Where is my tiger?

The new sunny morning in Crystal City! In the dreamy turquoise room of stony Tiger Castle Sienna awoke and stared at the ceiling a bit groggily till she remembered all about Tyrell! She sprang out of the bed and ran to her door...

The door opened luckily but the young burly tiger guard stood in front of them!

Sienna halted but because he stared at her a bit dazed, she just slipped out of the room...

"How is Tyrell?" She called to him as she ran around him and barged into the opposite door before the young warrior even thought about stopping her. Sienna's first look went to the bed but but it was empty!

The huge pool of blood was stainig the sheets and wooden bed frame... the darkening red marks and bandages were scattered around the room...it looked like a room after a bloody murder!

Sienna felt her heart clench with quiet fear. She went to check the bathroom but he was not there either! Just a bathtub full of reddened water!!

The bloody droplets and streaks lined the stony floor...Sienna felt really scared by now!

"Where is Tyrell? Did he not make it and they took him away?" The worst thought invaded her mind."Where is he ...?" her heart bounced in panic."I need to find him!"

Suddenly Sienna heard the room door open! She ran to check for Tyrell, but just a few men came in and started to take apart Tyrell's bedding and clean up the room!

"What is going on?"Sienna stared at them."Where is the king?"

"You came in too late dear queen, we have the order to make this room as new."One of them said to her as he continued to wipe the blood off the floor.

"For what?"Sienna asked suspiciously.

"For our King of course..." he chuckled and kept cleaning.

Sienna felt as if something was horribly wrong. She went out to look for Tyrell but the young guard stood in her way. He was waiting for her in the corridor.

"Did you see the King today? "she asked him distressed.

"No," he shook his head. " Maybe the guard who was before me saw him..." he noted..."Please, go back my queen, you are still in your nightgown, it is quite revealing." His face reddened up."You should dress up..."He bit his lips shyly and opened the door to her room. There was a velvet dressing gown hanging over the chair, so he just offered Sienna help to put it on over the sheer nightgown.

Sienna tied up the belt over her waist and felt ready to fight! She felt her fear was changing into anger. She looked at the guard curiously...he looked like a nice person, and she did not want to cause him trouble but she had to see Tyrell right now...so she just wanted to get out and find him straight away!

"Thank you, please go get me slippers from my bathroom," she scrunched her toes on her bare feet as if getting cold on the stony floor...

"Sure, my Queen," he nodded and went...

Sienna watched him enter the bathroom and slip out of the room quietly....her heart banging loudly as she ran the corridors to Tyrell's office. She hoped her workaholic Tiger King would be there...

Sienna barged into the office but saw only Magnus sitting behind the desk with a disturbed expression on his face ...

"Queen Sienna!"He called her name out in surprise. Her frantic state was quite disturbing for his calm composture...

"Where is Tyrell, Magnus?" Sienna asked impatiently.

"You are not properly dressed! You can't run around the castle like this! "He shook his head in disappointment at her horrible manners.

"Where is the King?"Sienna asked cutting him off in an icy tone. Her blue tiger eyes shone brightly, she was now angry apart from being worried about Tyrell. Magnus was getting on her nerves right now. He just ignored her question!

"Go to your room and wait patiently. Your King will be with you when the right time comes. Go cover up till someone will mistake you for an easy woman..."He said slowly folding his hands on the table as if plotting something..."We invited a lot of dancers to entertain the guests. The big banquet is in preparation..."

"What are you talking about?"Sienna looked at him disturbed. "I'm not going back till I find my Tyrell!!!"She shook her head wildly and left the blabbering Magnus," He was just wasting my time!" she thought and decided to check the Throne Room...

Sienna rushed walking fast down the corridors and saw more and more people walking around...the castle was looking so busy suddenly!

"What is going on here?" she shook her head...She glanced at the warriors carrying huge silvery mirrors and she bumped into someone big right in front of her!

"Hey watch out!"Sienna called out a bit upset and stared into Lord Ziran's face...

"Ahh, my lovely Queen just found me..."He grinned a bit brutishly. Sensing her frantic energy, he just wanted to tease her...

"Lord Ziran! Where is Tyrell? "She asked him with a loudly beating heart...

He is ...where he is....doesn't matter...Come you need to get dressed."He took her arm wanting to take her back to her room!

"No, I want to see Tyrell! What you did to him?"Sienna turned at Ziran abruptly shaking his hand off her arm.

"Me? It was Marco, you saw it...Let him be for now, I do not want you to get upset, so come."Ziran said a bit impatiently.

"Where is he? Is he alive?"Sienna felt her voice gone at that question...it sounded in her head stopping her heartbeat...

"You need to trust in him more..." Ziran shook his head..."How can one just die with such a lovely queen..."He picked her hand and rolled up the sleeve of her dressing gown...

"What are you doing?"Sienna flinched but he held her hand too strong in the air!

"Shh, be patient...Now look!" he lifted her arm..."Tyrell's bracelet is firm in your arm, so he what?"

"What? " Sienna stared at him..."So he lives?"She asked hopefully.

"No, I'm the new Tiger King..." he chuckled wickedly pretending to be a scary monster...

"What?"Sienna furrowed her brows.

"Of course, he lives, you silly Queen, he is in the throne room...."He shook his head. "She just made me overspoke!" he realized in his mind...

"Thank you."Sienna exhaled and ran to the Throne Room.

"But don't disturb him for now..."Ziran called after her, but it was too late..."This will be interesting!"Ziran chuckled and went slowly behind her to watch the theatre in the Throne Room. "She was way too frazzled to let Tyrell off easily!" He thought entertained.

Just then the young tiger guard passed in front of him also following Sienna but Ziran pressed him to the wall by his chest."You are too slow...!"He growled."The queen just ran around the castle by herself in her dressing gown!"

"Yes, I helped her to put it on so she doesn't go in the sheer nightgown."The guard blushed."I had her in her room safely but then she tricked me." He reddened up...

"Slow and stupid...."Ziran shook his head..."You are not ready to be a guard for the queen yet! "he looked at him firmly.

"But I'm strongest of your men!"The young guard did not go without a fight.

"True!"Ziran nodded."But still, you need more training. Take one more man with you and go guard to the Throne Room, she is heading there..." he sent him off.

Ziran shook his head again and continued his way to the Throne Room when he flew a wall suddenly!

"Hey, who dares?" He shook his head. He did not smell any of Sienna's strong mates so he was puzzled...

"Don't you be rude to my Queen ever again!"Bran helped him to stand up...

"What is your problem? "Ziran stared at calm Bran.

"I heard you talk to her badly yesterday and today you were rude as well. Don't do it any more...!"He looked at him firmly.

"Or what? "Ziran asked brutishly...Bran was turning against him and he kind of liked it...

"Or I will beat you up for it..."Bran noted.

"I'm not a little kid to be scared!"Ziran chuckled a bit viciously..."You should rather take care of your King...He is a chimera and you know what the law says..." he whispered slowly to Bran."The eagles will have no King, so I can just beat up the strongest of you and take over, hm? And then I will be free to fuck our Queen hard as I wish..." he taunted Bran...

"I will not let you do it!"Bran bit his lips." My King went surely to King Sarcos and he may prevent it...Besides, I heard the queen say she would never mate with you...You took it over the top yesterday! What happened with you?" Bran shook his head. He always respected Ziran, but he would not let him mistreat his Queen!

"I think I'm just so ready to be the King!"Ziran licked his lips...he wanted to cross with Bran. He always liked to beat people challenging his superiority...and he missed that.

"If you have strong urges I will see you in the arena! Then we see how far you are from being my King..."Bran bit his lips upset. He liked Marco and he was ready to beat this rude tiger to show him his place!

"Great...Let's go now then!" Ziran growled in a heat of excitement from the upcoming fight. His muscles needed it as a fresh kill. Nobody wanted to train with him for his brutality so he needed to vent badly...

"Sure!" Bran nodded and went after him...He was looking calm, even though there was a storm of emotions raging in his heart...