Team work

Kirito answered, "We're gonna make a rocket car."

" What are you saying, korito, we're gonna make a car ?" Alice said with a confused face.


Naomi said, "How?"

Kirito said," Look around you guys. "

They looked around and saw there was a building area.

Kirito said, "we can use this metal to build it. I can use my power to build it, after that you guys have to help me with your power. "

Everyone said, "Ok. "

Then Kirito uses his power and makes a car in a few minutes.

After building the car he said to Naomi and Taiga, " Now time to use your power."

Kirito explain how he gonna use their power :

First Naomi you have to use Your fire power on the end of the car.And Taiga you gonna use your wind around the fire. Now you Sinon, we have to use your power to stop. When we're gonna stop, that time you use your Earth power to slow the car.

Then Let's go, time to use our powers.


Then they sit in the car before they start the car. Kirito said to Alice," You have to use your power to move the side. You are the driver. "

" Ok don't worry. " Alice said

Then Kirito said, " Start now."

Then everyone uses their power together. 1st they have some problems, but after some time they can use their power together.

They use Alice's water power to move to another side. They speed up more.

In an hour they reach the end of the city.

That time Sinon said, "We have an hour to reach the school. "

Kirito says, " We can do it. We have to use more power to reach school faster. "

Everyone said, " Ok "

Then they start the car again. They use their full power. Naomi and Taiga use their full power. Alice uses her power to move to another side.

That time Kirito said to Sinon," Sinon, use your power and make a rampe. "


" Because we're gonna fly, " Kirito answered.

Naomi said to Kirito, "Kirito is being mad. We're gonna fall in the river."

Kirito said, "If we don't fall in the river then we will lend in the school practice area. "

Kirito said again, "Do it now Sinon?"

Then Sinon uses her power and makes a rampe.

Then Kirito said, " Use your full power guys.

Everyone used their full power and they went to the rampe. They use their power to fly. After leaving the rampe, they start flying.

When they were in the sky, Kirito screamed and said, "Last time use your full power. They use their full power and they cross the river. Everyone left the car, they were falling, that time Kirito said to Alice, " Alice use your power now."

Alice uses her power and they lend on the Water.

Then they watch the clock and they saw,

"They have a minute left."

They were happy. Naomi said, "This win goes to Kirito. Because of him we won "

Then everyone said, "Yes you are right "

That time Kirito said, " Why only me? We all use our power together. This is why we won. "

That time Miss Anna came with clapping hand. Miss Anna said," You guys did it. You guys did it with teamwork. I just took an exam on your teamwork. I just want to see if you guys can make a good team, but you guys did it. "

Then Kirito said, "Miss, you are just taking an exam."


Then they lay on the ground. That time Miss Anna said, "Now you guys go home and come here tomorrow again. "

Then they said thank you to each other and they went home. But Kirito and Alice were standing. Then Alice said, Where are you going now?''

"To my part time job, " Kirito answered.

" Ok then see you Tomorrow. " Alice said.

Ok, bye


After that Kirito went to his part time job. But he uses his flying power to go there. But no one saw Kirito flying.


Author's Note: Guys If you love this novel then help it with power stones. Help this novel for ranking. If you love it then add it to your library.