The bustling life in Underworld

"Sarcos will be coming today!"Sienna was getting restless and walked around the room thinking when Mathyas just barged in confidently.

"Good morning, Mathyas. Forgot how to knock already?" Sienna smiled. She was not scared of him that much after the last night. He could do nothing to her as long she got her necklace!

"Well, is already past noon."Mathyas shook his head."You slept too long."

"Is it forbidden?"Sienna lifted her eyebrow cheekily.

"No," Mathyas shook his head."I just wanted to thank you for helping my mother," he said coldly, "And I wanted to tell you, I'm not giving you back to Sarcos or to my father." he looked at her firmly.

"But I already belong to your father."Sienna furrowed her brows worriedly.

"Not if I mate with you first!" Mathyas looked at her firmly.

"And how would you do that?"Sienna asked him curiously, touching the black pendant nervously.

"I will take you away right now!"He looked at her."You stay with me, away from everyone till you accept me voluntarily."He looked at her crazily, "It will work. With my father's pendant, I will be not able to kill you. We can be happy together." he said as in trance.

"But you don't love me. You can't love me, because you are sick. You have episodes of being savage." Sienna said carefully.

"But you can cure me," Mathyas said resolutely.

"Not just me, you need your father's help too."Sienna bit her lips."Besides, I like my deal with your father, I do not want to go with you."

"But I'm not asking."Mathyas bit his lips and flicked his finger. He lifted Sienna into the air and opened the door."Let's go."

Sienna was moved in the air in front of him. He kind of made an air bubble around her without even touching her!

"This is a really stupid idea," she sighed."Please, let's just ask your father together to cure you instead!"

"No, I want to mate you too. I like how you feel. We can go ask him together after you mate me." he nodded his head.

"But Sarcos is coming back tonight!"Sienna called."I can't mate with you ever!"

"You will not mate with him ever, because you will accept me voluntarily shortly," he said smiling satisfied with some weird plan of his."I want you to be my new queen."

Mathyas took Sienna all the way down, they passed the corridors and the caves looked wild and natural, they were really dark. Mathyas took Sienna deep into the tombs. Sienna felt weird. The long lianas were covering the place and it was full of little black wild lizards. Sienna mostly could not see anything, till they came into the huge cave hall illuminated in the green light.

"Here we stay, "he smiled and stopped.

Sienna sighed. "What I'm supposed to do here?"

"We stay here, till you mate with me. Your choice," he said stubbornly.

"It is not even a clean space here to stand up, no bathroom, no food, it looks like a scary cemetery, "Sienna whispered.

"It is a scary cemetery!"Mathyas nodded."Is thousands of dead here."

"I'm scared at the cemetery."Sienna felt her heart clench.

"You can hug me if you are scared."Mathyas smiled gently.

"I do not want to hug you," Sienna said but felt unsure. If it was whoever else she will hug him.But not Mathyas.

"Then you float."Mathyas nodded."I will be slowly lowering you down." Then you can walk around the little lizards like me."

"Then I just go back."Sienna smiled pretending to be confident.

"You will never find a way on your own, is too dark here."Mathyas chuckled. He clapped his hands and the lights went off. Sienna felt the darkness elope her.

"Mathyas, where is the light?" she asked worriedly.

"It is the luminescent worms, they shine, romantic, no?" he chuckled.

"Not really, I prefer the real stars," Sienna said worriedly.

"Sure we can hold hands under real stars too. After you mate me," he said firmly.

"There is no space to even sit here," Sienna said worriedly.

"Yes, the floor is full of lizards, bones, spiders and centipedes. If I'm not a master of them, I will be covered in seconds," he said."Listen."

Sienna heard some disgusting crunching noises in the darkness.

"What was that?" she called freaking out.

"Very big spiders, I just popped a few of them with my feet."Mathyas chuckled.

"Ayyak, you just made me feel sick."Sienna felt her breakfast in her mouth."Please, stop this, I will go crazy in here."

"Only you can stop it. Besides they will not hurt you with your protective necklace, you can walk on them like me." he nodded satisfied with his plan.

"No, I don't want to."Sienna said."l do not want to walk on them."

The green light started to come back again. Sienna looked down. It looked as if the floor lives, it was moving and moving! She felt sick to her stomach.

Mathyas stood next to her and smiled gently.

"Please, take me back, I can't mate you, I have a deal with your father. Do you want to upset him?"Sienna tried again.

"Well, maybe I'm finally growing up." he nodded."As you wanted."

Sienna could not watch any more and hide her face in her hands. Suddenly she felt something touching her feet, "My shoes!" she screamed and looked around startled.

"Yes, I took them, you don't want to make them mushy." he chuckled waving her sandals in front of her cheekily. Then he let them just disappear!

"You are so cruel."Sienna glanced at him.

"I can take your dress too... it be a pity to mess it up." he nodded.

Sienna felt her gown just disappear! She had just a light chemise and her protective necklace on!"How could you! You even took my bra and knickers." she sobbed and hugged her chest.

"You don't need them for mating. Be happy I left you at least something. I could take it too, you know? But you look delicious like this."Mathyas chuckled."Let's see who will get the taste first, me or the spiders?"

"Please, I can't anymore."Sienna sobbed.

"I know, one scary spider on your skin and you will have a meltdown." he chuckled wildly."Should I pick one for you to have a taste?"

"No, please don't."She shook in fear, "Give me my dress back, I'm really cold now."

"I can warm you up if you let me." he smiled."You will be sitting on the floor in a minute."Mathyas nodded."So I will give you a choice."He flicked his hand and the silked bed was floating in the air!"You can go with me and mate in that bed passionately or you sink into the dark cemetery world. It will not hurt you, but probably you will get crazy in fear. There are massive centipedes, spiders and wild black lizards. The deeper you sink, the bigger they are!"

"I like the bed, but I can't mate you. You and Sarcos would not share a mate. And I belong to your father now anyway. I have no choice. I'm Sarcos's mate already." she begged.

" Details. You just need to do what I say and you will be out of here. Let's turn off the light again, I know you have a good imagination, "he smiled.

Sienna squeezed the black pendant in her hand." Please Marath if you can hear me, help me," she whispered."Sienna felt half crazy in the darkness, so she started to sing to survive the fear;

"Hello darkness my old friend, how are you doing today?

I'm stuck in your embrace, the sunshine went away.

Cruel are your ways, I can feel your pain.

I'm waiting for my love, my heart leads the way."

"Are you going crazy already?"Mathyas chuckled.

"We both are, "Sienna whispered. She could feel something tickling her back and screamed.

"It was just me." he smiled."You are so touchy."

"I know why I'm sinking," Sienna nodded her head, "You are too weak to hold me up. You have weak magic, is simple."

"Or you are too way or another..."Mathyas chuckled."You can't trick me anymore! The stupid king is gone." Mathyas was right behind her.

"So who are you now?"Sienna asked worriedly.

"Still the king of the Underworld. Cruel monster, you will love."Mathyas clapped his hands and the green light came around again.

Sienna was one foot over the living floor! She saw it moving slowly in the green light and screamed.

"I let you enjoy the ride down in darkness. "he chuckled."Don't crunch too much, you will be not going for a bath, till you mate me."

"Use your right hand, "Sienna called desperately.

"Ok, time is up, come try the floor."Mathyas nodded.

"How can you watch me suffer so much, you are heartless!" Sienna called.

"Ok, I will not watch you, so you see I still have a heart." he chuckled.

He clapped his hands and Sienna fall out of his bubble! She covered her eyes in horror, even though it was dark there. She felt she is falling and screamed loudly.

"Will you go mate now?" Mathyas chuckled standing by his back to her.

"Yes, straight away."Sienna sobbed," I do not want to be here." she whispered.

"Passionately?"Mathyas chuckled.

"Yes, very passionately!"Sienna sobbed.

"You see? It was not that hard. I should do this in the first place, instead of being kind to you."Mathyas turned to her victoriously...

...and froze. Sienna was held by his father!

"But not with you."She smiled cheekily and sent him a little air kiss."Enjoy your cemetery," she nodded.

"Like a little boy."Marath shook his head.

"Father, how could you? She almost agreed."Mathyas looked at him upset.

"Promise is a promise."Marath shook his shoulders. You had your chances more than enough." He held Sienna in his embrace and walked with her up the dark corridors.

"Thank you for coming in time, "Sienna sighed," I was afraid I will go crazy on that lizard-covered floor."

"Lizards, spiders, centipedes, big bones," Marath nodded. "I was with you straight away. I saw Mathyas taking you down. I was curious what my son will do!"Marath nodded.

"So you were watching it?" she asked a bit shocked.

"Yes, I was waiting if you will give up. I will like to keep you here as Mathyas's queen," he looked at her, "His idea was not that bad, but I promised to protect you, so I could not let you sink down. Really, you will do anything after you will feel that floor and you knew that. So tell me, why did you try to hold on? Do you really like me so much?"Marath chuckled.

"Sure I do."Sienna nodded."You feel safe."Sienna kissed his cheek." For you and Sarcos." she thought."Sarcos is coming today, how can I give up? And you said you will protect me, so you did!"Sienna grinned in her mind."Marath is more complicated than he seems." she thought holding his shoulders.

Marath was strong and felt quite comfortable next to her. Sienna was puzzled by him. He was really cunning and had his own plans. Sienna could hear his heartbeat. She really felt safe in his embrace. She felt her body reacting to him as he held her. "Bloody chemistry!" she thought. She felt her heart thumping wildly."I'm getting crazy, definitely! I did not mate for too long and now I'm attracted to Mathyas's father. If Sarcos is not coming tonight, I should accept Xander to calm down." she thought.

Marath liked feeling Sienna in his arms. She was soft and her body was seeping out wild sensual energy. He held her tight in his arms and walked fast by the dark corridors, it seemed he was using some shortcuts because Sienna felt a few times as if they passed thru the wall!

Marath let her down on the floor in front of her room."You know I can feel you." he looked at her entertained."Go to your room little queen, or I will mate with you right now."

Sienna blushed and rather went."Thank you, Marath."

"Am I really so irresistible?" Marath chuckled and shook his head as he walked down the corridors...

Mathyas watched the shiny worms over his head."I can't take you from my father, let's see if I can take you from Sarcos tonight."He chuckled a bit crazily and went out!