Chapter 1: His Life

"Darling, Please turn the music off, I don't want our son listening to that."

A brown Honda cruised down the east Savannah Expressway in Georgia. A family of three was going home from a vacation.

"Honey, you know I love Rap music. Besides our son Tyler loves it."

"Mommy, Daddy louder!... louder..!"

"Hahaha, See Darling he loves it. My son will marry a famous Actress or Female Star someday and make Mommy and Daddy proud."

He sighed." Fine. Darling keep your eye out n the road... HONEY WATCH OUT!"

A Truck crashed into them and sent their car flying down the expressway falling into a lazy river with the car parts flying near the forest line Blood was everywhere. The Man crawled out of the car bringing his lifeless Wife's body and holding his son before falling.

His body had managed to cushion the momentum from the impact leaving the boy with minor bruises on the legs and arms. He took a look at the car deep in the river slowly sinking to the bottom the blood-stained interior turning over and seeing his son hug his wife's lifeless body one tear fell from his face a diamond-shaped tear fell on his sons head before he passed out never to be heard or talked about again.

"It's alright... papa and mama I love you and help will surely come."

The Child didn't utter any other words after that a tear fell down his cheek but that was all.

Ambulance and Firetruck sirens sounded in the area. A policeman Aaron found the boy as still as a calm river sitting with his mother on his lap a dead look in his eyes.


Tyler Hashirama

Age: 6 years old.

Father: Antonio Hashirama (Deceased)

Nationality: African American

Mother: Crystal Hashirama (Deceased)

Nationality: Chinese

Closest known relative: None

(Registered for St. Johns Home for Children.)


On the porch of a white and brown building with modern Architecture, A man picks up a little boy.

"Alright boy, this is where I have to leave," Jordan said. The boy looked at him with the same dead stare he gave the cop," Hahaha aren't you going to hug me to signify our brotherhood boy?"

Little Tyler did not react.

Jordan hugged the boy anyway and went on his way.

St. John's home for the Children was a private Orphanage funded by private corporations including the US government. There were hundreds of children being taken care of there. Adoptions were rare because of the insane inflation going on. Most of the children grew up without ever getting adopted. This face would be apparent to many orphans being taken care of all over the world.

The headmaster of the orphanage walks into the reception and approaches little Tyler.

"Hmm, come on little boy. I am going to introduce you to the kids."

They headed to the cafeteria. The headmaster called for everyone in the orphanage to come to the cafeteria.

'Alright, everyone. We have someone new in the family. His name is Tyler. I want everyone to welcome him and greet him later and make him comfortable."

"Yes, Headmaster" The children uniformly responded.

"Go on. hurry and move along now. Finish eating your lunch. Oda, come here."

"Okay, Headmaster." A slim chubby-faced boy named Oda said.

"I need you to show Tyler around. Be nice to him. And he doesn't talk much. don't pressure him."

"Yes, Headmaster." The slim chubby-faced boy oda said.

"I need you to thoroughly show Tyler around. Be nice to him. and he doesn't talk much. SO Do not pressure him."

"Yes, Headmaster."

Oda grabbed his hand and guided him to the rooms. He showed him the extra bed and said," This will be your bed. Mine is over there at the other corner. All the boys share this big room. and All the girls are in the other big room. We're not allowed there"

Tyler stared at the air in silence.

"So, where are you from? I'm from Vegas, or that's what the paper says. My dad left me in a basket in front of the orphanage's front door. What about you?" Oda said.

He stared at Tyler and looked into his eyes.

He got up and walked away leaving Tyler to do his own thing.

"So this is it huh, No parents no home no video games no more of my dad's chicken and watermelon no more of my mom's delicious miso soup," Tyler mumbled his eyes as dead as when Oda left.

A tear one single tear escaped his eye one diamond-shaped tear trickled slowly down his face.

Tyler walked around the room aimlessly until he found an empty bed with nothing on it but sheets and a pillow. He walked towards the bed and fell face-first onto the semi-hard bed.

Darkness slowly filled his vision.

[11 Years Later]

Walking down the street there was Young Man with two other Young men each walking side by side on the busy streets of Atlanta One boy was taller than the others standing at a whopping 6ft 4 he was a beast compared to a lot of the people around him his defined muscles and strong jawline reeled in all of the fine shorties or what regular people call them "fine ladies" His blonde hair and blue eyes helped to confirm their attraction.

Another one of the boys was not to be messed with either his height, wasn't to be matched compared to most of the people on the street standing at 6ft 2 muscles defined his body so toned that even a stone spear would have a tough time piercing him his jet black hair and his yellow eyes set him apart from his other friends.

The last of the boys, standing at 6ft 1, his sturdy build would put the most intense bodybuilders to shame. His jet black hair paired with his ruby red eyes all of the females on the street stared at them mesmerized.

"Tyler how was the Military?"

Oda asked a slight grin plastered on

"Hahaha, Oda do you want to know? Well, the military was garbage the regime needs to be changed in a good way it's corrupt the drill sergeants and the captains are not good to people of color and any other races they favor our skin color over the rest only one person in the military was good to me and that was my captain Xander Flaunt."

Tyler said his face changing with each word even the nearby bystanders heard some of his words.

"What about you John how was it overseas?"

Tyler asked his face grinning from the right to the left, as they walked down from Atlantic station into the city. Bright lights flashed everywhere entering a tavern called "The Midnight Club" they were assaulted with the strange music emitting from the speakers and the eerie atmosphere that was presented in front of them.

"Welcome boys." A lady said as they entered the tavern.

Her erotic figure aroused the nearby men in the club as they stared at her eyes popping out of their sockets.

"Hello Ms?"

Oda said with his flirty voice as he bent down and kissed her hand.

"Claire and you boys are?"

"Tyler, Oda, John."

Oda quickly said pointing at each of the boys.

"Come let me take you boy's to your seats."

Following Claire, she led them to their seats the tavern was fairly clean and neat only seeing the occasional beer bottle it was filled with men and women alike with posters on the wall that were filled with either music group names or posters symbolizing some group recruiting members.