Saving people (1)

After that Kirito went to his part time job. But he uses his flying power to go there. But no one saw Kirito flying.

Kirito gets down in an empty place. Then he went to the shop. He enter the shop and he saw,

" The place was empty and Lillie was not there. So he gets ready and starts his work. "

After 10 minutes Lillie came. After seeing kirito, Lillie says,

"You are here kirito. How was your 1st day training? "

"To the end of the city and come to school, just in 5 hours." Kirito answered.

Lillie surprised and says,

" What! What are you saying? In just 5 hours? "


"How do you get to school in just 5 hours?"Lillie said with curiosity.

" We made a car with our power. " Kirito said.

Then Lillie said, "What happened after that, tell me kirito. "

"Ok I will tell you what happened, but I have to sit. My leg is hurting. " Kirito said.

"Ok first you set and then tell me,"Lillie said.

Then Kirito sits and says everything about today's practice. After listing that Lillie says, " You guys did that."


When they were talking Miss Bethany came and said, "What are you guys doing?"

"Nothing Miss just saying Lillie about first day training. " Kirito said.

Then Bethany says," You joined the SvS tournament. "


Then Lillie says, "Miss you know about the SvS tournament.

"Yes, I go to the stadium every year to watch the tournament." Miss Bethany answered.

Then Bethany says, " You guys can go home now. Today is your half day. "

"Really Miss, now I can go home and rest. "

Kirito said.

He said again, " Thanks Miss. "

Then they went home. When they were walking, Kirito saw they were some fire force. So they run to see what happened there. They saw there was a fire in the building. Fire forces were trying to get fire and make people out safely. But they can't do that properly, because of the fire.

Kirito said," A big part of the building is going to fall on some people. People were running, when building part is going to fall

Kirito uses his power, he makes some swords and he cuts the building part.

He saved the people and he went to talk with the fire force members. After talking to them kirito comes to Lillie and says,

"Lillie, take my bag and wait here. "

"Why? What are you going to do?" Lillie said with tension.

"I'm going into the building, so many people are stuck in there. ``Kirito answered quickly.

"Are you mad kirito? You know what you're saying?" Lillie said with a scared face.

" I know what I am saying. Now I have to go. Kirito said.

Then he went to the building, but Kirito turn and says to Lillie,

"If something happened to me, just say that to my friends and family. "

Lillie says,"Don't go kirito? "

Then Kirito took a camera and went to the building. He broke the front gate. He starts finding people. People can see what Kirito is doing in the building.

The News reporter said that, A boy named Kirito went to the building to save the people who were stuck in the building. Kirito's camera video was live on TV. Lois and Alice saw that on the TV and they went to the place that was on fire. They came and they saw each other. Alice says, "Did you see the TV?

Lois says,"Yes, Kirito is inside the building. That time Lois' father's uncle Roy called Lois.

Lois take the phone and says, " Yes dad "

" What is Kirito doing? Why did he go to the building alone? " Mr.Roy said.

" I don't know, I saw this on TV and came to the place. Now I am in front of the building. "

When they were talking Lois saw and she said to her father, " Dad I will you later. "

Mr.Roy can't finish his talk and Lois cuts the call. Lois went to Lillie.