Lois came

Today is the day that Lois is coming but Kirito forgot that so he sleeps overtime.

When Kirito was sleeping suddenly his phone rang.


Kirito get up and take his phone and say

Who is there?

It's me Lois. Where are you? I'm in the airport for 20 minutes. I am finding you but where are you?

"Where are you? ``Kirito said with surprise.

I am in the Airport. Lois said.

Kirito says,"Wait, I am coming in 20 minutes."

After that Kirito gets out of bed and runs to the Airport. He came to the Airport and started finding Lois. Then someone catches Kirito from behind. Then Kirito says,

Stop it Lois. I know it's you.

"Everytime you say it's me without looking," Lois said.

Because you did it everytime. Kirito said.

Ok, Now say,

Why are you late?

"I work late and sleep late. This is why I'm late " Kirito said with a smile.

Then Lois says,

Ok this time I forgive you. Now why are you in these clothes on Airport.

Then Kirito look at him and says,

Forget it, now it's time to go home.


When they were getting out of the Airport, Alice saw Kirito with a girl. But she didn't call Kirito.

Then Kirito and Lois came to Kirito's house and Kirito says,

"Welcome to Your new home."

Thanks kirito.

Then Kirito says,

"Here It's your room "

"What, I thought I'm going to stay with you in your room?" she said with a child's face.

Kirito says, " You are not small anymore and you can stay alone. Why should I stay with you in a room? Now say what is your power?

"My power, what power?"Lois said with struggling.

Kirito says,'' Stop lying, I know everything. You have power. Uncle said everything to me. You awaken your power.But you didn't tell anyone about your power.Now say what is Your power?"

Lois says, "Ok I'm going tell you about my power."

Say it.

Ok My power is lightning.

"How can you use lightning? How do you get your power?" Kirito said with a curious face.

When our school gets attacked by the monsters

Ok use your power with Safety.

Now say what you want to eat? Kirito said.

Lois says, " Burger."

Ok with.

After that Kirito makes burgers. They finished their lunch. Kirito saw the time to go to the shop.

Kirito says, "Lois I need to go to my work. If you need anything you can call me."

"You need to go to your work now, but I am here today. Can you leave work today? Lois said with a curious face.

"Ok then I will come home soon, Now are you happy" Kirito said with a smile.


Suddenly Lois says, "Can I come with you."


Lois says, Please.

After some time Kirito says,

"Ok but you have to listen to me.


"Now go and get ready," Kirito said.

Then Lois goes to get ready. After 10 minutes Lois came and kirito said ,

"Now it's time to go."

Then they went to the shop.


Author's Note: Guys my exam is still on going. only 4 days then the exam will over. Then I'll start publishing everyday.

please support me.

Thanks for reading