Finding a part time job

Kirito leaves alone but after 4 days he is going to leave with Lois. Lois is Kirito's father's friend's daughter. After Kirito's parents died in an accident. Kirito's father's friend Mr Roy takes Kirito to his home.

It's been three years since Kirito has been living alone.

Kirito works part time at a shop. But where Kirito works, the shop is closed now.

So Kirito is trying hard to get a part time job.

Kirito is looking for a part time job. But he can't get a job. When Kirito was looking for a job on the phone. Suddenly he saw a grocery store that needed some part timers.

Kirito thought, "Yes, find a store that needs some workers. The school will be off for 5 days so I can go there for an interview. I need the job Because I don't have too much money.I can't say to my uncle that I don't have money then he will send the money.He helps so many times, I can't call him."

Kirito says," Tomorrow at 10am I'm going to the store for an interview ".

At 10 am Kirito got out of his house to go to the interview.The place was 30 minutes away from Kirito's house.

Kirito went there and met the shop owner. Kirito saw the owner was a black -haired Lady. Kirito goes and says," Hello Miss, nice to meet you. "

The owner says, Nice to meet you too.

Kirito says, Miss , my name is Kirito and I'm here for a part time job.

The owner says, My name is Bethany.

( Bethany was 24 year old. She is the owner of this shop after her father died.)

Bethany says, ok let's sit and talk.

Kirito, yes miss.

After sitting Bethany says

You are a 2nd year high school student and your age is 21 year old.

Kirito says, yes.

After talking with Kirito, Betha‌‌‌‌‍‍ny says

Ok you can work here. When can you come to work?

"Miss I can come at 4 pm",Kirito said.

Bethany,"Ok you can come to work tomorrow. "

Kirito, Thank you miss.

Suddenly Bethany says,

There will be some new workers and be friends with.

Kirito, ok.

After that Kirito left the shop and went to house. Kirito came home, he was so happy because he got the job. Kirito takes his dinner and sleeps.

In the morning Kirito wakes at noon. He woke up late.

Kirito wake and he says,

It's noon and I slept too much but I have time to go to the shop.

Now it's time to get up from bed.

Kirito got up to get fresh. He went for his lunch, Because it's noon.

Kirito makes his lunch and eats it. After that suddenly his phone rang. Kirito saw Lois call him. He pick the phone and says,

Hello Lois, How are you?

Lois says, fine, what about you?

Kirito, same as always.

Lois, Kirito did you forget I'm coming this Sunday?

Kirito says, No , I know you are coming Sunday. Listen when you get down from the plane, just stay there. I will pick you up.

Lois, ok kirito.

When Kirito was talking to Lois, He saw It's 3 pm. Kirito says,

It's 3pm i have to go to my work Lois, Lois talk you later, bye

Lois, ok bye see you tomorrow.

Kirito gets dressed and goes to the shop.

Kirito comes in front of the shop and Kirito enters the shop.