3rd option ( Copy power)

He touched the ring and the screen came again in front of him. He clicked on the 3rd option and saw there was a notice. The notice have written,

" You can copy the power of anyone with the ring. You can copy any one's power, you can copy 20 people's power ,But you can use 2 powers at once. You can use that power for only 10 minutes. After using power you can't use the same power for an hour. After an hour you can use that power. This ring can level . When the user reaches level 25, this ring will start level up to. After 1st leveling up the ring will level up 10 levels each. "

After reading that Kirito just wants to try this ring power. So he finishes his work fast and gets out of the shop. He met that customer again, who had come to the shop before. He touches his ring and chooses the 3rd option. After that he saw the notice had gone and there was an option, "Copy the power". Then Kirito clicks to copy the power and he sees a light come out from the ring. The light touched the customer, but he didn't see it.

Then Kirito realized that he can only see this light. After that he saw his states and he saw, there was a new power. The power was flying. But there was a timer besides the fly power. The timer wasn't on Kirito's true power. Then he realized the ring is telling the half truth. Now he says,

" time to use the power."

Then Kirito tried to fly, but he couldn't fly. He thought to fly, then he saw he was up from the ground. He starts flying, but he can't fly properly. Because he didn't know how to fly. He flew for ten minutes, but he didn't realize that, then he fell in the river of a park. He gets out of the river and opens his mouth. He saw,

There was an hour charging timer. Then the ring notification, "Save or delete the power"

Then he saved the power. There was another notification, "you can delete the power anytime."

Then Kirito off the screen and went home. He was fully wet. He was feeling cold. He got home wet. He rang the doorbell.

Lois opened the door and saw Kirito wet. Then Lois says, "Why are you wet at night?"

"Onthing, just fall in the river, " Kirito answered.


Then Kirito says, "Tell you late. I have to change my clothes "

" Ok, go change your clothes, " Lois said.

Then Kirito went and changed his clothes and came down. After coming down Lois asked Kirito, "How did you fall in the river?"

"There were to many peoples walking, I just slep. " Kirito answered.

Kirito didn't tell Lois about the ring. Suddenly Lois says,"Kirito, are you hungry? "

Kirito says, " Yes, wait I go and make dinner."

"I am done with dinner, " Lois said.

"What do you mean? " Kirito said with a curious face.

" I made dinner," Lois said to Kirito.

"You make dinner, I think we can't eat that. You never make dinner.Aunt told me that."Kirito said.

Don't worry, we can eat it.

"Really?Ok then let's eat. " Kirito said.

Then Lois gives the food to Kirito. Kirito tries a small bite, then he says," Not bad. "

Then Lois says, "Did you like it? "

"Yes, it's taste," Kirito said.

After dinner they went to bed. Kirito just thought about this ring. Suddenly he remembered that scientist who got arrested. Then he searched for that scientist on the phone. Then he saw his picture and he says,

"This is the old man I met before."

After looking, he didn't find what the scientist was making. But he didn't give this thing any thought. So he slept.

In the morning

Kirito and Lois were going to school. At that time Kirito used that ring and checked Lois' states, because want check Lois ' power. Then he saw,

Lois is in level 18 and her power is lightning.

"Then Lois is telling the Truth," Kirito said slowly.

They went out and they saw Lillie is going to school too.


Author's Note: Guys I will make sure to upload new chapters every other day! So keep supporting this novel with power stones, comments, and reviews!