The deadly bet

Xander run the corridors till he found Marath, he was calling his name desperately.

"Please save her, hurry!"Xander panted.

Marath nodded and went quickly after him.

When they came to the garden Sienna was up to her neck in the water in a panic. Ramse was trying hard to break the forcefield but he could not do it. Marath held panther next to him." Wait, I want to see what my son will do first!" he bit his lips. Xander could feel that he is really upset inside. They went carefully around and hid behind the trees watching. They were right behind the tube with Sienna. Xander could almost touch her long golden hair twirling in the water.

Mathyas laughed at panicking Sienna and Ramse coldly."You will never get her out, but keep trying if you are so strong. This will be even better than killing you. You will lose your heart and live in remorse every day till you die!"

Cosimo decided to help Ramse, but even the huge scorpion could not move it.

"You will kill her, please stop. I will do anything!"Ramse was getting desperate.

"She dared to run, now she pays. Am I not kind? I'm letting her wild soul be free!"Mathyas chuckled.

The water reached Sienna's mouth, She tried to swim, but her dress got too heavy, so she could not move more up. She let her dress off and tried to get up just a tiny bit but the forcefield was blocked at the top too! She had nowhere to swim! She was stuck as a doll in the box, only her one was full of water!

Sienna suddenly saw flashbacks from the movies, where the heroines were stuck in glass cubes of water. She took a last big breath and felt the water close over her head.

"She can't stay underwater longer than a half minute, "Ramse called. He tried to push the forcefield down but it did not budge. He looked at Mathyas. Mathyas turned around and walked away! Ramse stood in his way."Let her go."

"Should I kill you?"Mathyas smash him on the wall and went inside.

Ramse shook his head to sober and turned back. Then he just saw Marath with Xander come out of the trees. They were already at the water tube with Sienna!

Marath pressed the forcefield with his hand. It collapsed immediately as if you lift upside down cup full of water. The water fell on him and almost naked Sienna as well. Marath caught her by her waist. She cough and panted to catch her breath bent over Marath's arm. He patted her back strongly."Cough it out."He said firmly. Sienna breathed rapidly. Her body was shaking from the shock and the cold water.

"Thank you."Sienna breathed out.

Marath looked at the frozen Sienna in his hands. "Come, you little mermaid." he picked her up on his shoulder and took her inside, walking fast through the dark corridors. Ramse and Xander followed him quickly in relief. Till she lives, they were happy.

Marath took her to his room, it was closest. He turned to the worried kings." Go get her a dry dress Ramse. You wait outside Xander. Don't let anyone pass." he ordered them and went inside. Ramse went and Xander guarded the corridors.

Marath entered his black and gold decorated room and sat Sienna on his bed. She was still in shock. She trembled and sobbed. She breathed fast to catch her breath and calm down a bit. Marath picked a warm quilted blanket and threw it over her shoulders. Then he sat next to her and looked at her worriedly. He pressed her cold trembling body on his chest."Shhh, is ok now. Calm down. I will not let him hurt you anymore. He lost."he pat her back gently.

Sienna stopped sobbing and looked at him with big reddened blue eyes, still shaking under the blanket.

"Calm down Sienna. I will not hurt you. Did not I say to you I will protect you?"He touched her frozen cheek gently.

Sienna nodded and breathed out in relief. She dropped her head on his shoulder."He really killed me this time, Marath. I will be dead if you don't come." she whispered."Thank you for saving my life." she looked at him again.

"Xander called me in time." he nodded."Have a little rest till your dress comes," he touched her shoulder gently and stood up." I'm going to change my clothes."

"Thank you."Sienna nodded.

"And take off all that wet clothes or you will get sick." he looked firmly at her and went to the bathroom with a new set of clothes.

Sienna looked around the room. She bit her lips and took off her freezing-wet bra and knickers. She packed them neatly into a little packet and drop them on the stony floor. Then she covered in the warm blanket tightly. She sat down for a bit, but then she just collapsed on his bed.

Sienna was too exhausted to think, so she just lay on Marath's bed, breathing deeply, trying to calm down...She stared at the decorated ceiling. It was twirling in front of her eyes, so she just closed them and lost count of time.

"Sienna, are you ok?"She felt a warm hand on her forehead. Marath was just in his trousers, he was worried about her being too quiet and went out of the bathroom quickly, holding his shirt and a towel.

Sienna nodded and sat up dizzily. Marath put a towel on her long hair. "Here dry them a bit," he said quite gently. He looked at her drying her hair and put on his shirt.

Sienna rubbed her long hair with a towel and glanced at him. Marath was white as Mathyas, but he was more robust and muscular than him. His defined chest, arms and back were covered in many scars. Sienna agreed that he actually looked quite good for his age, given he already has a grown-up son. He kind of looked like a fighter.

Marath saw her looking at him and chuckled."Do you like what you see?"

Sienna bit her lips and looked down, drying her hair. She did not mean to provoke him!

"So, do you like how I look like?"Marath came closer and asked her again putting on him a black kimono-like second shirt.

"Yes, you look very strong..."Sienna lifted her eyes and nodded."But why do you have so many scars?" she asked a bit curiously.

"War, I went to war with Cosimo against the tribes who sacrificed females." he nodded.

"That's really nice of you." She nodded and cancel the black point in her head for him."He deserves a red one for this." she nodded in her mind."So you are a hero then."She smiled at him sincerely.

"I was a strong king at most, it is the duty of every male to protect females."He nodded.

"Well, you surely are a hero for me today." she sighed."So what is your favourite weapon then?"Sienna tried to talk to him, just to distract herself a bit.

"Sword," he smiled."Do you want to watch me fight?"

"Sure." Sienna nodded."Maybe you can train with Xander and Ramse, but please don't kill them."

Marath finished dressing up and sat next to her."Do you care a lot about them?" he looked at her curiously.

"They are my friends." Sienna smiled sweetly.

"They both love you. "he said firmly.

Sienna stared into his red eyes and bit her lips worriedly.

"Don't worry, I will not kill your pretty panther or the ape, who do will anything for you," he said seriously.

"Thank you."Sienna nodded gently."She felt as if they kind of had a quiet understanding."

Marath touched her shoulder, peeking from the blanket. "I won the bet."He looked at her firmly.

"I know," Sienna nodded her head and stared at him. Her heart beat loudly as she looked into his face. " I belong to him now." the thought screamed in her mind. She suddenly felt a bit vulnerable next to him. She felt an anxious wave pass thru her naked body, covered in the blanket.

Marath noticed her frantic energy. "If you look a bit longer at me with your tiger eyes, I might lose my control." he chuckled. He moved the blanket a bit and ran his hands on Sienna's arms.

" You are really frozen cold." he rub her arms a bit. His hands were warm. It felt so good to Sienna. Her hair was still wet and she felt so cold. Sienna closed her eyes for a moment and let him do it. She felt like a tired cold cat.

Marath saw, she kind of relaxed in his hands. " I know a good way how to heat you up." he chuckled cheekily.

" I'm still waiting..." she said almost against her will and looked at him a bit hopelessly.

"Your body doesn't." he touched her full lips. They trembled a bit and he smiled. He looked deeply into her eyes. "I can just press you here and take you."He leaned over her.

Sienna felt her heart in her neck. He was right. There was no one who can stop him. But he kind of felt good. His body was warm. Sienna craved the warmth more than anything. Her body just wanted to respond to him and mate mindlessly. It wanted to warm up to forget about the water and he was a good distraction.

"I can feel you."He chuckled.

Marath was full of energy. Sienna felt it and he knew she felt it. Marath leaned more on Sienna and she collapsed under him. She felt his warm body on hers. It felt good.

Marath held himself up on his elbows. His face was so close to hers. He was very domineering. Sienna lay motionless staring into his red eyes and felt shocked with herself! If he does not have his clothes on, she would just close her eyes and do it!

Marath felt the body under him wanted to mate and chuckled."Your body is betraying you. You know you want it." He ran his hand on her waist and hips over the blanket. Sienna felt her body tremble. It was as if her body has given in to him!

"These curves were not touched for quite long. You like to mate every day if you could, hm?" He asked entertained.

Sienna swallowed hard. She was red as a pepper suddenly."How would you know?"

"It is written in your eyes and your full lips."He smiled."You smile differently when you are excited. " he chuckled."Here," he run his fingers on her lips and touched the ends of them."Here, this end of your lips is up when you want it."He smiled victoriously..."Am I right?"

"Yes."Sienna nodded. It was no point to lie to him. He was too experienced.

"You can go with me to Sand City tomorrow. You will be safe, free and able to see your mates anytime if I can have you too."He smiled gently.

"Do you want to be a king of Sand City?"Sienna asked curiously.

"Not really. But I will protect it for you. I just want to enjoy your fire and this plumpy cushion under me."He pinched her waist thru the blanket!

"Aauch," Sienna shook her body." Please, be gentle with me!" she moaned pitifully.

"Ahh, drop the act. "he chuckled entertained. "My wild lizards saw you in the stream naked, covered in mating bruises. You like it hard!"

"Is there any privacy here at all!"Sienna called, with a reddened face.

"You are so cute."Marath smiled."So? Are you going to tell me you fell off the stairs?" he touched her cheek gently.

"Well, that's different. Marco is really rough..."Sienna nodded. "He was too wild after he killed Kraken for me. He was on fire."

"And do you still have his fingers printed on your buttock?" Marath asked innocently.

"How would I know?"Sienna reddened even more.

"Well, I can check it for you."Marath chuckled.

"Rather not, "Sienna shook her head jokingly. This was just too crazy."You are really inappropriate, Marath." she bit her lips.

Marath rolled to her side and looked at her propped on his elbow."Same as you. "he smiled cheekily."Rules are for simple-minded." he chuckled.

Sienna turned her head to him, still laying down. She watched his pale face and red eyes, his lips were curled cheekily. "If I have to adhere to the rules, you will be in the dungeon already. "He nodded."And that will be a pity." he run his finger on her arm slowly.

"I'm happy you don't keep the rules then."Sienna sighed and took his hand into hers. She lifted his hand up and stared at her hand holding his. It was warm and a bit rough as a hand of a warrior. "Sharchan have hands like that, Marco and Tyrell, too."Sienna thought. "He is not so bad after all."

"Do I belong to you now, then? she looked at him kind of content.

"Yes."Marath nodded."My son was not able to protect you and he tried to kill you twice already. If you don't have that two kings helping you, you will be a pretty skull on the wall." Marath said seriously.

Sienna nodded."Thank you for saving me again."

"I had to save you. I was hoping you can help me to change my son into a man. I tried to push him to protect you, but he failed. I hoped if I tease him with you, he will fight me, but instead, he did everything I told him and vent his anger at you. I just wanted him to decide by his heart, the king can not be a slave to anyone. Even his parents."Marath shook his head."I'm sorry you had to go thru all this." he looked at her seriously.

"The dress is here, "Ramse called from outside. Marath stood up and went to open the door."Wait outside, we are still talking."Marath looked at worried Ramse."Sienna is ok."

"Here, go change."Marath gave her the red velvet dress. Sienna went to his bathroom and put the warm dress on quickly. Her hair was still wet a bit, so she brush them with her fingers and went out."Marath, thank you so much for saving me again, I think I need a warm bath to calm down."She looked at him hopefully.

"Sure." he nodded."So do you want to go to Sand City with me tomorrow?" he touched her cheek. He felt how her lips trembled at his touch." Serious chemistry..." he chuckled in his mind.

"I like to wait for Sarcos, it is just two days left."Sienna looked at him pleadingly.

"What if he doesn't come?"Marath said seriously."The chance is very small."

"Then I go Sand City with you the next day."Sienna nodded."Me, Ramse and Xander."

"And you will agree to be my lover?" Marath looked at her firmly.

"Yes."Sienna nodded."I will do what you like as long you are nice to me." she said sincerely.

"Sure. Why I will be not nice to you?"He smiled cheekily.

Sienna smiled bravely."Can I go now?"

"I'm not holding you."He chuckled."But wait for a little." he looked at her firmly.

He moved his right hand in the air as if drawing a symbol and closed his fist. When he opened it, a black teardrop pendant on the silver delicate chain was inside!

Sienna stared in awe."Wow. That is amazing." she smiled at him."You just took it from the air!" she called.

"Do you like it?" he asked gently.

Sienna nodded.

Marath smiled and put the pendant around her neck, lifting her long golden hair." Here, it looks nice on you." he nodded satisfied." It is magic, nobody can harm you now. It is my protection for you. You are mine and only I can remove it." he said seriously.

"Thank you."Sienna kissed his cheek. Marath circled her waist." Are you sure you want to go now?" he smirked at her. Sienna felt the wild taste to mate again.

"I need that hot bath and a spoon of honey." Sienna reddened as a pepper and rather went out.

Marath chuckled."Little Wild Thing." he shook his head.