
It was his birthday... he would have turned 10 today"

Aiden was unable to forget what he witnessed earlier. He was too terrified to even make a sound. He was sitting on ground tears streaming down his face unaware of how much time he spent there.

"Why me? Why is it always me? Huh what did I even do to deserve this? Why? Why? WHYYYY?" Aiden said while banging his head on his knees and producing muffled screams in frustration and fear while pulling his hairs. Unaware of the fact that someone was watching his every move.

Aiden spend the whole night sitting there not for once his tears stopped or he lift his head.

How long are you going to need someone else to save you? Can't you for once help yourself? For once get yourself out from something?

His inner voice demanded and Aiden felt small in front of his own self.

"It's true! No really. How long are you expecting someone else to be your savior? First Jimmy then Maddie, What now? Huh what now?" He said to himself and shoot his head straight. His nose pink from all the crying and cheeks stained from dried tears. He left the shaky breath.

"I'm going to escape."

A broad smirk was made on the person's face who was standing on the other side of the screen, watching the brunette giving courage to himself. "Good luck boy" he said and laid down on the bed.

Morning light shinned down on the boy from the air duct who was sleeping on the ground. He got up and went to the bathroom and done his morning routine.

"Aiden you stink" he said to himself and get the zipper off of his shoulder. The stains of dry blood was clear on his shoulder he unbuttoned his shirt and washed his shoulder.

He washed his hairs and sat back on the bed thinking about how to execute his escape plan. Not a moment after the metallic door opened and the guy from yesterday came in with a plate of food in his hand.

"Here, eat up boy" he said placing the plate down on the bed in front of brunette and was about to left when brunette spoken,

"Take it back. I don't want to eat" he said and crawled himself back to keep distance from the food tray.

"Eat up boy. It's a long ride. You won't survive at this rate. Look at you, just a glimpse of what could happen to you made you a living corpse. You need to eat to survive" the blond boy said and pushed the tray further to the brunette.

"Take your tray and your sweet sympathetic words and get out Michael" Aiden said to the guy and pushed the tray back.

Michael harshly pulled the boy from his jaw and dragged his face close "Calm it down baby boy. If it wasn't about JK you wouldn't be able to live another second. Don't test my patience and do what you are told." Michael said by tapping softly on Aiden's jaw and let go of him.

"Y-you were the one who s-stayed at the store for late wasn't you?" Aiden said by exchanging gaze with Michael who smirked and walked toward the door.

"Now you got it. Good for you boy. Yes, it was me. Hope you get it now why I was there in the first place." That ugly smirk never left from his face that disgust Aiden more and make him frightened also.

"Why am I here? WHY" Aiden said and launched toward Michael with the knife he took from the tray but Michael snatched it from his hand and threw it aside.

"That is not my story to tell. Now I may take my leave. Eat and rest" Michael said and winked at brunette and left the room. Aiden kept on standing there now more determent to run away from here.

"Feisty huh" Jonathan said while looking at the session between Michael and Aiden and smiled "It'll be fun. Let the game began" He said looking at Aiden who was still staring at the ground.


Aiden don't know what time is it. He just want to get out of here. He was still thinking of what to do and the door open again. This time it was Jackson, Aiden recognized him at first look "Get out. Take this back. I don't want to eat. Just go." He said and Jackson smiled looking at the brunette.

"Addie li-...."

"It's Aiden and I don't want to listen get out" He cut him off and threw the same knife at him.

"Woah woah woah boy. Stop okay." Jackson picked it up and left the room but he forgot to lock the room, Aiden got the chance he was waiting for and didn't even wait for second more and ran to the door.

He peeked out of the door and saw no one was outside he left the room. He saw a man and hid behind the stairs when man went away he looked "clear" he said and ran forward. He still remember the path he came in yesterday and ran as fast as he could to the main door. And he left the mansion just like that.

The road from his room to the gate was way too easy he thought about that but then shrugged that thought off and ran down the road not knowing the way. He ran and ran until he saw a phone booth. He didn't knew what else to do so he ran to the phone booth and dialed the first number he remembered.


He dialed the number but no one picked it up. Aiden's body was shaking badly. He don't know what to do. He saw here and there to see if anyone was coming or not. He again dialed Jimmy's number but again no one picked the call. He left the receiver and was about to leave when he thought again and turned back to the phone. He dialed the only person left he can call for help.

"Pick up the call please." Aiden said while the bell rings again.


"M-Maddie, Maddie"

"Aiden? Aiden what happened where are you? Is everything alright?"

"Mad-Maddie please help me out. I-I-I'm being kid...." he didn't even finish the sentence when he felt someone was standing behind him. The door swung open. Aiden didn't have the courage to look back.

"Aiden... Aiden. Hello Aiden where are you... hello Aiden are you listening? Whe....." And with that the line went cold.

"You really thought I'll let you go that easily?" Aiden heard same dominant voice he heard yesterday. He didn't turn around. He was shaking badly and his vision started to get blurry because of the tears. He was terrified.

Jonathan harshly held his collar and punched him at his jaw. Aiden hit the side of the booth and fell down. Jonathan pulled him up again and dragged him to the car. They reached the mansion and Jonathan dragged him out of the car and got to the front door.

He kicked him again and Aiden tried to hold himself straight by holding the door. He stood up again but before he can handle himself Jonathan launched another punch at his stomach and Aiden hit the hard tiles of living room.

"Stand up" Jonathan roared and Aiden tried but he couldn't. Jonathan pulled him up and slapped him hard. Aiden turned with the impact and hit the pillar.

"P-pl-please...." He didn't get to finish when another punch landed on his stomach and he coughed the blood. Aiden fell down but Jonathan didn't stop he kicked him again and again.

It was like Jonathan was blinded by rage he was not seeing the boy in front of him. All of the Jonathan's men gathered at the living room but no one got the courage to stop him. Aiden was badly wounded he was getting in and out of the consciousness.

"JK you are going to kill him. Stop now" a voice echoed the hall but Jonathan was not affected by it.

"JK STOP" the person yelled again. Jonathan's eyes widened as if he was also shocked at what he did. He turned to the voice.

"Z-Zack" Jonathan saw his surroundings.

"Take him away. Lock him up" Jonathan walked away from the scene sparing one last glance to the brunette who seemed to be dead.

"Call Erica" he said and entered his office. Zack followed him "I want to stay alone for a while" he said and closed the door at Zack's face.

"Did I killed him? What happened to me that was not me?"