Sing the song of freedom!

Sienna was in a sunny mood. She was swinging in the iron cage in front of extremely grumpy Thyasse, who wasn't able to even touch her!

"Look even my dress is yellow! I dressed up to be like sunshine, but I'm a canary instead!"Sienna chuckled wildly.

Thyasse sat in a big armchair opposite Sienna."I will wait for Mathyas, he will find a way to show you!" she hissed.

"I will sing you a poem then. I wrote it for the late Spider King." Sienna nodded."You two would go great together! You like to collect the bones and he collected dead concubines in his theatre, to feed off them!"

"You will be dead concubine...if you don't stop talking. Your voice enrages me."Thyasse hissed.

"Rather don't touch me..."Sienna giggled."You might look like a troll again!"

"The only sound I want to hear is you screaming in pain!"Thyasse hissed.

"Well, I have a taste to sing now and I will sing if you want or not, nobody force you to listen..."Sienna giggled and started to sing her favourite poem.

"Roses in bloom covered maze, the danger lurking around ..." Sienna sang the melody longingly, it travelled thru the dark corridors as a soft melody in the wind.

Marath was in his office drawing calligraphy on the long parchment and mumbling spells. He heard a melody suddenly and lifted his head. They never had singing or music in Underworld before!

"How beautiful song."He thought and went to check it out.

Marath met Mathyas on the way. His son also wanted to see how Sienna sing! They walked next to each other quietly, till they saw Sienna singing happily in the iron cage and Thyasse watching her upset sitting in the big armchair! It was really an interesting picture to see. They stopped and just watched from afar in secret!

"She is really so beautiful."Mathyas nodded.

"Yes, my little wild queen is very beautiful."Marath nodded.

"Father, how could you take her from me?"Mathyas asked a bit upset.

"You killed her, don't you remember?"Marath looked at him disturbed.

"Just like flashing pictures in my head."Mathyas looked at him.

"Don't lie to me! You knew what you were doing! You were proving yourself a king by killing a beautiful innocent female. I'm ashamed of you!" Marath clenched his teeth hard.

Mathyas furrowed his brows. The pictures of Sienna drowning in the water flashed in front of his eyes. "Well, she tried to run from me! Cosimo brought her back."Mathyas bit his lips stubbornly.

"Because you did not show her any kindness. You treated her worse than a slave! She is a queen to four kings. Do you think your forceful manners impressed her?"Marath hissed."Do you even feel any remorse?"

"Not at all."Mathyas shook his head a bit shocked with himself. "Father, Am I a monster?" he asked curiously.

"Yes, partly for now."Marath nodded."I tried to push you to protect her more, but you were still acting like a coward. Instead of fighting me, you were venting it on her.Unforgivable."He shook his head."I just wanted you to decide with your heart for once and stop slaving to your savage mother! You could have all Sand City with her, if you show her just a bit of kindness, she is not that difficult at all."Marath said.

"She was enraging me! She did not respect me as a man."Mathyas looked at Marath a bit upset.

"How could she?"Marath shook his head. "You called her heavy! You punished her too harshly for nothing. You blackmail her all the time and threaten to kill her friends. You were not just. You did not fight for her. You should not call yourself a man. You are only a male at most. Besides, I can carry her all day around if I want to. "

"She is a lot heavier than mother!"Mathyas said stubbornly.

"She is not a snake, she is a pure human, a beautiful soft toy."Marath nodded."I like your mother, but there in that cage is a spring of life. And I will drink from it."Marath licked his lips.

"You are right about that! You have no idea father!"Mathyas chuckled.

Marath looked at his son with a question on his face.

"She has a fire inside. When she kissed me, the world was upside down!"Mathyas bragged.

Marath swallowed hard."Don't kiss her anymore, she is mine."

"We will see about that father. "Mathyas chuckled. It felt good to taunt his father for a change!

"Don't provoke me much or I will show you what is cruel. "Marath looked at him firmly.

"You really think she will mate with you?"Mathyas asked curiously.

"Yes, she trusts me." Marath nodded.

"I will prove to you, that you are wrong! She is a trickster!"Mathyas bit his lips.

"Tricks work only with stupid kings."Marath shook his head a bit amused.

Meanwhile, Sienna finished her song and Thyasse stood up. "Nice singing. It was not so bad." She said."Here, have some water," she gave Sienna a silver goblet. Sienna took it but it felt really wrong.

"Is that poison?" Sienna asked sweetly.

"You are so rude!"Thyasse glared.

"Maybe, that's why Sharchan loves me."Sienna nodded. "He is rude too. He will be so pleased to know, your son locked me in the cage as well. It runs in the family! "Sienna giggled and turned the goblet upside down. It splattered on the floor with a hiss and melted a big hole into the delicate carpet!

"Ouch, acid! You just can't wait for my skull!"Sienna shook her head."You are so impatient. How you will ever have grandchildren if you take skulls from all females your son see?"

Mathyas's face darkened."Now I know where my friends went!"his heart clenched painfully.

"You little monster!" Thyasse raged, but did not dare to touch her."I hate you so much!"

"Why? Thyasse, tell me why? Mirror, mirror on the wall, tell me, why Thyasse hates me most of all?"Sienna joked and looked deep into her wild yellow eyes.

Sienna watched as Thyasse's eyes became bigger and bigger somehow! Suddenly Sienna flinched! She felt as if she saw Thyasse's soul for a split second! She felt it was in pain and scared! It was a prisoner in its own body!

"I have another song, just for you."Sienna smiled."I just made it. Listen carefully, if it is right and come out of your shell."Sienna tilted her head and held the bars tight. She felt a wild creative energy around her and the words just came to her by themself! Her blue eyes shone brightly as she sang the balladic song;

"Copper hair twirling in the wind,

wild yellow eyes,

she kills people at her will

and collect skulls at mass!

She likes to eat her best enemies,

wicked grin is her smile.

She was before a gentle lass,

but now the hatred captured her heart!

She is walking dead in the dungeon,

smiling at the torture,

her best friend a fire whip,

help her teach her ways with gore,

but she was a kind girl before!

She cried out bitter tears,

shed her countless skins,

and swore not to be hurt anymore!

She hid behind the big skull walls,

Dead bones are eating her heart away,

sharp teeth grinding her soul in pain,

she is silencing it with screams,

of her unfortunate enemies!

Don't be the dead queen puppet,

don't live in a pain,

break out from the hatred

and be free again!

Sing a song of freedom,

find yourself again,

you are the daughter of the Snake King

gentle, kind and strong,

Come free your precious heart and don't let it sink,

Sing with me, the song of freedom!

Sienna stop singing and looked at shocked Thyasse."Thyasse, the legacy of the old queen lives in you, she ate your soul and your happiness!"Sienna called."Get rid of her forever!"

Mathyas and Marath watched in shock as Thyasse teared up."How dare you! How can you sing the song of freedom locked up in a cage? Liar!!!"She stood up and scream painfully, holding the bars of Sienna's cage!

"Freedom is a state of mind. I do not lie. I saw your soul in your eyes. Sharchan loves you so much, he sent you here to protect you!"Sienna just blurted what she felt."I know is scary to change back but I can help you. The first step is to burn that bone collection, just so you know!"Sienna gently touched Thyasse's hands holding the bars.

Thyasse let the bars go as if she was touched by fire. She glanced at Sienna desperately and turned around to leave when she noticed Marath and Mathyas watching!

Thyasse burst into the tears and run down the corridors screaming in pain. Mathyas went after her.

Sienna watch from her cage and bit her lips. This moment was just weird! She felt something broke in Thyasse, but could not name it! Sienna's heart was thumping wildly, she stretched her back and breath out. She saw her hands shaking a bit. She still felt that wild energy around, it was kind of coming thru her, eloping her as a restless cloud. She held the bars of the cage and looked around.

Marath was still watching her standing at the library door! Sienna looked at his lean figure dressed in black kimono-like light armour. She felt her heart tremble a bit. The anxious wave passed her body."How long he was watching?" she thought."Well, whatever, what is done is done!"Sienna bit her lips and looked into his pale face. "He doesn't look upset. I will see soon, I guess." she thought and watched him coming closer.

Marath locked his red eyes into Sienna's, he saw she is a bit worried about him. "I saw most of it!" he said straight away."You have nothing to worry about. You are mine, so I'm responsible for you." he chuckled. "Little wild queen." he shook his head entertained. He came to her cage and stood right in front of her.

"Good morning, Marath."Sienna smiled sweetly and bit her trembling lips. She was trying to calm down a bit.

"How do you like your cage pretty little bird?"He smiled gently and touched her cheek thru the bars.

"Not much, I prefer gold ones, but I sure like your pendant, it is so much fun..."Sienna smiled gratefully.

"Good."Marath nodded.

"Now, sing me that rose song again and then I let you go eat." he sat in Thyasse's chair.

"You don't want to starve me?" Sienna giggled at him innocently.

"No, it would be a pity to lose that curves." he chuckled. "I came to free you."

"Ok, because you are really protecting me as you promised. I will sing it just for you."Sienna nodded sweetly.

"Roses in bloom, covered maze, the danger lurking around, will you be able my love to find me if I'm lost deep inside..."Sienna sang the longing song again.

"Nice."Marath clapped his hands and stood up. He touched the iron cage and it disappeared into the thin air again! The cushions and books fall on the floor with a thump. Marath caught falling Sienna into his embrace. He pressed her body on his tightly. Sienna circled his neck with her arms and kissed his cheek."Thank you, Marath."

Marath felt the wild energy seeping from her again."Go eat little queen and try not to get into more trouble today, hm? I have work to do." he kissed her forehead lightly and let her go.