Saving people (2)

Then why didn't you stop him?" Lois asked.

"I tried to stop him but he didn't stop. "Lillie answered.

Then Alice says, "I have to go in for help Kirito. "

" I will go with you. " Lois said.


Then Alice goes and talks with the fire fighters. After talking Alice came with a sad face. Because of sad face Lois asked, "Alice what do they say? "

"They say 'No'. We can't go in there." Alice answered.

"Why can't we go in? " Lois said.

Alice says,

"Kirito said to them,' Don't send anyone inside. ' "

Then Kirito sent some people from inside. People are watching, Kirito is saving everyone and he is sending them out.

Kirito was saving people and suddenly he saw a monster. Monster was using fire magic. So he took the camera off. He tries to copy the fire power. After some minutes he succeeded in copying the power.

Suddenly the monster saw Kirito and attacked Kirito. Kirito sends everyone out of the building.

That time outside Alice says to Lois and Lillie, "Where is Kirito? Why did he stop the camera? Everyone is out, then why is he inside now? "

That time inside the building Kirito is fighting the fire monster. The monster used its firepower and attacked kirito. Kirito tried to fly but he saw, "His Ring is own timer. He used his full power. "

So he uses his power to defeat the monster. Kirito threw some swords. He cuts the body of the monster. But he can't defeat the monster properly.

Suddenly that time the ring gave a notification. So kirito hide a place and he start reading

Now your ring is in level 2. Now you can use 3 copy powers, Total 4 power with Your own. You can use a copy power of 15 minutes and cooldown time is now 55 minutes.

After reading, Kirito starts smiling. Now the battle will be fun. Then Kirito uses the fire power. He attacks the monster with his powers. He uses his full power and kills the monster. After the battle he set in a place because he used too much power.

That time the building started breaking, so Kirito started running.He tried to fly but the ring was on cooldown.

From outside Alice, Lois, Lillie and people are watching, "The building is breaking. "

Alice runs to save Kirito, but suddenly the building breaks properly. Then people use their power and take the fire off.

Then everyone start finding kirito, They were calling kirito,

Kirito…. Kirito… Where are you?

5 minutes gone but they still can't find Kirito. Alice, Lois, Lillie were crying and calling Kirito's name.

Kirito….. Kirito…..Kirito…

Suddenly Kirito gets up from the junk. After he gets out from the junk. Kirito faints in the junk. Then everyone takes Kirito to the hospital.

After 24 hours,

Kirito wakes up. Then he saw Alice sitting next to him, but sleeping. Then Alice wakes up and she saw, Kirito is watching her. Then Alice says,

"Why are you watching me like this?"

"Nothing," Kirito said.

"Are you ok now?" Alice asked.

" Fine, just hurting a little, " Kirito answered.

Kirito asked Alice, " Where is Lois? I know she watches the News on TV and comes there."

" Yes,she was there. He went home. Your uncle called Lois a hundred times. " Alice said.


Then Kirito tried to get up from bed. That time Alice said, "Why are you getting up? "

Kirito gets up and starts walking. He went outside, he saw Lillie was sitting there. Lillie looked at the door and she saw Kirito was up.

She went to Kirito, and at that time Kirito thought Lillie was going to hug him, but Lillie came and pulled Kirito's ear and Kirito said, "Plz Lillie stop, my ears are hurting.

Then Lillie said, " I told you not to go inside alone. But you went inside alone and you told those firefighters to not send anyone inside.

Suddenly Alice came and pulled another ear and she said,

" Lillie is telling the right thing. Why do you do that? "

Sorry, forgive me. I know that if you show the news you guys will come to help me, so I say this to the firefighter.

"Ok, that but if you do that again we will kill you." Alice said with an angry face.

"Ok, I'm not going to do that again. " Kirito said.

Kirito says again, "Now you guys should go home, I will be fine here. "

"No, we can't leave you here alone. " Lillie said.

"Nothing will happen, now you guys go home and have some rest and tell Lois to have some rest too." Kirito said.

"Ok, if you need something then call anyone." Alice said.

Then Alice and Lillie went home. Kirito comes and he lies on his bed.

He opens the ring and starts reading what he can do with this ring now.

Suddenly a girl come and says,

"May I come in? "