The heavy word of the stupid king

Sienna ate her lunch really slowly. She was sitting behind the wooden table in her room and staring at the window with decorated bars. Ramse brought her sweet fruit rice, grapes and apples. It was tasty, but she felt distracted. The pictures of the big white ape were coming into her mind, mixed with Mathyas's cold face and Cosimo's grin.

"Come on, eat up and don't play with the food!" Ramse said firmly behind her."You look like your soul went away."

"I'm to be a puppet. Does the puppet need a soul?"Sienna held her head in her hands.

"Don't be so difficult," Ramse ran his hand on her head, petting her gently."Enough, that Xander is gloomy."

Ramse lifted her head and stuck the few last spoons of rice in her mouth."Eat up!"

Sienna did as he said, she had no strength to fight him.

"Well, done! You managed." he chuckled."Now take an apple and go draw something. I don't like to see you so idle."

Sienna took an apple from his hand and smiled sweetly."Am I a good puppet then, Ramse?" she said sarcastically.

"The best one!" he chuckled."Draw something nice, hm?"

Sienna sat on her bed and draw mindlessly, she could not concentrate or enjoy anything! She was scared of what Mathyas will order her! Long before dawn she went for a bath and put on a warm nightgown, and went to sleep.

When Mathyas came to her room at dawn he found Sienna sleeping already. The black panther laying under the window lifted his head and growled."She is not feeling well again, so Ramse sent her to sleep."

Mathyas sat next to Sienna on the bed. She looked so alluring! He touched her hair and kissed her lips. One time, two times, three times... Then he stared for a bit and shook her lightly."Wake up!" he took off her blanket and shook her again. Sienna moaned sleepily and woke up dizzily. Mathyas sat her up and pulled her out of the bed by her hand."Come to my room. You sleep with me tonight. "He looked into her eyes firmly. Sienna was kind of still sleepy and followed him quietly in the dark corridors. His room was quite close to hers, but she started to sober up. She started to remember their last encounter and fear crept into her heart!

Mathyas brought her into his black and silver decorated bedroom and showed her to his bed. Sienna lay down as he said and teared up. She could not hold the pressure of feeling scared any more!

Mathyas lay next to her and lifted over her a bit. He kissed her forehead slowly."Don't cry any more. You will be mine soon and nobody else will touch you, Sienna."

"Apart from your mother and father."Sienna said broken."Your father will fuck me to death and your mother will take my skull for decoration, till you will became a man." she bit her lips.

Mathyas smeared her tears with his fingers and grabbed her face gently but firmly."You promised to listen to shush now." he whisper to her."Don't worry, you are just mine," he kissed her lips. He tried to open them with his tongue, but Sienna's lips were shut tight.

"I want to kiss you deeper." he pressed her jaws and rasped.

Sienna felt as if he wanted to taste her and flinched."Not yet. When we mate." she whispered.

Mathyas pressed her shoulders hard on the bed." I'm your master, why not now?"

Sienna wiggled out, turned to her belly and hid her head under the pillow.

"I"m still sad. I can't concentrate. I'm not able to kiss you well right now." she sobbed.

Mathyas touched her back and his hand wandered around her curves. It felt soft and warm. He just got an urge to lay over her and take her how she was!

"Kiss me how I said or I mate with you right now. "He rasped.

"Whatever king doesn't keep his word."Sienna whispered sadly.

"Do you want me to keep my every word?" he asked dangerously.

"You are the king, you should have a word."Sienna muffled into the pillow.

"As you wish!"Mathyas clenched his jaws hard and turned her to her back."Sienna, I want you to kiss me now. Passionately!" he ordered her.

"Not yet...I'm sad...Please, be patient..." she sobbed in fear."You can't order kisses!" she looked at him thru tears.

"I can order you anything. I'm your king. Now I will show you how I keep my word." Mathyas said firmly.

"What do you mean?"Sienna flinched scared...

"Get up!"Mathyas stood up and put his top clothes back on. He took a warm cape and put it over Sienna's shoulders carefully. His jaws clenched tight.

"Where are we going?"Sienna asked worriedly.

"You will see."Mathyas bit his lips. He was angry! He hold her hand in his and dragged her fast the way to her room.

Sienna felt a bit relieved. She was worried he will take her to the dungeon." I can survive being locked up in a room." she smiled in her head.

"Are you letting me stay in my room then?" she asked hopefully.

"Almost."Mathyas hissed.

Meanwhile, Thyasse sneaked inside the Ramse's room!

He was just out of the bath with a towel around his waist. Thyasse stood behind the door and watched him! Ramse turned around and froze. Thyasse smiled and come to him."You look so much better than my husband and your friend is even more handsome. I don't know, why the little brat refuses you so much, though your ape is really unpleasant. I want you to put your bracelet on her. If she doesn't listen to my son, I want to watch you mate her as an ape!" she licked her lips.

Ramse looked at her."I can do the bracelet part, but I'm still a king. Nobody can watch me when I mate."He said coldly.

"Well, I can say you try to mate me then? My son will kill you for it!"Thyasse chuckled.

Ramse stared at her thinking. "If she calls for Mathyas, I'm dead. The kiddy sorcerer will do anything for his mother!"

Suddenly the door opened and Xander came in. He heard the last sentence and came to help. He could smell the Thyasse pass the corridors and go behind her. He looked at Thyasse and almost naked Ramse.

"Beautiful Thyasse," Xander came closer to her. "What are you doing here?"

Thyasse stared at handsome Xander. His passionate face and hungry dark eyes. She suddenly saw sparkly stars twirling in his eyes, they twinkled and twinkled. She felt dizzy and a soft smile appeared on her lips. She felt so happy staring into Xander's eyes! Xander stared at her a bit, till she looked really mellow!

"Thyasse is late, go for your beauty sleep, my dear, "Xander let her out of the room carefully... Thyasse went out smiling and walked away as in a dream.

"Did you mesmerise her?"Ramse stared in shock.

"Yes, a lot!"Xander noted blankly. She will have lovely dreams tonight. She will be off our necks till tomorrow. "He chuckled."You can rest now." he left for his room.

Ramse sighed in relief. He just started to dress up when suddenly Mathyas barged into his room dragging a bit scared Sienna behind him!

"Mate her!" he threw Sienna to Ramse's feet strongly.

Ramse caught the falling Sienna and stood her up gently next to him, holding her waist.

"I want you to mate her as an ape. "Mathyas said to him. "And hard. I want to hear her scream. And I will watch." he clenched his jaws tight.

Ramse gulped ."The son and mother are sick the same!" he thought.

"What did she do?"Ramse asked carefully.

"Did not listen, what else?"Mathyas smiled a bit cruelly," I'm showing her how I keep my word as a king."He looked at shaken Sienna hiding behind Ramse.

"I don't think it is a very good idea for starting a relationship."Ramse said carefully."You can be a bit lenient to the ones you love, even if you are the king."

"You do as I said or I will ask my men to teach her a lesson instead."Mathyas was determined.

Ramse's eyes glittered in quiet rage."Sure, sure, of course, I will keep my word to you, but I'm a king, no one has the right to watch me as I mate."Ramse explained carefully. He did not want to enrage Mathyas more, he was clearly out of his mind!

"Then I listen next to the bed."Mathyas smiled cruelly.

"That's fine ."Ramse nodded. He took out a golden bracelet and put it on Sienna's shaking hand. He smirked at her and changed into a huge white ape!

Sienna screamed and flinched from the ape. He looked terrifying.

"Do you want me to hold her? "Mathyas licked his lips.

"No need."Ramse shook his big white head. "Come, don't fight with me!" he took Sienna's arm calmly and led her to the bed. The ape was extremely strong. Sienna sobbed in fear, tried to breathe and held her hand over her eyes. She just did not want to watch the huge ape at all! She understood Ramse is trying to help her, but she was terrified of his ape!

"He is still better than Mathyas's men, they would drag me to pieces." she thought trying to calm down a bit."How can Mathyas be so cruel? Ramse said the ape will protect me, he said he will never force me. But he is so scary..." she sobbed and walked next to him blindly trembling as a leaf.

Mathyas had a cruel and excited look on his face." That will teach her!" he thought satisfied!

The huge white ape lifted Sienna gently onto the bed. He lay her down and moved up her nightgown with one hand as he covered her under him. Sienna still held her hand on her eyes, she felt that she is in the bed and just sobbed. It was nothing she could do anyway. She did not want to be thrown to Mathyas's men!

Mathyas watched how the big ape lay on his elbows and covered Sienna completely. She looked tiny next to him!

Mathyas closed the curtains on the bed and sat in an armchair listening to Sienna's sobs in satisfaction. She should be tamed after this!

Sienna was scared of the huge white ape and sobbed with a hand in her eyes. Her body was shaking. The big ape locked her under him and put his big head next to hers. He did not lay on her at all and kept a slight gap between them. He did not want to squash her! Sienna felt his long hair brushing over her skin lightly.

"Shh," the ape whispered, "Moan a bit at least. I'm trying really hard!"

"But I don't feel anything..."Sienna sobbed quietly.

"Because I'm not doing it, I'm trying hard to pretend."The ape sighed.

"What do you mean?"Sienna whispered still sobbing.

"I can't let him throw you to his men. You will be destroyed. He never mated, he got no idea. So just scream in fear first and then moan as I give you a lot of pleasure, hm?"The ape whispered to her.

"What about the bracelet?" she whispered and sobbed loudly.

"He will not last listen to your moans the whole night."The ape chuckled quietly.

"So you don't want to take me?"Sienna asked and sobbed.

"I do, but not like this, only when you want as well."He whispered.

"Ok, I see you are more relaxed now. Let's start. "Ramse said a bit louder so Mathyas can hear him.

The huge white ape moved abruptly and Sienna screamed as if she was in pain. She did as he said. Firstly she screamed in fear and then her screams started to change to moans. The big ape moved over Sienna rhythmically and the bed was hardly holding its weight. He was grunting, growling, puffing and huffing and Sienna screamed loud as she could just not to hear the ape mating noises. It sounded like an animal documentary and it actually reminded her of mating with Tyrell!!!

Meanwhile, Marath heard Sienna's loud screams and moans as he walked the dark corridors and went to check it out. He stopped outside of Ramse's room and listened for a bit."My son is so weak and stupid. "He shook his head." I should kill him and keep Sarcos instead." he went biting his lips in laughter.

Sienna took the hand off her eyes after a bit. She just put her hands under her head comfortably. She held her eyes closed and moaned. It sounded like she got a lot of pleasure. She even called Ramse's name a few times."Ramse, oh, you are so good, don't stop! Wow, you are so strong and big! Ahhh, I never thought you be so good! Ahh, just do harder! You are the best!"

"That is enough!"Mathyas could not listen to it anymore, it made him enraged."Finish!"

"But I'm not done yet!"Ramse complained." The bracelet is not sealed. "

"I don't care! Just stop!"Mathyas ordered.

"As you order!"Ramse chuckled.

The huge ape went down from Sienna and changed to Ramse. "Don't be so upset." he glanced at Mathyas." She is sweet as honey. Tasty and wet. She should be tamed enough for tonight!" he came out smiling cheekily.

Sienna pulled her nightgown down on her quickly, just as Mathyas opened the curtains. She had to hide her knickers! Her face was all red and flushed from moaning.

"I see you quite enjoyed yourself."Mathyas hissed.

"I could not help it," Sienna shrug her shoulders and still tremble a bit." He just did what you ordered him really well..."

"So are you not scared of Ramse's ape anymore?"Mathyas furrowed his brows.

"Yes, I am."Sienna nodded carefully.

"So how could you moan so shamelessly?" Mathyas's eyes pierced into hers.

"I imagined Tyrell instead."She bit her lips.

"Why him?"Mathyas asked a bit upset.

"Because he is big and furry, and they growl the same... almost..." Sienna said innocently.

"Who would you imagine if I will mate you?"Mathyas looked at her sternly.

"No one, you are too skinny."Sienna bit her lips.

"Come, then!" he pulled her out of the bed. He held her arm and took her back to his room. Mathyas was shaking in anger. He lost it again and was upset.

He glanced at the female next to him. She looked so beautiful and wild. She walked next to him quietly. Just her eyes shining blue and her golden hair glittered in the subtle light of torches from time to time. He stopped abruptly just before the door to his room and locked Sienna between his arms and the wall!

"Did you have enough for tonight or do you want to visit my men too?" he asked her dangerously.

"I had enough."Sienna nodded carefully."I'm sorry for not listening to you, Mathyas, "she bit her lips. She saw he is out of his mind for sure!

"Kiss me then," he ordered."Passionately!"