
"Wake up. Please wake up. I just found you, I can't lose you so early"

Jonathan was fuming. The scene In front of him infuriated him. It was 9 in the morning; he woke up and made his way to his laptop. He remembered what happened last night. He needed to know whether the younger was okay or not. Why? he himself don't know.

He clicked on the saved recordings and clicked on the last night's recording of younger's room. He fast forwards the scene which was remembered by him on his fingertips. He stopped at the moment he left the room.

He started the video and skipped the parts where Erica and Jackson were sitting there with him while the other was still unconscious. Jonathan saw pale boy lying on bed. He remembered the words of others and clenched his fist. He skipped that part and stopped when he saw Erica leaving the room and thought that was all that happened last night. But...

Then he saw the time and it was 2 in the morning. "He didn't wake up whole night. What The Fuck. Come on is he really this sensitive?" He said to no one and was about to close the video when he heard Jackson's words. The scene in front of him infuriated him.

"JACKSON" he yelled others name and the called boy came running. He stopped in front of him huffing showing that he came running to his room.

"W-wh-what? Calm down. Everyone is sleeping" Jackson said in between his breaths.

"Everyone or just HE." Jonathan was not known why he was getting angry but he was unable to contain himself. "Stay away from him. I didn't kidnap him to calm your lust" Jonathan said grabbing Jackson's collar.

"What are you talking about JK. And please leave me" Jackson huffed playing it cool but he was actually known what was he talking about. "Of course, he knows. Cameras. How can i forget?" he mentally slapped himself.

"Really Jackson? You want me to be fooled by this drama?" Jonathan asked raising his one eyebrow. Jackson hanged his head low. Jk is the boss he can't fool him. He was not called Allrounder for nothing.

"All your care and you being near him always is not for nothing. I still remember your craze for beauty. And he is jackpot for you. So, I'm asking you for the first and last time STAY.AWAY.FROM.HIM" Jonathan pushed others shoulder and pointed toward the door and the other left silently.

Jonathan did the morning routine and made his way to the younger's room. The house was quiet. Just few cooks and guards were up while the main gang was still in their bed. Jonathan stood at the distance when he heard the door opening of the room where Aiden was being held captive. He saw Erica leaving the room and made his way to kitchen which was clear that younger was up.

As Erica was out of sight he went inside the room and saw younger still lying on bed watching ceiling. Jonathan came close to bed making no noise. He bent down to the boy resting on bed. Aiden didn't notice other's presence until he smelled the strong sent of perfume.


"What the fuck Jimmy" Daniel entered the room and saw Jimmy holding his phone near his ear. "I thought you will be ready as I'm already 20 min late come on man".

Jimmy frowned and turned to the men who was almost yelling. "He is not picking up the call. I'm calling him for a while now." Jimmy said in a concerned voice. He was calling Aiden since morning but just the bell was ringing but no one was picking the call.

"It never happened before. He always picks my call on first ring. Something is not right" Daniel was getting irritated but others behaviour so he stepped toward the younger and snatched the phone and cut the call.

"Enough already. He is not a baby. He can manage just few more days and so can you. We will soon be back there then spent as much time you want with him. For now, get ready. Ceremony is already started."

Jimmy got angry on others word and snapped on him. "You don't know him. You don't even know me. Stop being my boss and get off my back. We just met few days back. I can go by myself. Get out" Jimmy pointed toward the door but Daniel desperately holds his hand.

"Okay okay sorry. You can call him after the ceremony. Just don't get mad. Don't ruin your mood. Get ready. You can drive. Is it okay?" Daniel knew that Jimmy's greatest desire is to drive the car as he recently got his license. Jimmy huffed but after a while smiled and went to washroom to change.

"JIMMMYY...." a loud scream was heard and then the screech of tire.

"What?" Jimmy asked in shock.

"Jimmy, you got your license two days prior but my car is still old. Control yourself. If it got even a scratch, I won't get any car ever again. Dad will kill me" Daniel said scared from Jimmy's rash driving.

Jimmy chuckled and nodded "okay okay." He started the engine and drove off. They entered the hall and everyone was already present there.

"Hi Mr. Lightwood. Oh, nah, we are friends so why so formal. Hello Jimmy." A boy with sharp jaw line and quite tall from Jim came toward him smiling and greeted him but his smile changed into smirk.

"Hi Mr. Chea. I mean Chase. Nah, friend as you said. Hello Vincent." Jimmy mimicked the other but being very irritated.

"Ouch. You know that attitude hurts." Vincent clenches his chest and smiled.

"Shut up Vincent. Let's just get over with it. I don't want to see your face again."

The ceremony started and the awards were being distributed when Vincent got the award he smiled and waved the award toward Jimmy who was flashing red due to anger.

"Vincent has never been my favorite name. I have a history with that name." He moved his hand in his hairs in frustration and Daniel laughed on other words.


Aiden's eyes met Jonathan's and he flinched. He tried to move back but Jonathan held his arm and yanked him close. His face was inches away from the other. He didn't dare to see in elder's eyes.

"Look at me." Jonathan broke the silence while the other didn't do as he was asked. Jonathan harshly pulled his face up and made him look at him.

"Get a hold of yourself. You are not on picnic I didn't bring you here to get royal treatment. Overcome your insecurities. And no talking to others" Jonathan completely ignored the tears in other's eyes and just delivered his message and left the room.

Aiden hugged his knees and buried his head between his knees and sobbed silently. Door open again reveling smiling Erica. She came toward and asked softly

"Aidde baby what do you want to have breakfast?" But younger didn't lift his head neither did he replied.

"Aiden you, okay?" Erica asked again ruffling other hairs and Aiden snapped on her

"Go... JUST GO. LEAVE ME ALONE. I DON'T WANT ANY ONE OF YOU. JUST GO GO g-go go...." his voice cracked at the end while Erica was in shock as younger was just normal a few minutes earlier but now....

"It's okay rest. I will come lat..." Erica said but Aiden again cut her off

"No. don't come to me. Just leave me alone." Erica was heartbroken by others words. She took her bag and left the room. Aiden tracked the door closing and then locked. He mumbled lying back on the bed unaware of the one seeing his every move.

"Good boy" Jonathan said while seeing other on the screen. He rested his head back on the pad of chair. "This boy has something unique in him" he said while rotating his chair.

Few days passed like that Jonathan always had his eyes on brunette who never talked to anyone no matter how much anyone tried while Jackson once asked Jonathan to let him meet with younger and Jonathan changed his duty. Now he was the in charge of drugs he rarely gets to come to the mansion.

Aiden never talked to anyone and barely eat. He just stays on his bed. He doesn't know how many days he passed here. For first few days Jackson came but then he never came back after the incident. It was mostly Michael or Zack. Suddenly the door opens slowly and a figure came inside with slow steps.

"A-Aiden are you awake?" Other didn't replied neither did he turned.

"Aiden, Erica is here. She needs to check your wounds. Can I call her in?" Again, no response. This time the figure gestured doctor to come inside and Erica started checking him up.

"Why is he not waking up? His pulse! Did he eat anything?" Erica looked at the figure but that person didn't reply just looked at the ground. "I'm asking something Zack. Did he eat anything?" Erica said in a little stern voice but the other didn't say anything just shook his head in No.

"What the hell." Erica said looking at the machine he is holding in his hand after huffing on Zack's answer.

"What happened?" This time Zack said with concern.

"His sugar level are too low. That's why he is not waking up. I think he fainted" Erica said while noting the readings. "Bring me something sweet" Erica said while looking at the boy. Zack quickly went to the kitchen and bring a piece of chocolate and Erica feed the boy that chocolate. "He will wake up soon" Erica said and kissed on younger's forehead and left the room.

"Can I come in?" Zack asked while knocking on office door and heard "come in" from inside. As he walked inside, he wasted no time and spoke.

"JK he is not eating properly. Not even talking to anyone. At this rate he will die." Jonathan didn't even take account of others worry which frustrated Zack and then he went right infront of Jonathan.

"For having your revenge, you need him alive. He being dead will be of no use" Zack used his last card hoping that maybe this will move Jonathan. Yes, he knows JK ordered other to stay silent. And somehow Zack succeeded.

"Fine. Engage him with you and others but he will not leave that room." Zack was beyond happy.

"And send Michael to me" JK said Zack quickly left the room after nodding and thanking Jonathan. Jonathan leaned back on the chair.

"What are you hiding pretty boy. What is you promise with your filthy father"