Bonus Chapter

Then Alice and Lillie went home. Kirito comes and he lies on his bed.

He opens the ring and starts reading what he can do with this ring now.

Suddenly a girl come and says,

"May I come in? "

Then Kirito looks at the girl and says,"Come in."

After that the girl came and took a seat. Kirito says,

"Did I know you? "

" No, no you don't know me." That girl said.

"Then why did you come here?" Kirito asked.

First I should Introduce myself.

I'm Izumi. I'm a student of LH high school.

Then Kirito Introduce himself, he says,

My name is Kirito and I am a student of RIH high school.

Then Izumi says, "I come here to thank you. Because of you my family is saved. "

"Ok, your family is safe. That's main. Nothing else is important. " Kirito said with a smile.

Then they talk for some time. That time Izumi said, "Now I have to go to school. I have to go now. "

"Ok, then see you later. " Kirito said.

Before going Izumi said with hesitation , "Kirito, can I have your phone number?"


"I will call later to know your health. " Izumi said.


then Kirito gives his number to Izumi and Izumi says," Thanks, then bye."

Ok, bye.

Izumi comes out of the room smiling.

After Izumi leaves, Kirito opens his ring again and starts reading again.

Now Kirito is happy because his ring has leveled up. After reading, he tries to sleep.

Next day,

Before going home, Kirito finish some of his checkup , that time

Izumi comes, then she says, "Kirito, may I come in? "

Ooo Izumi you, Come in.

Then Izumi says, "How are you feeling now?"

"Fine, What about you? " Kirito said.

Same here. kirito,


" My family came here to meet you, "Izumi said.

" Where are they? Take them here. " Kirito said.

"They are outside," Izumi said.

" What, bring them inside. " Kirito said.

Izumi says," They are not alone."

Then Kirito says,

"What do you mean by they are not alone?"


Author's Note : Guys you read novel but you guys don't add this to your library. Plz add it to your library.