Jealous part 1

Kirito wakes up in the morning. Kirito feels that he is not alone in bed. Kirito moves and saw

"Lois is sleeping with him."

After watching that Kirito Scream and says ,

"What are you doing in my bed? Why didn't you sleep in your room."

Lois gets up and says, "Oo I sleep in your room. Maybe when I went to the bathroom and after that I came to your room. "

"Okk, now go to Your room and get ready ", Kirito said.


We have to go to school. Because it's your first day at RIH. After that Lois went to her room and came after change. Lois come and says,

"How am I looking?"

After looking to Lois Kirito says,

"You look cute and the school dress shouts you. "

After hearing cute from Kirito mouth Lois starts blushing.

Then Kirito says,

Come and take your breakfast.After finishing they went to school.When they were going to school. Kirito said to Lois, "After school I should take you to the City for a view. Do you want to go? "

Lois answered with a smile," Yes I will go. "

When they were going to enter, Kirito saw Miss Rize. Then Kirito called her, " Miss Riza with. "

Miss Riza saw Kirito was calling him so she stopped.

Then Kirito came and said, Miss ,she is Lois and she is the new transfer student.

" Ok then you are one of the new transfer students. Then come with me, you have some work to do." Miss Riza said.

Kirito says, "Lois go with Miss."

"Ok then see you in the class" Lois said.

After that Kirito came to his class and he saw Alice was sitting on his seat. Kirito came and said Hi to Alice, but Alice didn't reply. Then Kirito says, "Are you mad for some reason? "

Still Alice didn't reply. So Kirito just sits.

Then Miss Riza came and everyone stood. Miss Riza says, "Sit everyone and we have a new transfer student. Come in Lois.

After Lois entered, every boy said, look another beauty came to our class.

Miss Riza says, "Say Hello to everyone Lois."

"Hello everyone, I'm Lois and nice to meet you." Lois said.

Then Miss Riza says, "Go take your seat where you want?"

Then every boy started saying, "She is going to sit with me. "

Then Lois goes and sits with Kirito. Everyone starts Screaming, "Why did she sit with Kirito? "

Alice looks at Lois then she remembers, she is the one who is with Kirito in the airport.

Then Alice says, " Hello Lois, nice to meet you."


Then Alice said to Kirito," Kirito, did you know her?"

Kirito answered," Yes she is my father's friend's daughter and I have stayed with her for like 10 years.

Suddenly Alice says,"What? Why?"

"After my parents died I started staying with them. " Kirito answered.

Ok. That's why.

Then Alice says to Lois, "Lois where are you staying? "

Lois answered," I'm staying with Kirito in his house. "

What? Alice looks at Kirito with an angry face.

Kirito says with fear, " Why are you mad at me? "

"No, I'm not mad at you. What are you saying? " Alice said with a scary face.

Ok ok you are not mad. Kirito said with fear.

After the class is over Miss Riza says to Kirito, "Kirito comes to my office when the school is over."

Ok, miss.

After the school was over Kirito went to meet Miss Riza.

Kirito came to her and said, "Miss ,may I come in? "

Ok, come in. Then she asked, "Do you know Lois?"

Yes Miss.

How do you know her? Riza said.

Then Kirito said Everything to Miss Riza.

Kirito says, "Why did you ask that to me Miss? "

" I saw you talk, you guys know each other. " Riza answered.

Kirito says, " That why or are you feeling jealous Miss?.

" What are you saying, why should I feel jealous? " Riza said with a blushing face.

"Why are you blushing Miss Riza? " Kirito said.

"Stop that and go home" Riza said.

Then Kirito left the office with a smile. Then Kirito said Bye to Alice and went to the city with Lois.

When they were going to the city, Alice was following Them from behind.


Author's Note: Guys bad luck is on my head.

My phone broke so I couldn't 't upload chapter. I'm upload new chapter after buying new phone. So I wise my work will get loved by you guys.