New Neighbor

Kirito enter the shop and saw

A white -haired girl is working in the shop.

Then they were looking to each other and they think,

"Who is she? " and "Who is he?"

When they were looking to each other bethany come and say

" Kirito you came "

" Yes miss " and he also say

"Miss who is she? " with a curious face.

"Her name is Lillie and she starts working from today," Bethany said.

Okk Miss.

Bethany also said, " Kirito go and view her the shop "

Okk miss.

Kirito went to the changing room to change. When he was changing Lillie came and opened the door. After opening the door she saw that Kirito was changing.

After watching that Lillie closed the door slowly. Kirito didn't notice that Lillie saw him changing. After that Lillie came to the shop. She was thinking

She saw a boy changing. When she was thinking Kirito came and say


Lillie was surprise and saya, "Yes"

I'm kirito. Nice to meet you.

My name is Lillie.

Kirito says, "Ok then Let's go you have to view the full shop "


After that Kirito showed her the full shop.

"If you need to know something then come and tell me" Kirito said with a smile.

"Ok, thank you " Lillie said with blush.

Kirito says," Are you ill, why is your face red? "

"No no I'm fine " she said it fast.

Ok then I am going to work. If you need help just come to me and just call me Kirito.

Ok then you should call me Lillie.

After that they start working. Lillie called Kirito

Kirito come and say, "Do you need something "

Yes, do you know where I can find the ladder?

I think the ladder maybe in the storeroom,

Wait here I go and take the ladder.

Kirito went to the storeroom and he saw the room was full of things.

Then he used his power to take the ladder out, He took the ladder out from the storeroom .He took the ladder to Lillie.

Here is the ladder.

Thanks, can you help me put the thing up there? Lillie said.

Ok I will help you.

After that Lillie got up on the ladder and put the thing up there.

"Lillie, be careful up there," Kirito said with fear.

Lillie says,"Don't worry I am fine"

When Lillie was working, Kirito suddenly saw Lillie's underwear under her skirt.

Then Kirito starts blushing. He says, Lillie you work here the counter is full of customers.


Then Kirito goes to take care of the customers. After some time he think,

"Where is Lillie? I didn't see her for some time. "

Then he goes to where Lillie was working?

After that Kirito went and saw Lillie fall to the ground. She was Unconscious. Kirito takes him to the changing room and lays her in the bed.

After some time Lillie wake up and saw,

She was in the changing room.

Then Kirito come and say,

"Ok then you are wake"

"Yes and why am I here? Lillie said with Curriers face.

I took you here, I saw you Unconscious and fell to the ground.

You should take a rest here. I go to the counter.

After that Kirito went to the shop.

In the closing time Bethany come and say,

Now it's time to close the shop. They start cleaning the shop, they clean the shop Bethany close the shop and say,

"Ok good work today Lillie. See you tomorrow " After that Bethany went home. Then Lillie and Kirito went to their home.

When they were walking Kirito knew that Lillie was new to this city. Suddenly Lillie says," Where is your house? "

Just 10 minutes from here.

Lillie says, "same as my."

After some time Lillie come to the front of her house and says,

" Here it's my house "

Suddenly Kirito says,

Ok then you are my new new neighbor.

Suddenly Lillie says, "What are you saying Kirito?"

Kirito says, "Because that house is mine. Then see you tomorrow. Bye "

"Ok bye " Lillie said with surprise.

After that Kirito went to his house. That time Lillie was standing and thinking

"Ok see you tomorrow Kirito"


Author's Note: My exam is ongoing so may be the chapters could be late. But I will try to release chapter everyday. Please support this novel. Just read the novel chapter. please add it on you Library.