He is crazy!

Marath with Mathyas came to the garden because they saw Cosimo is about to leave. They wanted to say their happily pitiful goodbyes to him.

Mathyas went to Sienna first. She stared at his lean tall dark figure coming to her." Is this the man Sarcos wanted me to stay with?" she thought desperately. "How could he even think I will be safe with him! True, he can protect me from everybody else apart from his mother and then he tries to kill me by himself. Ridiculous!" she raged inside.

Mathyas suddenly stood in front of her and touched her cheek."You are so pale my queen," he said gently. Sienna stared into his white face."So are you, my king."She whispered like it was a bad dream. She felt her heart thumping loudly in panic as she stared into his scarlet eyes and a freezing sensation passed thru her body.

Cosimo looked back, he heard them. Marath looked at Sienna seriously."Sienna, you are still not respectful enough." he shook his head.

Cosimo came back to them."Forgive her, my son let her off with anything, she is a bit wild. Maybe your wife can teach her." he said calmly.

"That is a good idea."Marath chuckled."I will supervise it."

"Never!" Sienna sobered up," I said nothing disrespectful to Mathyas! I will never be as wicked as your wife."She called wildly.

Mathyas pulled her by her arm to himself."Be polite to my father!" he said sternly.

"Your father wants to fuck me till I drop! Your mother wants to kill me, eat me and keep my skull for decoration. How dare you, talk to me about being polite?" she stared at him upset.

"You are still mine and you do what I want, "Mathyas said firmly.

"In your dreams."Sienna shook her head.

Marath smiled coldly."Do you want me to teach her a lesson, son?" he lifted his hand. He was curious if Mathyas will stand up to him, but Sienna looked at him with an angry tigress in her eyes." Are you going to beat me now, Marath? " she chuckled nervously.

Xander changed into a man and stood next to Sienna. He will not let anyone hit her!

Marath looked at Xander with a smirk."You want to fight me for her?" he was kind of upset his son did not do that.

Just then Ramse came in between them."Please forgive her, Marath. She is still grief-stricken mad and trying hard to get killed."He glanced at Sienna.

"Really?" Marath smiled, "That can be arranged." he hissed.

"No, it can't." said Mathyas."Come here, "he pulled Sienna closer to him forcefully.

Mathyas looked at the muscular Ape King. "Sienna has surely respect for him, he is the only one she doesn't dare to talk back to! She can't stand him as a man, let's try how much." he thought."If you don't listen to me I will order Ramse to mate you first and you got two new mates." he said resolutely.

"He will not force me," Sienna said confidently.

Mathyas smiled cruelly." And he will do it in his ape form!" he hissed.

Sienna flinched at him."Are you crazy?"

Ramse turned to help her out and then he noticed Thyasse, pointing an arrow from a silvery crossbow at Sienna's heart from one of the fortress's top-level windows!" Marath set Sienna up! If Thyasse will shoot, Marath can catch the arrow easily first and claim her from his weak son or just let her be killed."Ramse thought.

Mathyas saw his mother too and did not know what to do! He will not hurt his mother even if she will shoot Sienna dead. Mathyas was ready to catch the arrow if his father will miss, but if he could get Sienna to submit to him, he might just take her away and show his father he is a man as well!

Ramse quickly stood in front of Sienna, to block the arrow with his back, "Sarcos ordered to keep you alive by any means, if your life depends on it, I will do it. In my ape form."Ramse clenched his teeth hard. He wanted to scare Sienna into submission and take her away!

Sienna looked at Xander a bit shocked."Xander?"

Xander's hungry eyes were full of pain."And I will hold you for him..."He bit his lips too. He saw Thyasse as well and played it along with Ramse...

Ramse changed into a huge white ape. Sienna watched his deep grey eyes, grumpy face, and flowing long white hair. She stared at the ape's massive arms and pink soft hands." They will slide on your body..." she felt sick with the thought!

Sienna flinched and tried to hide behind Mathyas, but he didn't let her and held her waist tight. Mathyas saw how horrified she is, her body trembled in his arm as a leaf in the strong wind."Maybe he can take you right now, he did not promise to wait like me. Hopefully, you should be more tamed after."He hissed at her.

Sienna felt her knees wobble. The tears went into her eyes. She stared at the ape and men in front of her, but the picture went dizzy thru the tears in her eyes...

Mathyas felt that her body is losing its strength. He let go of her waist and pushed her firmly towards the ape. Sienna fell down on one knee, crouching on the ground. She breathed deeply and hide her face in her hands. She did not want to see the ape at all!

The huge white ape bend down and lift her teary face up. Ramse felt the waves of fear pass thru Sienna's body as he held her chin up in his big soft pink hand." Will you listen to Mathyas or you are going with me first now?" the ape said grumpily.

"I will listen to him. Just don't touch me!"Sienna hissed hard thru her teeth as he held her too firm. His mere touch made her body scream in panic. The angry tears went down her face.

Ramse let go of her and she hid her face in her hands again, breathing rapidly, trying to calm down. The ape looked at Mathyas waiting for orders.

Cosimo stared coldly, Marath licked his lips, it was kind of twisty for him, but Mathyas nodded satisfied.

Ramse changed back to his man form, he was raging inside. He said it for her sake. Xander's eyes shone with revenge, he was upset they had to force Sienna into submission.

Mathyas look down at the golden-haired queen coldly."Take her to her room Ramse."He said firmly."She is grounded till I will come for her tonight."

Sienna felt scared, betrayed and abandoned as never before! She was so angry, upset, humiliated and plainly raging over her own weakness. She wished to be a huge fire dragon and burn Mathyas to ashes! She breathed deeply, still holding her hands on her eyes, crouching on the ground. She would not stand up till he will order her!

But Ramse simply scooped up crouching Sienna and put her over his shoulder! He was upset and rather did not talk to her in front of Mathyas yet. Sienna felt his touch as a stingy nettle. "He betrayed me!" she was raging in her mind. She felt defeated, she felt as if her soul wants to run away to the clouds and leave everything behind.

"I will be his slave, just a body with no will of its own, a puppet..." wild tigress in Sienna's mind was raging.

"Calm down, he did not kill anyone at least," the good voice in her heart started to speak. "Till you live everything can change and get better, be patient."

"I can't stand it, aaaaahh...it hurts my soul." the angry tiger was raging inside.

"Just wait 3 more days, Sarcos is coming."the heart talked again..."Be calm and kind, patient, obedient, you can do it, pretend at least..."

"I will try, but I don't think I can last for long."The tigress finally agreed.

Ramse took Sienna to her room and dropped her into her bed. She was still hiding her eyes. Ramse and Xander crouched next to her. Ramse lifted her hands from her face forcefully. Sienna just stared at him blankly, the tears went dry, and just rage in her eyes was changing to deep sadness.

"Sienna, I'm sorry, I had to say it, Marath set you up and Thyasse was pointing a crossbow at you. We had to force you into submission, or she could kill you. Or Marath will pretend to save you and take you for himself straight away!"Ramse bit his lips guiltily.

Sienna glared at him upset."Just let them kill me then!" she hissed, but she did not meant it. She wanted just to rage at him!

"And what we should tell Sarcos when he returns? Is our responsibility to keep you alive!"Ramse glared at her firmly.

"Even against your will, he said that."Xander sighted.

"Just be a good girl and listen to Mathyas. It is just three days left! Try to make him a friend again and seduce him a bit, hm?"Ramse said gently.

"I don't like him anymore, he is too cruel to me."Sienna shook her head.

"He was just trying to keep you alive. Marath has the essence of his magic power, he is the one who actually rules here."Ramse noted.

"Will you really mate me in your ape form?" Sienna looked at him pitifully.

"Only if you want it."Ramse chuckled nervously."I will never force you, you can trust me."

"How could you even say something like that to me."Sienna moaned but felt a bit better.

"I will say and do anything to keep you alive," Ramse said firmly.

Sienna bit her lips, but smiled at him after."You are so horribly horrible. I was really thinking you are going to take me." she shooked her head.

"I'm glad I did not disappoint you."Ramse grinned a bit upset she can't stand his ape."The ape is not as unpleasant as it seems, if you will be nice to him, he can be reasonable, we both love you. We both are here to protect you. Just trust us." Ramse noted.

"No, he is too scary and grumpy to me," Sienna shook her head.

"You better get used to my ape. I will never let go of you anyway."Ramse smiled a bit wildly.

Sienna stared into Ramse's eyes and saw he loved her. She shook her head."Forget it, I know they forced you."

Ramse smiled confidently in his head."You will go over the ape eventually."

"I hope Mathyas will be able to protect you from his mother. She is really after your skull."Ramse noted worriedly.

"He is so unfair to me, he is so weak with her and cruel to me. You are at least a man, not a kid inside," Sienna looked at Ramse and sighed.

Ramse felt so warm in his heart suddenly.

"He is a wingy sorcerer overgrown kid," Xander noted.

"I really want to go away from here."Sienna sighed.

"We still have a secret tunnel in the garden, if you can't stand it here, I take you out before Sarcos will come. He can surely find his way home by himself."Xander hugged her shoulders.

Sienna nodded with excitement, but then she looked sadly at him.

"It will be easier with Sarcos, I don't want you two to get hurt."She bit her lips."I will try my best to wait it out ." she nodded.

"But if he does not come on time, we do it anyway ."Xander nodded.

"And what about Sarcos's father? He said he will drag me back from anywhere."Sienna bit her lips.

"Marco will be able to take him on definitely, Cosimo is not so strong as Sarcos."I think they got a grudge already. "Ramse noted. "Marco is here, waiting in your treasure caves," Ramse whispered.

Sienna smiled longingly."Marco."The picture of the strong stern eagle in her mind. It made her heart warm a bit more.

"He brought Cosimo with Bran. Just Mathyas don't let him in to see you. Try to be sweet to him and patient."Ramse noted.

"It will give us time to prepare the way out in case Sarcos is late," Ramse noted to her.

"Thank you," Sienna nodded. She fall backwards on her bed and stared at the stony sealing."Will I be able to pretend to be a puppet?"