The laughing skulls

Thyasse ran down the corridors. She felt as if her mind is getting crazy!

She saw Mathyas is behind her, so she slipped into her Mirror room. She dried the tears on her face and stared at herself. Suddenly instead of her face the Marath's mother, the old Black Lizard Queen stood there."I will let you go!"Thyasse hissed.

"We are bound together, you and I are the same, I'm part of you."the old queen hissed from the mirror at her.

" I will get rid of you for good. I will be free!"Thyasse shouted wildly.

"Noo, don't you dare to kill me..." she heard the old queen scream in her head!

Thyasse ran to her skull room. She looked around the walls covered with skulls. She watched their shiny polished bones and bare teeth. She felt as if they are laughing into her face..."We own you, we own you. We did eat your heart!!! hahaha. " She could hear them chanting to her loudly as booming drums in her every heartbeat!

"Not anymore!"Thyasse screamed. She held her ears to stop the sound in her head, but it was overwhelming! She turned around the room screaming in pain and collapsed on the floor bursting into wild tears.

Mathyas came inside. He crouch down and hugged his mother."Mother, are you ok?" he dried her tears with his silken sleeve.

"Yes."Thyasse looked at him. She stood up and went to the silvery pillars.

She picked the three decorated skulls with her shaking hands and gave them to Mathyas.

"Here, your friends." she bit her lips.

"But mother, you missed one."Mathyas stared at her.

"One girl got away."Thyasse nodded.

"Which one?"Mathyas asked hopefully.

"I don't remember. It was too long ago. Find yourself." Thyasse hissed nervously. She noticed she can't remember some things suddenly!

"Mathyas, I want to burn all these bones. Make a bonfire outside for me," she said quietly.

"But you collected them for years!"Mathyas asked shocked.

"Exactly. It is time to let them go. They will be not eating my heart any longer. I was thinking I own them, but they owned me instead!"Thaysse bit her lips.

She picked one of the skulls with bright golden drawings."Your grandma, I need to return her to your father." she glanced at Mathyas.

Mathyas stared speechless."Does father know you did this?"

"What? She tried to eat you." Thyasse frowned."Have servants clean this room after and burn the carved door as well. I want new ones, with no skulls. Make it only roses."She said and went out.

Thyasse walked down the corridors, holding the golden skull when she heard light steps behind her.

The strong hand circled her waist till she managed to turn around. She lifted her eyes with worry and stared into Marath's face.

"I told you to stay away from the little queen. I told you not to go outside!" he said to her sternly.

"I went with Mathyas," she gulped.

"Is he your master or me?"Marath looked firmly at her.

"You are! "She bowed her head.

"Then come."He said firmly and took her down to the dungeon.

Meanwhile, Xander took Sienna to her room and Ramse gave her lunch. Sienna ate the light lentil soup with soft buns and chat with them.

"This necklace is amazing."Sienna beamed."You should see how that whip

changed to ashes! And Thyasse got hair as a troll." she chuckled.

"It looks like Marath really impressed you!"Ramse bit his lips.

"Well, he kept his word, he saved me and he is nicer than Mathyas. I think his deal is quite fair. If Sarcos is late, I will do what he wants, you two will be safe, I can see my mates."Sienna smiled a bit nervously.

"But truly, is he not too old for you?" asked Xander.

"Young or old? How picky I can be? He looks strong and bearable. At least he is kind to me. He is more muscular than Mathyas anyway." Sienna shook her shoulders.

"You are so carnal!" Xander shook his head."I think Sienna has an obsession with muscles." he chuckled."I need to train more for you then."

"What? It looks good."Sienna blushed red as a tomato.

"Yes, Marath did not call her heavy, so she is ok with him!"Xander turned to Ramse a bit bitterly.

"Is not that simple, "Sienna shook her head seriously."If Sarcos do not come back, who take care of his people? I'm the queen of Sand City by myself. I have to protect it. I need a mate with magic to protect my people and keep them well." she sighed.

"Don't you have armies for that?"Xander asked cleverly.

Sienna shook her head."You two did not see King Aiden's attack. If Sarcos do not have magic the city will be gone! Aiden could shoot anyone from the air as a fish in the barrel."

"Marco can help you fight him, no?" Ramse noted.

"I don't want his soldiers to fight eagle against the eagle. They are equally strong. The casualties will be great."Sienna shook her head.

"I did not know you think this way."Xander stared at her surprised.

"I think all the ways."Sienna shook her head. "If Marath protects me and Sand City I will be content, "Sienna nodded her head.

"What about Thyasse?" Xander asked.

"That is his matter. I will not get involved between them."Sienna said ."He wants a lover, not another wife."

Xander put his head on her lap. She petted his soft fur."Xander, I might be getting crazy."Sienna shook her head."Will you hug me?"

The black panther changed into a handsome man. He hugged Sienna tightly. Sienna looked into his eyes." Don't show me the stars, Xander. I'm too wild today." She ran her hand through his black long hair.

Ramse looked at them."I want a hug too."

"Sure, you deserve it."Sienna kissed Xander's cheek slowly, making him half crazy with want and went to hug Ramse. She kissed his cheek too.

"All good?"Sienna asked him gently.

"Yes, "Ramse nodded."You need to be fair."

"I'm afraid, I'm not that fair as I was thinking."Sienna bit her lips."Not to you definitely."She looked into his deep grey eyes.

"Forget it, I have time."Ramse smiled, he kissed her forehead and let her go.

Meanwhile, deep in the dungeon's darkest cell, Marath took the Thyasse's clothes off gently.

"I'm scared! Why are you punishing me for the little brat? You gave her your protective pendant, I could do nothing to her." she sobbed.

"This is the last time, bear with it."Marath clenched his jaws hard.

"I do not want to be punished again! My body is full of scars."Thyasse teared up."I'm sorry for disobeying you! "she cried in fear. "Did not you order me to point an arrow at her before?"

"Yes, I wanted to teach Mathyas a lesson. He failed again."Marath nodded and furrowed his brows."Now shush, this is the last time. Just hold your breath and go with it!"Marath clicked his teeth.

"Last time? Do you want to kill me?"Thyasse flinched.

"No, I still love you."Marath nodded.

"So why do you want little brat then?"Thyasse asked curiously.

"She is an occasional treat and you are my daily meal."Marath chuckled."She has more mates anyway."

"So you do not love her, then?"Thyasse asked hopefully.

"I do like her a lot. I just want some fun with her, she feels good."He nodded."But you are my everything." he touched Thyasse's cheek gently.

"Would you kill her for me then?" she asked.

"No and I will not kill you for her eighter, but she is not wicked!" he sighed at Thyasse's question.

Marath changed his hand to a lizard claw. He pressed Thyasse against the wall strongly and started to carve into her skin again. This time, it was not so deep."Your body is my canvas."He said to her hard again. He always said it before he started her torture. He draw the lines on her body, over the old scars and kept mumbling spells as he carved. Thyasse held on quite well, it hurt but not so bad as before! "Done!"Marath suddenly said satisfied and stopped carving.

"Are you going to bite me too?" she asked curiously.

"Are you missing the pain?"Marath chuckled."No need this time. I was biting you to keep the scars visible."

Thyasse turned her face to him a bit confused. Marath suddenly turned her around and pressed his hands on her heart. He said a spell and the scars with new markings on Thyasse's body suddenly joined into one picture and started to glow!

Thyasse fall on the floor and trembled in shock, changing to snake and human rapidly, till she lost consciousness. Marath picked her up and took her to her bedroom. He put her on the bed and watched how all the scars disappeared with one last glow.

"Finally!" he sighed.

He watched Thyasse for some time and then he slapped her cheeks gently.

Thyasse opened her eyes. She looked around confused."Marath, What happened?"

"You were sick my love."He nodded.

"And how is Mathyas?"She asked worriedly.

"He is alive but still not cured."Marath bit his lips.

"My little boy."Thyasse wept.

"He is a man now."Marath nodded.

"A man? "Thyasse looked confused.

"Yes."Marath nodded. He went to get her some water from the jug on the table.

Thyasse sat up and tried to remember. The darkness, skulls, mirrors and screams were all flying in her mind as a dreamy nightmare. Suddenly a picture of a smiling woman with strong blue eyes appeared in her mind. She was laughing in the iron cage!

"I remember some gold-haired female...she called out my soul...." Thyasse looked at Marath still confused.

"Yes. Her name is Sienna, she helped to cure you..."Marath nodded."You will see her tomorrow. You need to rest today." he smiled gently.