
Jonathan was lying on his bed. Head lying on the bed while legs dangling on the side of bed. One arm under his head while the other lying peacefully on bed. Lost in thinking.

What was that?

He thought while replacing right arm under his head and resting the left one on bed. He was way to confuse on younger's behaviour. He didn't even do anything. Well yes, he controlled himself a lot after looking at the others condition.

It's been more than 2 hours since he is lying at his bed after his interaction with younger. He was unable to sink it down. The shaking body of others and then falling limp. Why did he catch him? Why did he let go of his agenda? Why did he become soft after seeing younger's trembling body?

These questions were not letting him be free.


"What did you do JK. Look at him man" Zack said running toward younger and Jonathan turned over his heels to leave. He heard a scream and turned to the both males.

Zack was standing close to the younger and when Jonathan turned, he thought to comfort the younger but as he stretched his hand toward him the other flinched and moved away from him. Zack didn't understand why he did that so he came closer to the younger and hold his hand but Aiden screamed and started freeing his arm from Zack's hand.

"P-please father. P-please stop. It hurts. I didn't break my promise. I didn't shame your name. I didn't even saw. P-please father not.... not again please forgive me. I'm sorry I'm sorry please. I'm telling the truth father. I kept my promise" Aiden said clapping both hands together in front of Zack and tightly closing his eyes.

"Hey. Hey Aiden. What are you saying? Look at me see here look." Zack said while separating his hands and holding his chin so that younger can see him. His heart drop when he saw that other was crying and the cold sweat on his face was like he just took shower.

"Let me call Erica. Is it okay? You want to see her?" Zack asked brunette but the other didn't even nod. On the other hand, Jonathan was standing there in a daze. He was unable to understand what was happening.

Did I do this?

He asked himself for the nth time. He was far sober then the condition he entered in this room. Zack tried a lot but younger was not even a bit close of relaxing. He left to call Erica.

Aiden's mind was not working. He felt like his mind is in whirlwind, everything was rotating. A very faint voice was echoing in his ears and he felt like someone held his arm and he lost it. He protested to let himself free. The only thing that was in his mind was the worst day of his life. The day he never wanted to remember. He pleaded to the one who was holding his arm to let go of his arm.

A very concerned voice entered his ears and he tried to see the face but the only thing he can see was darkness. Then he heard a name "ERICA" and wanted the person near him. He felt like she was the only one that can comfort him and give him the warmth that he needed at the moment but his body betrayed that he couldn't even move his head.

And suddenly he felt his arm free and felt like his body was also rotating in that tornado now. He can't see anything can't even hear more and then his feet left the ground and he stumbled forward and drown further in the dark hole.

Jonathan saw younger falling limp and ran fast and catch him letting younger's body falling in his arms. He placed younger on bed and Erica along with Jackson and Michael entered in the room. Jonathan left the room.

End of flashback.

With these question Jonathan slip to the dreamland.


"Were you sleeping inside? You spent complete two hours in washroom" the person came inside Jimmy's room and spoke. He huffed while throwing himself on soft bed.

"Come on Dan I lost for the first time in my life and why! Because of that cheater I needed to relax" Jimmy said fuming. He lost the dace competition because his opponent cheated.

"Come on dude. Let it go now. It was not that important. After all it was just a competition." Daniel said while making himself comfortable on bed.

"Go pack your bags, Jimmy. Your life long opportunity is waiting for you"

"It's an honor to perform at Broadway Dance Centre. I'm so proud of my best friend"

"You are so different from him. You don't really value talent. He was so happy the day I told him. God, I miss him." Jimmy said while remembering his besties words. He left a chuckle and smacked Daniel's head.

"Ahhh Jimmy stop."

"Oh yeah here somebody called you .... twice. But it was a local number." Daniel handed Jimmy's phone to him.

"When?" Jimmy said with tired tone.

"Around noon. You were in the hall at that time." Daniel said while gesturing thinking pose.

"It's no use now. If someone called again then I'll see." Jimmy said while settling on bed.

"God, I miss Addie. Let me call him." Daniel quickly grabbed his phone from his hand and cut the call. Jimmy protested while trying to snatch his phone.

"Give it back what are you doing?"

"Look at the time Jimmy. It's already late. Call him tomorrow" Jimmy realized the fact that Daniel is right so he calmed down. "What about the ceremony?" Daniel tucked at Jimmy's shoulder.

"What about it?" Jimmy deadpanned.

"Have you prepared your speech?" Daniel laughed and Jim pushed him.

"Get out. Go back to your room." Jimmy hissed and Daniel quickly grabbed his ears and mouthed sorry.

"Come on dude, go I need to sleep. I'm hell tired. Pick me up in the morning" Jimmy said while yawning. Daniel looked at his friend and agreed to leave. He said good night to him and left to his room.

"I just hope Addie will be alright. God knows how would he be? First thing tomorrow is to call him." He reminded himself and slip into the sheets.


"Wake up baby. Please" Erica said to the pale boy lying on the bed unconscious since last 8 hours. It's 2am and Erica and Jackson are there with him since this all happened.

"It's all my fault. I could have stayed. Could have insisted JK to let him be but I left... I left him." Erica said while holding her tears back.

"It isn't your fault, Erica. We all know no one can fight the beast. Just hope he will wake up soon. You go take some rest while I'm here with him." Jackson patted on Erica's arm and smiled softly.

"I don't..."

"Go Erica. When he will wake up. First person he wants around him will be you." Jackson tried to reason with her but was not satisfied with her restlessness.

"How are you so sure about that. He will hate me. I left him all alone with that beast." Erica said in a broken voice.

"Didn't you hear Zack. He said that when he called your name, he noticed a little flicker of relief on his face. It was little but you are his source of relief. Go and get some rest, be presentable in front of him. I'm here till then." Erica agreed in defeat and left the room while Jackson turned toward the boy. He mumbled and squeezed younger's hand.

"Wake up. Please wake up. I just found you I can't lose you so early"