The wild side is out!

In the darkness of the night, Tyrell was coming back into his castle from his hunt in his White Tiger form when Marco swooped from the window...

"A tasty tiger!" the dragon roared in Marco's head again and the next thing Marco noticed was the bloodied Tyrell's tiger under him...

"What is going on, Marco?!"Tyrell was calling desperately. He was sure his letter would stay a secret! Marco looked around and saw Ziran staring at him...Bran behind him...

"Are you going to kill him or not?" Asked Ziran coldly.

"What?" Marco shook his eagle head.

"So I know if I attack you or not?" Ziran growled grumpily.

"Marco, sober up..." Bran tried to talk to him as well..."Do not eat him, Sienna will see it..."

"The queen sleeps..."Marco heard himself say hungrily as he shook his shoulder. 

"Not anymore...!"Ziran pointed up to the window...

Marco's eagle turned his head up. He glanced at shocked Sienna with his ruby-red eyes.

He felt a flinch in his heart when she whispered his name in unbelief holding onto the window frame faintly...The tears went down her face and an expression of shocked disbelief. A bitter disappointment plastered over her beautiful face...She looked like a statue of sorrow and heartbreak to him...

"So fuckable!" the dragon grinned in Marco's messed up mind."Let me mate her again then when she is up anyway!" the dragon laughed wickedly and made the huge eagle fly up dropping the bloodied White Tiger down from the air...

"No!" Marco's Eagle screeched and narrowly missed Sienna's window. He caught a strong air current high in the sky and flew to the Wetlands. He tried to overcome the unsated dragon's hunger with all his strength....

Bran with Ziran picked up injured Tyrell and dragged him into his room. Sienna was looking after them worriedly. She waited in the corridor till they appeared and held the door for them as they brought Tyrell in.

"What happened?"She asked in unbelief as Ziran with Bran placed the tiger in his bed."Why did they fight?" she looked at them worriedly.

"It was no fight..." said Ziran.

"It accident..."Bran noted.

"What?"Sienna shook her head and rather went to get some water from the bathroom to clean the wounds. She brought up a bucket of water, disinfectant and clean towels and placed them on the side table. She wet the towel and was about to clean the bloodied wounds, but then she saw that the tiger's meat was sticking out of his ripped shoulders and she felt sick in her stomach. She glanced at Ziran who just took the towel from her hand and started to clean the wound quite roughly. She sat down on the bed holding big Tyrell's tiger head on his lap, petting him.

"Will he be OK?"She asked Ziran with hope in her voice.

"Sure." He is strong..."Ziran nodded.

The tiger opened his blue eyes and stared at Sienna."My love, Sharchan will come soon. He will help me to protect you."He rasped.

"From what?" Sienna watched him...

"From chimera..."The tiger closed his eyes again.

Ziran looked at Bran who just brought sewing stuff for the wounds...they also noticed Marco's dragon-like claws, so they figured it out by now.

"Be ok, Tyrell, please."Sienna hugged White Tiger's big head. She tried not to look at the shoulders Ziran was cleaning and just held the tiger while feeling his rasped breathing.

"I'm going to sew him together...again."Bran looked at Sienna and sat next to her to sew up the shoulders. 

"Go to sleep please, we don't need you here fainting!"Ziran said firmly...

"But I want to be next to him..."Sienna teared up.

"You can't help him, so let us help him, ok?  I'm responsible for you now, and you do what I say..."Ziran looked at her brutishly and pulled her arm up to stand.

"He will be just fine. Have no worries, I saw him worse before!"Bran called to her as Ziran pushed her out. Sienna watched as the carved wooden door closed in her face! She felt like her heart stayed in that room, so she stood behind the door and listened...

"Ahh, looked at this mess!" Ziran said."Why did your king do this anyway? He just gave us extra work!"

"Hold the muscles here for me, I just have to sew it right..."Bran noted. 

"That is quite a bad spot. Don't pierce the artery."Ziran said.

"This part is almost done. Go check if he still breathes."Bran's voice sounded a bit worried.

"Let's hope he makes it, Marco went for a straight kill! It is quite a miracle he still lives..."Ziran said.

"Shhh...go check first..."Bran hissed.

Sienna listened with her head stuck to the door, leaning onto them and holding her breath when the door opened and she fell into Ziran's bloodied lap! 

She met his eyes with quiet worry but before she managed to utter a word he stormed at her angrily."Go to sleep right now!" he just opened the opposite door to her room and chucked her in grumpily.

"Go wash, you are bloodied now as well," he bit his lips."I better not see you out till morning!"

"Why are you so rough with me?"Sienna asked shocked.

"Because you are distracting us and wasting our time to fix Tyrell!" he said firmly.

"But..."Sienna tried to say that she just wanted to help.

"You want him back, no? If he dies I will be the next Tiger King, so don't disturb me right now, or I will fuck you crying! Do you understand?"He told her off badly. Ziran loved Sienna, but she was going on his nerves right now, so he told her the most brutish thing he could think of to scare her enough to make her stay out of his way!

 "What?"Sienna watched as the door closed in her face again. She tried to open them, but they were locked from outside...

"I will never mate you, you brute!" she bit her lips worriedly and rather went to do what he said. She sat in the hot bath in quite unbelief till she realized that Ziran was just stressed out and tried to help Tyrell, so she calmed down about him after a while...She got ready to go to bed but she was still worried about Marco and Tyrell, she wished Sharchan or even better Sarcos were there, they would surely know how to help Tyrell better. "But Bran sewed him up last time, so he should be ok..."She cuddled up into the ball under her blanket and thought about them till she fell asleep for real...

Meanwhile, up in the dark midnight sky, Marco flew all night till the next day morning, he used all the dangerous wind currents and even the ancient windy fast way over the Blue Mountains just to be faster and to prevent the dragon from turning his body back. The latter windway almost ripped his feathers off till he felt they are getting kind of scally, so he was rugged but managed to fly fast over the Wetlands. Finally, he saw the old volcano which was Sienna's garden before and flew straight in! He felt his body relax somehow as he reached his destination and the numbness spread over his bones. The stone's edges caught his wings and he collapsed in the air falling straight under Sarcos who was training Mathyas that day!

"What is this?"Sarcos stared at the huge eagle's body with scaly feathers.

"No more protective shield!" Mathyas shook his shoulders..."The chimera looks poisoned..." he noted coldly.

"It is Marco..."Sarcos turned the passed-out mixed-up eagle around, watching the scaly feathers closely.

"With dragon claws!"Mathyas smiled cheekily.

"Shush, he is still alive."Sarcos checked the eagle's heart, "Who would poison him? For what...?"Sarcos was thinking aloud.

"It looks like my father..."Mathyas nodded his head knowingly."Probably trying to save your little queen again..." he chuckled coldly..."This creature will eat her alive..."

"Where is your father hiding antidotes...?"Sarcos looked at Mathyas seriously.

"Come, I will help you with him when I'm so good now..."Mathyas nodded his head when Ramse and Xander came to check the commotion. They stared at the huge eagle with hard scaly feathers and dragon claws...

"Is it Marco?"Ramse looked at Sarcos in unbelief. "What did you do to him?"

"Nothing yet. He was a hidden chimera. Everyone will be quiet about this!"Sarcos looked at them firmly.

" You knew but you still let him act as a Sea Eagle King!"Xander said in awe..."How could you?"

"Just pick him up...We hide him in the laboratory."Sarcos ordered.

Ramse with Xander picked up the huge eagle's body and took him down the dark corridors. Sarcos instructed them to place him inside the crystal dome.

"Here is the permanent antidote."Mathyas gave a vial to Sarcos.

"Thank you," Sarcos nodded and poured the red liquid down Marco's eagle throat. 

"He is still unconscious, will he make it?"Ramse asked curiously.

"Sure he will."Sarcos noted, "Let him rest now."

"What if he will break free?"Xander asked carefully. "I heard that injured chimeras are half crazy!"

"He will not break free," Sarcos noted and summoned the ice crystal-like magical cage around the crystal dome.

"Can I keep him as a pet then?" Mathyas asked mockingly... 

"No, he is mine..."Sarcos said darkly...