The chess night

Sienna just finished her bath and was brushing her hair in front of the mirror. She was still wrapped in the towel when Xander and Ramse came in!

"What you did with Marath?"Xander picked her up from the chair wildly."I could smell your pheromones all the way up the corridors. Why did you go for a bath too early?"He swallowed hard looking at her jealously squeezing her waist tightly with his hands.

Sienna stared into his upset face."You are so handsome, Xander. I like when you hold me so tight." she looked at him wildly. She circled his neck and kissed his cheek slowly. Xander felt her body trembling in his hands wanting to mate. He licked his lips, but let her go." Well, I can see, you are still so wild, so I presume you are innocent." he nodded satisfied.

Ramse looked in the bathroom suspiciously."Where are your dress and shoes?"

" Gone!" Sienna called to him.

"What did you do again?" Ramse asked seriously.

"Nothing. I do not want to talk about it."Sienna shook her head.

"Come on, spit it out."Ramse sat on her bed firmly.

"Well, let me dress at least."Sienna held the towel tightly.

"After you tell us."Ramse held her hand."We went to see Marco and made a plan."

"How is he?"Sienna's eyes lit up wildly.

"You first."Ramse did not buldge.

Sienna rather told him everything.

"Marco is well, he will help us, "Ramse noted.

"I think Marath knows about it, but probably he will let you have a try."Sienna bit her lips."Just be careful, I can't read him that much."She sighed.

"Well, he can definitely read you."Ramse noted."You are half crazy with wants when you come from him."

Sienna bit her lips a bit guilty. Ramse, touched her cheek gently," Don't be upset with yourself, you are trying your best!"

"Thank you."Sienna smiled.

"Come, let's cook something for you."Ramse petted her head. He picked a blue velvet dress for her."Put it on. I just brought it from your caves, and a bit of honey to calm down," he stuck the little teaspoon into her mouth," And a chessboard to keep Marath entertained." he added.

"You surely think of everything, "Sienna mumbled with a full mouth."Great you got it, Marath will come earlier today to play chess, he agreed!" she smiled victoriously.

"Well done, little minx, hush now." he sent her to the bathroom jokingly.

Sienna took the dress and went to the bathroom to get ready, still licking the spoon with honey.

Xander looked at Ramse."How is he doing it? He is literally controlling her body!"

"Ask him."Ramse chuckled.

"Well. I have my stars, I do not need his advice." Xander bit his lips upset.

" Well, he is surely experienced with his age." Ramse taunted him jokingly." Maybe you can learn something."

Xander just glared at him.

"Ready and hungry!"Sienna came out of the bathroom, smiling.

Ramse and Xander took her down to the kitchen. Xander sat Sienna on the table. Ramse cooked her sweet spicy rice with fruits. Sienna ate in the kitchen and chat with them.

"Eat up Sienna, so you have energy for tonight."Ramse gave her the rice.

" I feel so nervous." Sienna nodded." I really hope Sarcos can make it."

"We do what we can."Xander patted her cheek.

"Thank you."Sienna cuddle up to his hand as he held her," I would be not able to do anything without your help."

"Sure, we are here to help you." Ramse nodded." We will fight for you till we live."

Sienna looked at him a bit guilty.

" What? I will never give up on you. You are the queen I want." Ramse shook his strong shoulders.

Sienna felt her body tremble at that promise, he was so fierce suddenly!

"Stop scaring her again!"Xander glanced at him." Wait with love wows till we finish it here."He chuckled."Sienna, if we can free Sarcos would you have dinner with us?"Xander asked cheekily.

"I'm having dinner already with you. Right now," she whispered.

"But I like to have you for my dinner."Xander chuckled.

"I was thinking you hunt deers?"Sienna bit her lips jokingly.

"Yes Xander, wait with your mating suggestions till we finish it here."Ramse chuckled back at him!

Sienna smiled and swing her legs on the table.

"Is time to go." Xander pointed his head up."

"Sure."Sienna nodded and went back to her room with them, it was just before dusk.

When Sienna came back to her room, she sat in front of her mirror to fix her eyeliner and put some lipgloss on. Then she brushed her hair mindlessly, staring into her tiger eyes. The darkness started to come inside the rocky room. Dusk just passed. Sienna watched as Ramse put a few candles around to light up the room better.

"That looks too romantic." Xander nodded, staring at Sienna."Behave yourself, don't forget that Sarcos is coming tonight and don't get too comfortable. "he said firmly to her.

" Shh, don't stress her more. Is nothing she can do, who can fight him?" Ramse sighed.

"But he is not a king."Xander hissed.

"And what am supposed to do?" Sienna looked at Xander seriously." He doesn't care for rules! Should he give me to Mathyas, because he is a king? Then I will lose Sarcos. I rather break the rules and have a chance to be with Sarcos!" Sienna pouted her lips resolutely.

"But.."Xander tried to explain, but a knock on the door disturbed them.

Sienna turned in her chair abruptly.

Ramse opened the door and let Marath in.

Marath came inside." I came to play, my little queen." he looked at Sienna softly. She was just sitting in front of the mirror with a hairbrush in her hand a bit frozen. The wild energy and excitement all over her face." Welcome, Marath, " she went to stand up, but Marat stopped her."Sit, I will come to you."

Marath looked at Ramse and Xander."Go rest and do your best." he smirked at them knowingly. Ramse and Xander rather went.

Marath came behind Sienna and held her shoulders. Sienna looked at him in the mirror and waited for what he wanted to say. Her body started to tremble at his touch again and she tried to suppress it.

"You know where I sent them?"Marath looked into her blue eyes thru the mirror.

"Yes," she nodded."You know everything."

"Why are you not scared of me then?" he said firmly to her.

"Every part of my being is in your hands, you protected me well. I trust you."Sienna smiled softly.

"Good."Marath nodded."Midnight is coming in a few hours. Do you remember your promise?"

"Yes."Sienna nodded.

Marath looked at her reflection in the mirror. He put her golden hair to the side and revealed her white neck. He bend down and kissed it gently. He felt Sienna's body tremble." So are you ready to play?" he smiled.

Sienna smiled and gulped. "Sure, let me get the figures." she stood up and got a chessboard Ramse brought from her treasure cave.

She sat on the bed and started to arrange the figures on the board.

"Beautiful work."Marath looked at the chess figures carved from the dark and light wood."So which colour do you like?"

"I like black figures, but I mostly play with white lately." she smiled.

"Playing with dark kings!"Marat chuckled."But I'm not a king anymore. Still, I will take the black ones then."

Sienna turned the chessboard by the black figures to him.

"So, what we will be playing for?"Marath asked curiously.

"You will choose."She smiled

"If I win I want to kiss you, "Marath said smiling confidently.

"Ok," Sienna nodded.

"And if you win, you can kiss me again, passionately."He looked at her a bit curiously.

"Hahaha, what a good bet! Sure, let's play."Sienna chuckled.

Marath saw she is relaxed next to him and smiled."Is so easy to make her sweet. How could my son mess it up so badly! "he sighed in his mind.

Sienna play chess with him for an hour. In the end, he won. He sat next to her."You lost, little white queen." he chuckled.

"You won, it was a good game. I had fun."Sienna smiled.

"Time to pay, "he circled her waist,

"Sure."Sienna licked her lips. She held his shoulders and closed her eyes. Her heart thumping wildly.

Marath pressed his lips on hers, he felt her fire-like energy reacting with his magic again! He kissed her passionately and drank it, he felt his magic getting stronger every second he kissed her. Sienna responded to the kiss and the time and space stopped existing for a while!

Sienna saw herself in the white space again. She looked for the gold scorpion excitedly. "Where are you?" she called for him.

"Here, I'm always waiting for you!" the huge golden pincer picked her up to the air.

He was a half-man already. Sienna looked into his handsome face and kissed him passionately. She could feel as if her being is melting in with him.

"Who are you?" she asked him.

"Shhh, just kiss me..." he kept kissing her wildly.

Sienna closed her eyes and felt his presence. It felt strong and safe. When she opened them they were down the volcano already. The magma was boing around them and all she wanted was to kiss him again. The black cloud eloped around. "I can have more today." he chuckled. "You will surely pay me well."

The scorpion kissed Sienna deeply and the dark cloud eloped around them. She felt her lips tremble in passion. She wanted to mate with him badly.

Suddenly the scorpion was gone. Sienna open her eyes, she was floating in the black cloud. "Where is he?" She asked desperately.

"Gone for now." the cloud chuckled."You are safe with me."

Sienna felt the manly lips on hers. She felt the energy pass and the kiss stopped. Sienna looked at Marath in a daze.

"Do you want to ask me something?" he smiled gently.

"Is there something I need to know?" Sienna stared into his face.

"No." Marath said."It is all settled." he shook his head."But you can kiss me some more to give your kings time to try to free Sarcos."He looked at her entertained.

Sienna blushed."I know you knew. Why do you let me then?"

"Because you deserve the chance too. I like you."He smiled."Only if you try everything possible, you will be able to open your heart fully to me." he smiled."I don't want you to have regrets." he touched her cheek gently.

"Thank you."Sienna bit her lips."I like you too, but you can feel that." she blushed again.

"We will go down just before midnight, I will tell you when is time to go." he chuckled.

Sienna smiled at him sweetly. " You are the most cunning man I ever saw."

"You seem nothing yet," he chuckled. He pushed Sienna gently onto the bed and embraced her.

She looked into his face relaxedly. She surrendered to him that day he saved her. She will not oppose him and he felt it.

Marath looked at her entertained. "Are you not afraid I will fuck you till you drop?" he pinned her arms over her head dominantly," I said it to taunt Mathyas. I'm sorry to upset you."

"You did not upset me that much. If you will become my lover, I hope you will fuck me till I drop."Sienna licked her lips.

"You are so wild."Marath chuckled and bend over her. Sienna circled his neck and kissed him. She hoped to see the golden scorpion, but this time she was kissing Marath only, it still felt nice. He kissed really well!

Sienna looked at him with her tiger eyes."I know why you have to mate me if Sarcos doesn't come back."She lay in his embrace comfortably."You are just trying to help me. Mating builds trust. People will accept you if you are my official lover. You will be the shadow king of the Sand City. You don't want to be a real king, because you love Thyasse, but you still want to help me. It is your hero's heart."Sienna nodded."And a bit of chemistry. You know I need a mate with magic to protect me and my city."She smiled at him."Thank you."

"So you don't mind at all."Marath smiled.

Sienna hugged his neck."Some chores we can surely enjoy." she kissed him passionately.

"Little wild cat."Marath chuckled and kissed her back.

Meanwhile, Marco disguised as a black lizard guard sneaked with Ramse and Xander into the Marath's laboratory. Marco looked at the massive dome. He could see faint images of Sarcos appearing and disappearing. "He is trying desperately."cold eagle noted.

"Let's take the crystal first."Ramse pointed at the broken crystal on the top of the dome.

Marco leapt up and pull the crystal out with brutal force. It was boiling hot but the eagle was half-dragon, so he did not notice, it just felt warm to him! He held it in his hand and went to open the locked door. They were stuck solid, so Marco ripped them out brutally. He felt that the crystal in his hand is making him even stronger!

Ramse and Marco went inside the dome.

Marco held the broken boiling crystal in his hand.

"Marco look, it is glowing more suddenly," Ramse noted.

Marco opened his palm and stared. The human fingers and hand started to appear as if growing from the broken crystal! The hand continued to grow into a tanned burly naked man!

"Sarcos!"Ramse called in relief. The strong scorpion stood there holding the crystal till he was all visible and then the crystal slowly dissolved into his hand.

Marco stared at his empty palm. Xander and Ramse stared too.

Sarcos stood there and smiled. "Thank you. I started to think I will be invisible forever. I could not get to the crystal with the unstable body. My father shot me in the foot again!" he grinned."You just saved one Scorpion King and I will never forget it. You all are my brothers now!"

The kings nodded still a bit shocked.

"Get your clothes on you are very visible now," Ramse noted.

Sarcos chuckled and put on his clothes and armour.

"Shall we pick Sienna now?" Xander asked impatiently.

"No, I need to give Mathyas chance as well. If Sienna will come here to see me, I will take her with me, if not, I will leave her with Mathyas and go kill Darren's king."Sarcos said a bit painfully."I need to keep my word!" he sighed.

"What are you talking about?"Ramse cut him off."Sienna belongs to Marath now. She agreed to be his lover and go with him to Sand City if you do not show up!"

"Marath? But he is too old for her, no?" Sarcos shook his head confused.

"Well, if someone saves you from drowning in a magic glass tube of water, it might adjust your preferences," Ramse said angrily."Mathyas actually killed her!"

"What do you mean?" Sarcos stood pale.

"He locked her in the tube of water and left. Sienna begged, I begged, and I tried to fight him, but nothing moved him. Then Marath took her out of the water. She was drowning already. He took her and she made a deal with him. He gave her a necklace for protection. She wants to protect Sand City, so she is content with him. I saw her even kiss him.Passionately."Ramse bit his lips.

Sarcos held his head. He felt as if his whole world is spinning." Did she mate with Marath already?" he asked worriedly.

"Not that I know off. He is with her now, he said he will bring her here before midnight."Ramse said.

"Well, it is almost midnight, we might just wait here for them."Sarcos nodded.

"Are you not worried, he will mate her now?"Xander asked surprised.

"Why would he? She agreed already, no?"Sarcos bit his lips.

"But they have chemistry together. "Xander noted."I felt it. Are you not scared she will be tainted queen?"

"It is all my fault, she is innocent and I don't think you three will mind."Sarcos looked at Xander and Ramse.

"I don't."Ramse shooked his shoulders.

"Me too." Marco stood up."She is not to be held accountable for what she had to do to survive. We are responsible for it Sarcos. "he said sternly.

"Let's hide then and wait."Sarcos noted. He flicked his hand and made a mirror wall."We all are invisible now!" he chuckled.

"I do not want to be invisible!"Xander growled, "I'm too handsome not to be seen!"

"Calm down, if you step out of my mirror wall, you will be visible again."Sarcos chuckled.

"You are so petty, Xander!"Ramse noted.

"Will you try to kill Marath?"Marco asked.

"No, we will negotiate, he will honour our deal." Sarcos nodded.

Meanwhile, Marath stopped kissing Sienna slowly."The time surely goes fast with you." he chuckled."Let me see your scorpion mark." he asked.

Sienna lay on her belly and turned her back to him. She held her long hair to the side waiting for him to have a look.

"What a trust!"Marath shook his head and opened her dress. He saw the mark shining brightly and he smiled knowingly.

"You kept me entertained for long enough." he chuckled. He kissed her back and closed her dress again.

"Did you enjoy it?"Sienna asked gently.

"Sure, who can resist you?" he chuckled.

"Well, I liked it too." she smiled, "It was really pleasant."

"Come, let's see if Sarcos is coming back." he smiled.

Sienna went bathroom for a bit, she fixed her hair and wash her face quickly. Her heart was thumping loudly with expectation."Sarcos, Sarcos is coming."

She put on a warm cape. Marath looked at her and nodded."You look so beautiful Sienna." he held her hand and led her down the corridors to his laboratory.