Sunshine or a canary?

Sienna woke up in the morning. "I'm alive!" she smiled in the bed and stretched her hands. "I live! How great!"

Xander just lifted his big panther head."Thank you for yesterday Sienna, it worked."

"I'm pleased, but I do not know what you are talking about, "she smirked at him.

Sienna went to the bathroom and changed into a bright silk yellow dress."I'm going to be a sunshine today!" she chuckled and went to brush her hair quickly. Then she put on the face cream, eyeliner and lipgloss. She looked into the mirror. The happiness beamed from her face making her look like a beautiful shiny picture!

Ramse came in and brought her breakfast. He stared at the door a bit at her and smiled satisfied. "So, you are up little sunshine?" he chuckled."Did you know yellow is my favourite colour?"

"No," Sienna shook her head."Is it because you like pineapples?"She asked curiously.

"No, because you are wearing it." he nodded his head.

"You must change your favourite colour often then." she chuckled.

"Sure, as often as you change your dress. Come eat now!" Ramse smiled.

"You made me pancakes again?"Sienna chuckled happily.

"Yes, I'm just so happy you live."Ramse bit his lips.

"Thank you, "Sienna smiled at him sweetly.

"Go rest a bit, Ramse."Xander sent him off."He was staring at you all night, Sienna."

Sienna looked at Ramse."You did?"

"Sure, I was guarding." he nodded.

"Thank you."Sienna bit her lips."Go sleep then, ok? You need to stay strong."She smiled gently at him.

"Hm, if you need me, call for me, ok?"Ramse noted. "Guard well, Xander," he said and left.

Sienna just finished eating her breakfast, when Thyasse barged into her room confidently! She looked at the black panther and reddened. Then she looked at Sienna.

"Thyasse.What are you doing here?" Sienna asked surprised.

"I came to teach you some manners. Come."Thyasse looked at her firmly.

"I'm not going with you."Sienna shook her head.

"Yes, you are!"Mathyas came in as if nothing happened!

"I'm dead to you!"Sienna glared at him.

"Till you live I can still take you!"Mathyas chuckled."You should drown if you wanted to be free of me!"

"You are not worth it!"Sienna hissed at him.

"Let's go!"Mathyas open the door for her.

"I'm not going by myself."Sienna shook her head.

"Fine, take Xander with you."Mathyas nodded.

Sienna looked at him. She did not want to have both of them in her room. It made her uncomfortable. "I should be safe. Let's try out my protective necklace." she thought.

Sienna glanced at Xander and went out with them. They were going up to corridors, so Sienna calmed down a bit. Mathyas led Sienna to a huge library. It was full of books.

"Here we are. My mother will teach you manners," he said nonchalantly.

"Your mother has no manners."Sienna smiled.

Thyasse took her whip out. It was really long leather whip with a few steel lines and sharp edges to pierce the skin.

"If you don't listen I will lash you."Thyasse hissed coldly.

"I will be stripy as a tiger."Sienna chuckled."Do you think your father will mind Mathyas?"

"You are too wild already ."He nodded."One lash, mother, over her legs." he said coldly.

Thyasse smacked the whip in the air. It made a noise like thunder!

Sienna clapped her hands. "Well done, I like the show, do some more. You should work in a circus," she nodded, "You could be a snake woman with the whip."

"Now is your turn."Thyasse looked at her, but Xander stood in front of Sienna.

Sienna bit her lips."No, Xander, I want to see if Marath will really protect me."She whispered and pushed him by her side gently.

Thyasse lashed at Sienna's feet. The whip touched the air around Sienna when an electric current hit back! The whip was burned to ashes in instant and Thyasse got a quite strong electric shock! All her long hair was standing up! She looked like a troll!

Sienna chuckled happily. "Thyasse, you need a new hairdresser. You look like a grumpy troll. Hahaha."

"Give me that necklace."Mathyas opened his hand.

"I can't take it off."Sienna shook her head."Only your father can take it back. I will be your wicked stepmother."She grinned at him.

Mathyas stared thinking, his palm still open. Sienna lifted her eyebrows. "Go ask for one if you want to wear woman's jewellery. I did not know you were a crossdresser! But, it will go well, with your silver nails, no judging here."Sienna smiled." I think my lesson is finished and I can go."

"No," Mathyas stood in her way."I'm your master and you will listen to me!" he hissed.

"You lost me. The bet with your father? He saved me twice. I'm not yours any more."Sienna looked at him. "If you want something, ask your father, I belong to him now."

"I can still teach you a lesson."Mathyas flicked his finger and the iron cage grow around Sienna! Mathyas hang the cage on the ceiling half a meter from the ground.

"Iron cage? It should be golden as Sharchan's one. I did not know you are so poor. "Sienna shook her head.

Mathyas looked at her ."You are too heavy for a golden cage. I can't touch you, but you can starve for a bit, hm?"

"If it makes you happy. You will be my little stepson."Sienna chuckled wickedly. "It feels so good to be untouchable! Mathyas must think I eat nonstop."Sienna thought."How can I starve? I just had a big breakfast. Now I will have to eat more!"Sienna sighed in her mind.

Mathyas tried to push Thyasse's hair down, but they were still full of electricity and it made his hands whizzle with little shocks! Sienna watched from the cage and chuckled making Thyasse rage more! "I will strangle the little monster." Thyasse hissed.

"You can't touch her mother. The father's pendant can kill you."Mathyas tried to calm her down."I will take you to the garden for a walk, hm?" he offered his arm to his mother. Thyasse nodded and went with him excitedly, her hair still standing up!

"Guard, kitty."Mathyas glared at shocked Xander, who sat next to Sienna.

Mathyas led his mother to the garden. He knew she was not allowed outside, but he decided to go against his father! He was upset his father was protecting Sienna and wanted to revenge a bit childishly to him. Thyasse was so excited to go finally out, she just held onto her son and step into the sun.

In the huge library, Sienna sat down, in her cage.

"Xander? Get me a book to read and bring me some food, please. I'm hungry."Sienna smiled sweetly.

"You just ate breakfast!"Xander stared at her.

"Yes, but I'm supposed to starve here, so go get me some fruit then."Sienna nodded."Don't worry, no one can touch me now," she chuckled."And give me some cushions, please, I need to be comfortable."

Xander passed her a few cushions from the chairs around and went to the kitchen. Ramse was in the kitchen already!

"Why don't you rest?"Xander asked him surprised.

"I can't."Ramse shook his head."When I close my eyes I see her in that water tube." he bit his lips.

"I saw you almost cry today morning as you stared at her."Xander looked at him.

"I was just thinking about how upset I was when I thought Sharchan ate her. I can't handle the idea of her dying at all."Ramse sighed."Don't ever mention it to her!"

"Sure."Xander nodded."Give me some food for her. Mathyas locked her in the cage, she is supposed to starve, so she wants to stuff herself to the top, just to show him."Xander shook his head.

"The lunch is not ready yet. Here, take a cone with berries and buns. Is she ok? Why did you leave her alone?"Ramse asked firmly.

"She has her protective necklace, no one can touch her now."Xander shook his head. It is working pretty well."He chuckled.

"Good, "Ramse bit his lips."Let her enjoy some fun then, she will have to pay for it later on anyway."

"I do not like the deal she has made! She is still a queen. If men stop respecting the king's claim, it will cause chaos."Xander shook his head.

"You are right, but Marath is a sorcerer, not a mere man and she can be with Sarcos even if he will be late," Ramse said.

"Hm, still it sucks."Xander took the cone with blueberries and buns and went to Sienna. She was half sitting on the cushions, reading a book in the iron cage.

"Eat, my little dove. You are in a cage as a bird." he looked at her pitifully.

"Chirp, chirp, haha. Yes, but it feels so good. They can't touch me!"She chuckled.

Sienna munched all the blueberries and buns."I'm stuffed."She gave the cone back to Xander.

Just then Thyasse came back. She could not stop thinking about Sienna, so she came to see her again!

"I saw you ate well," Thyasse looked at Sienna's mouth still red from blueberries.

"I had to stuff myself, just to please your son, "Sienna chuckled.

"You little monster!"Thyasse hit the cage hard, it started to sway in the air as a huge swing!

Sienna touched the bars excitedly."Do some more, this is fun! I can sing for you as a canary too ..." she chuckled and started to sing a catchy mocking song...

"Thyasse, Thyasse, where did you go?

Thyasse, Thyasse, looks like a grumpy red troll!

Thyasse, Thyasse, you are so cold,

Thyase, Thyasse, you can't touch me at all!"

"Did you like it?"Sienna giggled wildly. This was so much fun!