshly.

"She knows of it?"Marath looked at Xander a bit surprised.

"Not from us."Xander shook his head."Maybe from before."

"Watch well!"Marath nodded.

"Know what?" Sienna asked confused.

"Just don't say the word you wanted to say loud. Never!"Marath noted seriously.

"Ok? "Sienna nodded. She found them both really weird.

"And make that unicorn a bit bigger. I will come to see it in your garden."Marath smiled."I better go now." He came to Sienna and kissed her forehead lightly."Have good fun little queen and you Xander, guard well." he said firmly.

"Bye, Marath, "Sienna waved to him as he went out of the door.

She looked at Xander and breathe out in relief.

Xander looked at her a bit sarcastically."It looks like your father-in-law came to check you out." he chuckled bitterly.

"Don't joke like this."Sienna shook her head.

"Well, your hips look really yummy to me too."Xander licked his lips. "Can you imagine how cute children we might have?" he asked her gently.

"Just calm down, ok?"Sienna bit her lips."I need to concentrate on my modelling."

"Do I disturb you?"Xander could not stop. He find her so cute and wanted to tease her as well!

"Yes! You make my hands shake with your ridiculous comments!"Sienna exploded.

"Hahaha, I think you are the one who has to calm down."Xander chuckled.

"You!!!! You know what? At least you are cute! I can just look at you and ignore your talking."Sienna told him off jokingly.

"Yeee, feel free to stare..."Xander nodded and stretched his muscular panther body like a big cat.

Sienna sighed and started to model. She could not get really upset with Xander. He was just too cute!"

Marath walked down the dark corridors to free Thyasse from the dungeon."The panther is good. We almost had a visit tonight!" he chuckled in his mind.