Chapter 2: Thug Fights

Following Claire, she led them to their seats the tavern was fairly clean and neat only seeing the occasional beer bottle it was filled with men and women alike with posters on the wall that were filled with either music group names or posters symbolizing some group recruiting members.

"Here's your seat."

Claire pointed at a table on the far end of the tavern the lights above them.

"Three Ale Madam."

Oda said his flirtatious tone echoing throughout the tavern's thin walls.

At the other end of the bar four men, were discussing something.

"When will plan "Doom" commence?"

"When the leader activates the portal in 20 minutes they will start appearing everywhere."

The man with glasses and dark brown hair said his voice was deeper than the rest and could easily be identified as the leader of the group.

Claire could be seen talking, with this strange group of men with robes. On each had some weird staff with a crystal placed in the middle of the staff each holding a different color of crystal.

Everyone in the tavern, just thought that they were cosplayers since they were normal to see in atlanta.





Each has a strange air surrounding them when approached by pedestrians and each has a sense of danger when seen by men or women with high enough danger sensitivity.

"Boys would you like anything else to drink?"

Claire asked the strange men exhibiting her "Voluptuous figures" as she was talking.

"No, Miss we need nothing else but you can do something else for us can you turn the tv on to channel six action news."

"Alrighty! If that's all excuse me."

Claire announced walking towards the back of the tavern counter.

Clicking buttons on the tv remote she finally turned the channel to Action Six news.

[Attention there have been disturbances in the solar system today all, countries have gone into (Planetary Protection Defense) or short for PPD Everyone is advised to bunker up in groups and head underground into your city's main bunker terminal.]

Once the news was heard aloud everyone in the tavern went into panic mode knocking over tables and running outside of the tavern it caused an immediate riot everyone fending for themselves.

"Hmm, looks like the leader already started preparing, and "Doom" is starting already It's time to go men we have to get prepared for the mass awakening and for the ten Warlords to awaken from eternal slumber."

The man with glasses said he and his group started preparing they quickly left the tavern and ran into an ally.

In the tavern, only one group remained.

"Should we get to the terminal now Tyler?"

Oda asked worry plastered on his face.

"No, we should head to my house I have a basement and enough food to last us three for a couple of weeks."

Tyler said his stoic expression standing out in this crowd of people.

"But what about the innocent people on the streets what about the elderly who won't make it to the terminal what shall they do I can't leave them It won't feel right I could never forgive myself if something happens to them knowing we could help."

Josh said his voice only exhibiting sadness.

"Guys I think you should leave now and start heading to the terminal."

Claire said her usual flirtatious expression disappeared and was replaced with fear and worry.

"Let's go to my house quickly'

Tyler said with more worry in his voice as the tv kept playing.

[In approximately 12 minutes an unknown item will hit earth everyone is advised to get underground or find one of the 2,000 bunker terminals in your country before the item hits. The world has officially started the PPD]

"Let's get out of here quickly"

Tyler said as they began to run out of the tavern. The outside world was filled with even more chaos than before as most of the people in the city made it to the terminal only a couple thousand still roamed the streets looting and rioting like there was no tomorrow.

"Run this way!"

They ran each of them ran as fast as a track star to Tyler's house reaching the street that Tyler's house was on they met with a mob of people.

"Give me everything now!"

A man screamed holding a machete he pointed at the group along with 5 others each holding weapons and we were robbing anyone who crossed paths with them.

"Tyler we should just run and go around them."

Josh said worriedly.

"Oda, you ready?"

Tyler said preparing himself to fight these thugs off.


Oda said running. towards the thugs, he caught the leader of them off guard and punched him in his throat grabbing. His machete kicked him in his stomach.

Tyler dodged a thug's punch he held brass knuckles kicking towards his chest. Tyler caught him off guard making a fist he punched the thug's gut rendering him useless taking his brass knuckles he put them on.

Seeing their leader and another one of them down three thugs ran towards Josh, and using their weapons they all attacked him.

Before Tyler, and Oda could help him josh moved so fast he grabbed each one of their hands and squeezed so hard they started bleeding out of their hands, He grabbed one of the thugs by the neck using their smaller size he lifted him from the ground and smashed him down like he was swinging a hammer.

Grabbing the other two thugs he kicked them in the stomach and started bashing their faces in using his larger build he rendered them useless.