1st day at practice

On school,

In the Middle of class Miss Anna came and say to Kirito and Alice,

" Come here. "

When they came she says,

"Go call all the team and come to the practice area."


Kirito says, "Miss Now, in the middle of class."

" I say go and call every, Now "

Ok Miss,

Then Kirito and Alice go to section A to call Naomi and Taiga. After calling them they went to section C for Sinon.

After calling everyone they went to the practice area. When everyone came to the practice area Miss Anna says,

"Everyone go and change to your Gym clothes. "

Then they go and come after changing. Miss Anna said to everyone, "Now go and run to the end of the City,then come here again. But you guys have only 5 hours."

Then Naomi said, "What are you saying Miss, we have to run to the end of the city and we have only 5 hours. "

Then Kirito said, "Miss, are you ill? "

"No, Why?" Miss Anna said.

"Then why are they giving us so much hard practice?" Kirito said to Miss Anna.

"Did anyone have any idea how a team is gonna play in an SvS tournament? Did anyone know then tell me?" Miss Anna said with an angry face.

After that Kirito Answered,

" SvS is a 5 vs 5 student battle. We have to play it in a big Stadium. Team has to collect swords. But there are only five swords. Which team is gonna collect too many swords, that team gonna win. "

Then Alice said,

" But it is the first round. Then we have 4 more rounds. And 5 round will be the final."

"Ok good everyone's know about it. So start running. And your time starts now. " Miss Anna said.

Then everyone starts running. But Naomi doesn't run so Kirito holds her hand and starts running.

That time Kirito said to Naomi,

" We don't have too much time, we have to start running. Come. "

After 2 hours of running then stop for a minute. That time Alice says,

What are we gonna do now, we didn't run half of the city and we have only 3 hours. "

Then Kirito starts thinking, "What can they do now?" After thinking, Kirito said to everyone, "Miss didn't say anything about using power, I think we can use our power."

Then Naomi says,"That's right, but how are we gonna use our power? None of us can't fly."

Kirito thought to himself, "Should I say that I can fly. But they will think how I have the flying power and I can use this power for only 10 minutes. No, I shouldn't tell them now. "

After that Kirito said," What are your power guys?"

Then everyone starts talking about their power.

1st Naomi said about her power,

" My power is fire. I can do anything with fire."

Then Taiga start saying about his power,

" I am a 2nd class wind power user. "

After Taiga, Sinon said,

" I can control Earth(Ground). "

After everyone says that, Kirito and Alice talk about their power.

After telling everyone's power, Kirito has an idea. Then he said, " I have an idea we can use it to go there faster. "

Sinon said, " How are we gonna do it? "

Kirito answered, "We're gonna make a rocket car."



Author's Note: Guys If you love this novel then help it with power stones. Help this novel for ranking. If you love it then add it to your library.