Prettier than the mermaids!

Sienna looked around her room, her bed was all messed up, but her mind was at a standstill."He will just kill me! Don't joke with me? He is a joke! And a really bad one! I think is time to go!" she tidied up her bed a bit mindlessly when she got startled by a knock on her door." I hope it is not him!" her heart froze for a moment!

Marath came inside and saw Sienna turn in panic to him. He noticed her slight breath out in relief when she saw him. "Is she scared so much of my son?"Marath thought curiously. She was splattered on the bed, arranging the cushions. Marath licked his lips, "She looks quite alluring on that bed!" he thought and his lips curled up a bit.

"Welcome, Marath," Sienna greeted him kindly and get off the bed quickly. She straightened her dress, came closer to him and curtsied lightly. She was still blushing from the pillow fight and her hair were a bit messed up too. She looked a bit wild!

Marath took her hand and sat her back on the bed."Here, I brought you some peaches. To make you feel better." he gave her a fabric sachet and sat next to her.

"Thank you, "Sienna smiled a bit sadly."I really need that right now." she sighed.

Marath moved her wild hair to the side a bit."My son let you be f*cked by a huge ape...what a brute..." he looked at her pitifully, " I heard you scream, so I went to help you but then you just moaned and moaned."He looked at her curiously.

"But did not help me!"Sienna thought and put a black point to Marath in her head."I could not help it." she said and shook her shoulders.

"So you like to mate with the Ape King now?" he asked her gently.

Sienna shook her head." I imagined Tyrell." she bit her lips.

"Haha.Wild thing. It is so hard to tame you?"Marath chuckled."But I know you were faking it, you moaned too well. That is why I just let it be. The Ape King loves you . You both just pretended." he chuckled.

"Please..."Sienna's face lost all colour.

"Don't worry is our secret." he nodded entertained."Forgive my son, he doesn't know how to treat women. Why don't you come with me to Sand City, hm?"Marath smiled.

"Sand City?"Sienna felt her heart beat faster.

"Yes, you can stay with me there. I will be much nicer than my son. And I will be with you far more gentle than him." he chuckled and touched her arm.

"What about my mates? Can I see them if I go with you?"Sienna asked carefully.

"Once a month for a week as long as you mate with me too, when I want." he nodded. "I think I will need a new son. Big and strong warrior. Do you think you can give me one? "he asked.

"I belong to Mathyas. "Sienna sighed." He is my master and a king."

"I'm a master here," Marath chuckled.

"What about Thyasse?"Sienna asked curiously.

"I will keep her here."Marath nodded."With her son."

Sienna stared at him."His offer is so much better. I could get rid of Mathyas and Thyasse in one go! But can I trust him? What if he is just testing me?" she thought in panic.

"But I like Mathyas," she said carefully.

Marath touched her cheek gently."Don't be confused by his handsome face, he is a monster."

"I know, I just hope to change him into a king, "Sienna whispered.

"Little stubborn thing." Marath smiled gently."You don't need to reply to me now. You can come to me anytime. I will protect you."

"Thank you, Marath, you are very kind."Sienna nodded."I just have to listen to Mathyas well."She gulped. The words went so hard out of her mouth!

Marath looked deep inside her blue eyes and smiled."Little clever thing. I can see your soul. It is too hard for you and you still don't give up, because you can't. I know you hope for Sarcos to come back, but he will never break the lock with an invisible body. He is stuck between life and death till I let him out to the wind." Marath chuckled."

"He is just stuck?"Sienna thought, her mind kept racing. She stared at Marath a bit in shock.

"You will be mine one day." he smiled confidently. "Or do you find me repulsive? " he lifted his eyebrow curiously.

"No, I don't. You are nice."Sienna shook her head. He was bearable, even handsome as a man.

"I'm far stronger than my son or any of your mates." he smiled confidently."Rest little thing. I will find you later." he chuckled and went.

Sienna sighed."That was a good offer. And if Sarcos is late, he will not leave me behind. He did not say anything about Marath!" She hugged the silken turqoise cushion thinking and staring at the golden scorpion.

In the lowest levels of the dark corridors, the huge panther was sneaking in. His black muscular body was almost one with the rocks. Xander was coming back from a little hunting trip outside when Thyasse stood in his way!"Change to a man! Xander, I need to talk to you!" she glared at him with her wild yellow eyes.

Meanwhile, Ramse cooked lunch for Sienna in the kitchen when Marath came around. He watched him cook for a bit. "Working hard for a king." he nodded at Ramse.

"Sure," Ramse noted.

"How was your yesterday night?"Marath asked curiously.

"Nervewracking!" Ramse noted.

"Did you not enjoy it with the little queen?"Marath smiled knowingly.

"Your son wanted to give her to his men!" Ramse said carefully."I just did not want her to be ruined."

"Hm, at least you are clever. She still doesn't have your bracelet sealed. Why?"Marath asked curiously.

"I did not finish, your son couldn't listen to her moans." Ramse chuckled darkly.

"I know you did not take her at all. You were pretending in front of my silly son."Marath looked at him entertained.

"Why do you think that?"Ramse asked.

"You love her."Marath smiled."If you help me to get her to Sand City, I let you visit her and try to wow her..." he said."My son is too brute." he shook his head. "I don't think she will last long here without your protection."

"That is what worries me." Ramse sighed."But the choice is hers."

"Sure."Marath smiled."You are a good man Ramse. I'm counting on you to keep the little queen alive at any cost." he chuckled."If you need help to protect her, call me." he said seriously."As you saw my son can become a monster at times."

"Sure.Thank you."Ramse nodded.

Ramse brought Sienna's lunch upstairs. He opened the door and stared.

Sienna was munching peaches and walking frantically in her room. "As a locked-up tiger!"Ramse shook his head."Come, let's eat."Ramse put a bowl of mushroom rice on the table.

Sienna sat down and held his hand. Ramse looked at her worriedly."What happened?"

"Mathyas said he will kill me if I ever throw something at him. He is actually thinking of killing me!"Sienna looked into his eyes desperately.

"We need to go."Ramse nodded."Eat up and get ready. I will send Xander to uncover the tunnel when he will come back. Mathyas will look for you just before dawn. We have time enough to get to your caves."Ramse nodded.

In the dark corridor, Xander was locked against the wall by Thyasse's slender arms. She stared at him wildly as a hungry snake. "King Xander," she was kind of tasting his name." You are a really handsome black panther. You made me happier than I was in years last time. But the pleasant dreams finished in the cold morning. I need more from you. Show me the stars again." She opened her lips seductively.

Xander bit his lips." Sure." his dark eyes started to twinkle and twinkle with tiny stars.

Thyasse stared into them, she felt dizzy and happy again. "Xander, I want to have you."Thyasse pressed her hands on his hard chest." You are so dark and passionate." She was stuck onto him!

"I have still work to do for Ramse, he is waiting for me. Why don't we talk tonight about it?" he smiled sweetly. He hoped to get out of her embrace and ask Ramse for help. He was not sure what to do! He definitely did not want to enrage the huge snake she was!

"I will be waiting for you!"Thyasse bit her lips excitedly.

"Go to your room, beautiful Thyasse," Xander sent her off mesmerized to the top. He hoped she will fell asleep again!

Thyasse went to her room and sat in front of the mirror. She smiled at her reflection." He is so hot!" she sighed.

Xander run to Sienna's room. "Where were you so long?"Ramse hissed at him. Sienna was left alone here."

"I was caught by Thyasse. She wants to wait for me tonight!"Xander blurted.

"Don't worry about her. We are going now. Mathyas wants to kill Sienna."Ramse bit his lips.

"What did she do?"Xander asked disturbed.

"Nothing yet, but it is just a question of time, till she does. Go get tunnel ready."Ramse ordered the panther.

"Sure, I will wait for you in the garden."Xander nodded and went.

Ramse looked at Sienna."Mathyas is a monster. If he catches us he will kill us all. Try to save your neck at any cost, ok?"

"Do you think we should rather wait?"Sienna asked him.

"No, is too late already." he sighed."Let's go. Just walk the same as if we go to the garden."Ramse nodded.

"Sure, "She clenched into his arm as always. Her heart beat strongly. Ramse led her seriously thru the dark corridors all the way to the garden.

Sienna breathed in the fresh air and looked at him. Ramse was dead serious and walked with her as if nothing till they went to the rose bushes. Then he just pushed her in and they were gone!

Sienna held Ramse's arm tight in the darkness. She could not see anything at all. Xander was going first, he was leading them out. They walked for some time when Xander stopped abruptly!

"The queen goes back." the dark voice echoed in the dark.

"Cosimo!"Xander recognized the old Scorpion King.

"Father-in-law, "Sienna called into the darkness, "Please help me, Mathyas said he will kill me today morning, have a heart."

" You are a wild thing. I told you, you have to stay with Mathyas."Cosimo did not budge.

"I can't, he will kill me. He promised. He already tried to kill me once. Please, let me go in Sarcos's name."Sienna begged.

"He gave a word of a king to keep you alive. Go back."Cosimo hissed.

"No," Sienna hissed too."He is not a man you think. He is a monster."

"Then I will force you to go back!"Cosimo nodded.

"You! You should protect me as a father-in-law, not force me back. If Mathyas found out I try to run, he will kill me for sure. I will be a skull on the wall."Sienna begged desperately.

"She is right, Cosimo, sober up!"Ramse said."He is not the king you think. He is crazy!"

"I said go back little queen, or I will kill your friends right now."Cosimo changed into a huge scorpion, he blocked the tunnel completely and start moving towards them with his huge silver pincers. They had no choice just to come back to the garden! Ramse quickly wiped Sienna's face of dirt, so she just looked as a walking innocently, but the huge scorpion came after them from the tunnel.

"Go back, "Ramse hissed."You will get her killed, you stubborn man!"

Cosimo did not budge. The huge white scorpion with silver pincers was staying!

"If I survive today I swear I will count it for you." Ramse clenched his fist. He was so angry as never before.

"We can fight right now!"Cosimo's eyes lit up. The huge scorpion charged at Ramse, who was still holding Sienna, but Xander leapt and bit into its neck. He smashed Cosimo on the rocks with his weight.

Mathyas heard the commotion and went out to the garden! Sienna squeezed Ramse's arm nervously. She felt frozen!

"What are you doing here? "he stared at Cosimo fighting with Xander.

"Father-in-law came to visit the master. They train a little."Sienna smiled sweetly.

"I saw her on the run, so I brought her back. She is yours."Cosimo said stupidly as Xander let go of him. Xander wished he just killed him on the spot!

"So?" Mathyas turned to Sienna."Do you think you can run from me?"

"How could I? You are the strongest king and the best sorcerer in the land. You will find me everywhere. Of course, I did not run from you."Sienna smiled a bit desperately.

"She got a tunnel behind the rose bushes."Cosimo changed to a man and went to show Mathyas.

"I just wanted to see Marco. You promised I can see him once a year. So why not today? "Sienna smiled innocently, trying to save her neck.

"You don't stop playing, do you?"Mathyas's eyes went wild.

"Please master, forgive me, you really scared me today morning, I just missed my mates."Sienna bit her lips.

Mathyas came to her and ripped her off Ramse's arm. He stared at her a little and then he smiled a bit wickedly."Everyone says you are more pretty than the mermaids, so let's see how you swim," Mathyas clenched his jaws hard.

He flicked his fingers and made a force-field tube around Sienna. In a split second he gathered the clouds from the opening in the sky and made the water run down from them!"Look, they will give you your tears back!" he chuckled crazily.

The force-field tube with Sienna inside started to fill with cold water rapidly!

"Run for Marath, Xander."Ramse sent the panther away carefully. Xander slipped away as a black shadow, nobody paid attention to him!

Sienna screamed and banged on the forcefield. It felt like an extra strong glass! She saw as Xander slipped away and tried to get attention on herself. Sienna felt the cold water going rapidly up her waist. "Mathyas, do you want to drown me?" she called at him."Stop this. You will kill me!"

Mathyas was staring at her. He was very upset."You dared to run from me, I have to keep my word. "He nodded his head.

"What word? You said nothing about running away!"Sienna called desperately.

"By your running away you threw my heart back at me!"Mathyas said coldly.

"I never got your heart in the first place. You simply do not love me at all."Sienna called.

"You are probably right." he nodded his head." But I still like the way you looked and feel. I will probably miss you. Such a pity. Now, my mother will have your skull, at least she will be happy." he nodded.

"Please, stop this! I will do anything, please. Just let me out!"Sienna teared up!

"You betrayed me, I do not trust you anymore. You deserve to die."Mathyas said coldly.

"You said you will kill me! You betrayed me and Sarcos at the same time first!"Sienna called desperately.

"Don't use your air too much, or you will suffocate before you drown."Mathyas chuckled.

"You see what you did father-in-law."Sienna cried out."He will kill me now. Say hello to Sarcos when he will be back!"Sienna was shouting desperately, kicking the strong glass-like force-field tube.

Cosimo turned to Mathyas."Are you really going to kill her?" You promised Sarcos to keep her alive. You gave your word of the king!"

"The word to a dead enemy means nothing! Besides, I will not kill her, but, the water probably will, until she is a mermaid. But I see no tail," he chuckled coldly and watched the struggling Sienna.