The breath of freedom

Sienna leaned to kiss Mathyas. He was holding her locked between his arms and the wall just in front of the door to his room. She closed her eyes and turned her face up to him, her lips open slightly. She saw he is deadly serious and give in. She did not want to be ravaged by his men. Her heart hardened towards him. She decided just to kiss him and survive the night!

Mathyas pressed his lips onto hers and put his tongue in her mouth. It felt warm and kind of electric to him. Sienna had an energy as a fire inside of her. He ravaged her mouth wildly!

Sienna tried to kiss him well as she could, but he doesn't let her breathe! She had to flinch a bit, but he held her tight and bit her lips."Don't." he hissed.

"I just needed a breath, "Sienna whispered in panic.

"You will call me master from now on," he said firmly.

"Yes, master."Sienna bowed her head. She just hoped to survive till Sarcos will come.

Mathyas looked at her satisfied and calmed down."Come to sleep." he let her into his room.

"I need a bath."Sienna shivered.

"You will bathe tomorrow, is late," he ordered her.

" Let me at least go toilet first, please."Sienna touched her swollen lips. " I need to wash my mouth." she thought."I'm bleeding from my lips, I need to cool it down." she moaned carefully.

"Don't be long!"Mathyas nodded.

"As you say, master."Sienna nodded.

"She went to his bathroom a little bit and breath deeply. She washed her face and mouth and dried them into the new towel. She stared into the mirror. She looked really bewildered. She could see how her tiger eyes are raging! She started to feel hatred towards Mathyas and that scared her. Sienna's heart liked to feel light and free. She did not like to feel upset or grudging towards anyone. She was really patient, forgiving and understanding mostly. But this guy really overdid it. The worst thing was he held her tight. He was a sorcerer and he could kill Ramse or Xander anytime just to show her off. None of her mates could fight against his magic powers!

"If Sarcos will not come, I'm lost!" Sienna stared into her tiger-like eyes. She felt as if the eyes are staring back at her!

"Get free! This is not you. You are not a slave. He is a monster...Run till he kills you for real." she heard them talking in her mind. The tigress could not just give up!

Sienna shook her head wildly. She felt the light breeze and stared out of the carved window. It had no bars!

The night was fresh and the stars shone brightly. Sienna craved freedom. Even for just a little while!

She slipped out of the window quite easily, it was dark but alluring outside. She felt like a wild tiger! Sienna was out of the bathroom and climbed clumsily down the rocks. She tried to be quiet as possible. It was dark and rocky shadows distorted her vision. They looked a bit like wild animals lurking in the shadows. She walked barefoot on the smooth rock. It felt cold and slightly wet. She felt scared but strong, it felt kind of exciting ...She felt so good about herself ...till she slipped and slide down the cliff in a split second! Suddenly she felt like she is falling down with the wind." Is this how I will die?" she thought in panic.

Mathyas called for Sienna but did not hear her response. He came inside the bathroom and saw she is gone. He shook his head and grinned a bit upset."Ramse was right. She is missing all the time!"He nodded his head and went out of the window too. "I will have fun hunting tonight!" he chuckled a bit excited.

Sienna suddenly felt the strong claws on her body! She was hanging in the air! She felt scaly claws holding her tight in the darkness! She tried to look up but it was holding her too tight. She felt like a mouse caught by an owl!

"It must be a really huge bird. "She looked at the trees becoming smaller and smaller."Maybe I will be eaten!"She chuckled a bit crazily."And poor Thyasse will never get my skull."

Mathyas walked the rocks and stood over the cliff." Did she fall down?" he changed into a huge black lizard and climbed down the steep rocks easily. He could not see her body, so he just continued to search in the forest."She should not be too far."He sighed. He looked up to the stars."Where is she?" the stars blinked and Mathyas noticed a dark shadow swishing down from the night cloud. It seemed to be holding something. Mathyas felt the cold sweat suddenly."I have to hurry up." the huge black lizard run thru the dark forest!

Sienna watched as the trees are going bigger, they were landing already! She held her hands on her eyes to protect them from the branches as they streamed rapidly towards the ground! She felt the claws let her go and she thumped into the soft ground and rolled over a few times.

Sienna stood up and turned around to see the bird but a handsome man with red dreaded hair stood in her way. He was massively muscular and did not look like a lizard at all! He looked at her closely."What are you doing out at this hour?" he said in a soothing voice.

"Thank you for saving me."Sienna smiled."I went for some fresh air and fell."

"You were running away!" his golden eyes blinked at her."Go back right now. It is not safe outside for you here."

"Inside is not safe eighter, I'm scared there." she shook her head.

"At least you are alive, no?" he looked at her curiously.

"Hardly alive, "Sienna whispered.

"They don't treat you well?" he asked a bit surprised.

"No."Sienna shook her head."They are really cruel."

"You have no idea what is cruel, "he sighed.

Sienna stared into his face, she could not help it and touched his cheek gently."You seem so sad."She looked into his eyes.

"I lost my heart." he sighed.

"I'm so sorry ." Sienna looked at him.

"She looked like you, golden eyes..." the warrior sighed and run his hand on top of Sienna's soft hair."You should be more careful. You got almost killed tonight."

"Then thank you for protecting me."She smiled gently.

"You are a silly wild thing."The warrior sighted."Where are your mates?"

"Not here."Sienna sighed.

"Then who guards you?"The warrior asked.

"King Xander and Ramse, "Sienna whispered.

"That's not enough, "He shook his head."Who else?"

"Mathyas the Black Lizard King?" Sienna furrowed her brows still upset.

"That's more like it."The warrior nodded.

"More like what? He is so unfair to me! If not for Xander and Ramse I would be eaten by his mother already. Twice! And his father wants to fuck me till I drop... "she raged.

"That's not good."The warrior shook his head."What about king Sarcos?"

"I'm waiting for him."Sienna sighed.

"Shh."The warrior pulled Sienna closer to him."Someone is coming!"

Suddenly in the sound of light steps appeared a tall lean black figure.

"Mathyas. "Sienna whispered. She would recognise his pale serious face everywhere!

Mathyas looked at the red-haired warrior." Darren!" he hissed."What are you doing here?"

"He just saved me, please don't be upset master."Sienna smiled sweetly.

"Master?"Darren looked at Mathyas with disdain. "He must be crazy to treat Sarcos's queen like this." He thought."Or did he kill him?"

"I was in the bathroom when a huge bird pulled me out. He just saved me."Sienna made up a story.

"What kind of a bird?"Mathyas asked coldly.

"I don't know, it was too fast!" Sienna shook her head pitifully, shaking as a leaf.

"What bird?" he turned to Darren.

Darren looked at the shaken queen. She was clearly scared of Mathyas!"Phoenix."He said."You should watch her better."

"Where is it then?"Mathyas looked at him suspiciously.

"Burned to ashes!"Darren grinned.

Mathyas nodded his head."Thank you. I will give you one favour and don't kill you right now."

He came to Sienna and grabbed her arm." You almost got killed." he hissed."Let's go.

"I got no shoes," Sienna said pitifully.

Mathyas looked at his fortress in the distance. It was too far away for him to carry her! "You will ride on me," he decided and changed into a huge black lizard. Sienna bit her lips in fear. The black lizard was repulsive.

"Be good!" The red-haired warrior sat her on Mathyas's scaly back."Have a good way Mathyas," he said darkly.

"When I will see you next Darren?"Mathyas hissed.

"Just before the red moon, I made a deal with Sarcos," Darren said calmly.

"Sure."Mathyas nodded.

"I would never think you will share a queen with him, but as I see her I kind of understand." Darren chuckled.

"Don't think too much. Fly free!"Mathyas hissed.

Mathyas turned away from him and run with Sienna to his fortress thru the dark forest. Mathyas's back was difficult to hold on to. Sienna held hardly onto him and she slipped down a few times. The way he swoop from side to side was really dizzying!

"Can't you hold on better?" he hissed at her upset.

"I'm sorry master. I did not go on a lizard before." Sienna teared up and sobbed really loudly. She was really scared of this crazy king. He was acting like a big kid with unlimited power and no conscience!

Marath heard sobs outside and saw Mathyas as a lizard coming back with sobbing Sienna on his back! "What are you doing outside with her?" he hissed at him."I told you to give her to me if you don't want her any more!"

"We went for a little walk ."Mathyas shook his head and changed into a man.

"With no shoes?" Marath pointed at Sienna's bare feet.

"Silly thing lost them."Mathyas nodded.

"In a nightgown..." Marath kept provoking.

"Is quite warm outside, she needed to cool down."Mathyas hissed and glared at Sienna, who stood innocently leaning on the rocky wall with her hands behind her back, biting her lips.

"Really?"Marath leaned to shaken Sienna.

"Did you cool off yet little queen?" he asked gently and moved the strand of her golden hair from her face.

"Yes, "Sienna whispered.

"Do you want me to carry her back for you?"Marath provoked his son.

"No, I can do that."Mathyas scooped Sienna into his arms. "I need to put her into my bed."He smiled at his father rather victoriously.

"Sure, you do or I do."Marath chuckled."You have 3 days left."

Mathyas carried Sienna to his room."Next time take your shoes, you are too heavy!"He said and drop her on the floor hard. Sienna bit her lips and said nothing.

She went to the bathroom and washed her feet of dust. Mathyas stared at her at the bathroom door. Sienna dried her feet and went to him with an innocent smile."I actually got away quite easy out of this, thanks to that Darren."She thought.

Mathyas pointed her to go to bed. Sienna lay down again. She breathed slowly to calm down.

Mathyas lay next to her leaning on his elbow and stared into her eyes closely. "How could that phoenix take you out of the bathroom?" he run his finger on her face.

"I don't know. I just saw myself in the air suddenly."Sienna gulped.

"Hm, ok then."Mathyas nodded and kissed her lips gently. "Just go to sleep."

"Good night, master, "Sienna whispered and rather closed her eyes.

Mathyas lay down and pushed her head on his shoulder."Come here, "

Sienna heard the sound of his heard as she was falling asleep.

"He has a heart? What a surprise!"She sighed in her mind.