The Ring

On school

Kirito was walking alone because Lois had some work in the library. So she was working there. When Kirito was walking someone called by his name.

Kirito... kirito…

Kirito looks back and so some guys are calling him.

Kirito came to them and says,

"Why do you guys call me?"

Suddenly a boy besides them says,

" I called you. Because I want you to join my group. "

That boy's name was Dorek. He was No.12 power user. He can Control anyone if that person talks with him. He can control that person for only 2 minutes.

Then Kirito says, "No, I don't want to join your group.

Dorek says, " You are saying No to me. "

" Yes, I'm saying, " Kirito answered.

"Ok then You don't want to join,but remember you have to join in the future. " Dorek said with an angry face.

"Ok then we will know that in the future. " Kirito said to Dorek.

After the school was over Kirito and Lois came back home. Kirito has to go to the shop. After some time he called Lois. Then Lois came and said, "What happen Kirito? "

"I have work so I'm out, but if you need help or have some trouble just call me." Kirito said.

Ok,Then take care. Bye.


Kirito was walking, suddenly an old man hit him. Old man dropped some rings on the ground.

Kirito says sorry and starts helping him but the old man says, " Don't touch the rings? ".

But Kirito says, " Don't worry, let me help you. "

After that Kirito helped him. The old man ran away. Then Kirito realized that some police were following him. When Kirito saw the ground, he saw a ring was still dropped in the ground. He takes the ring and thinks, "If he can meet him again he will return that. "

After that he saw his watch and he was late for work. So he ran fast. Kirito enters and Lillie says,' You're late ".

"Sorry, I met a surprising old man, because of helping him I'm late. Kirito said.


Then Kirito changed and started working. After some time Lillie says to Kirito, " Kirito I have to go home now my parents are coming to my house today. So I have to go now. "

"Ok, you should go home now, " Kirito said.

"Thanks kirito''

Then she got changed and went home.

Suddenly Lillie says to Kirito, " See you tomorrow at school."

Kirito says," Ok , you're going to come to school tomorrow."


"Ok, then bye," Kirito said.

Bye, kirito

Then Lillie went home. Kirito was sitting alone and there were no customers in the shop. Suddenly he remembered about the ring. He takes out the ring from his pocket. He wears the ring in his ring finger. Suddenly the ring stuck in his finger. He tries to take out the ring, but he can't take it out.

Then suddenly a screen comes in front of him. Kirito got scared because that screen suddenly came. When He saw the screen there were three options. One is my States, second is check States and copy power.

When Kirito clicked on my States, he saw his States on the screen.

1st he saw his name,then level.He was in level 20. Under the level he saw his power. What he can make with Iron. When he was watching his states that time a customer came into the shop. Then Kirito realized that only he could see the screen. Then that customer came in front of Kirito to give the money. Kirito used the second option and he saw that customer power States. He saw that customers can fly and his level was 17. After the customer left, Kirito started thinking, "What is this ring?"

He can see anyone's power with that. So he didn't take it out from his finger. Then Kirito saw that ring get invisible in his finger. Then he touched the ring and the screen came again in front of him. He click in the 3rd option and saw


Author's Note: Guys I think you love this novel. If you love please give this novel please just add it to your library