First time in city X

Lois came to Kirito's house. Then Lois wanted to go to the shop where Kirito works. When they were going out , suddenly Kirito's phone rang.


Kirito saw His Uncle call him. He took the phone and say,"Hello Uncle "

Mr. Roy says," Kirito Is Lois there? "

Yes uncle.

Then Roy says, "Ok then take care of her and I'm busy now so I'll call you later."

Ok uncle.

After talking Lois says, "Who is on the phone?"

Kirito says, "Your father and Uncle says to take care of you. Because you are small. "


"Ok, stop , then it's time to go to work,"Kirito said.

Then they went to the shop. They enter the shop. Kirito saw, "Lillie came first. "

Kirito says, "Hi Lillie. you came first today."

Lillie look and going to say yes but she saw Kirito is with a girl and she says,

"Kirito, who is she?"

Kirito says,"She is Lois and she is my childhood friend. "


Lois, she is Lillie and we work here together.

Then Lois says to Kirito but slowly, " This is why you didn't want to take me here?"

Kirito says, "What are you saying? "

"You had a girlfriend and you didn't tell me?" Lois said with a mad face.

Then Lillie starts blushing after listing that and Lillie says,"Lois I'm not his girlfriend. We just work here together. "

Lois says," Really?"

Kirito says, "yes and you guys talk I go for change.


Then Kirito went and changed. After the change he came and saw Lois and Lillie are talking like friends.

He says, " Are you two ok?"

"Yes and now We're friends," Lois answered.

Suddenly Kirito says, "Lillie, did you have the admission to high school? "


"Where?" Kirito asked.

Lillie answered, "To RIH high school. "

Kirito says, "Good that means we're going to school together. "


"You will be happy to know that Lois is in the same high school. " Kirito said to Lillie.

Then they stop talking and start working. They finish their work late. After finishing, they went home. Then they came in front of the house and suddenly Lillie asked Lois, "Where are you staying? "

Lois answered, " I'm staying with Kirito."

Lillie says,"What are you staying with Kirito?"


Then Kirito called Lois. Lois says to Lillie, "Where do you live?"

I'm your neighbor. Lillie answered.

"Ok then see you tomorrow. Then bye" Lois said and went home.

But Lillie was still Standing.


Author's Note: Guys exam is over, so l will upload new chapter everyday.