First day at work

Kirito got a new part time job and he will start working from today. Kirito enters the shop. He saw,

Miss Bethany is working, Then Bethany show Kirito and says,

Welcome Kirito, You come early.

Kirito says, ``Yes, I missed the first day so I came early.

Bethany says, ok come and take this uniform. You can wear this uniform in the changing room and here is your locker key.

Kirito says, Thanks Miss.

Then kirito go and wear his uniform and come out,After watching kirito then Bethany says,

Ok It feat you well.Then you can start work now. Did you work somewhere before?

"Yes Miss", Kirito said.

Bethany says, "Then you know what to do. Now come and take a good look at the shop."

Then Bethany takes Kirito and takes a tour of the shop. Now Kirito knows what is where.

So he started working.

Now it's 9 pm

When Kirito was working Bethany come and says,

Kirito came here.

Kirito stop working and come to Bethany

Bethany says, "you work well today and Kirito It's time 9 pm, you can go home now. "

Kirito says, ok miss. Then I will be off now.

Bethany says,ok See you tomorrow.

Kirito goes to the changing room and takes off his uniform. He put his uniform on his locker.

Then Kirito come out from the changing room and says,

Bye Miss, see you tomorrow.

Bethany, ok bye.

Kirito's first day working is over so he comes back home. Kirito comes to the house and takes a shower. Then he uncle Roy. Kirito talks to them. After talking with them he went to the kitchen to make dinner. He made dinner and ate it when he was watching tv.

He saw Lith vance save a plane from falling. Then he saw a scientist get arrested for doing an experiment.

The news didn't tell what the experiment of the scientists was.

After eating kirito go to bed.

Next day at noon

Kirito is going to the shop. He enter the shop he saw

A white -haired girl is working in the shop.

Then they were looking to each other and they think,

"Who is she? " and "Who is he?"