
"Mummy...." some trashing sound woke 10-year-old boy and he ran out of his bed.

"Mummy... Mummy" There was a slit fear in his voice like usual kids he was also afraid of leaving the room on his own not known whether his mom is outside or not and then in the mid night something trashed, obviously it's not common.

He still gathers some courage and made to the door of the room. The light of living room was on, mean parents will be in living room.

Main door was smashed shut. Some body went outside. He ran out of his room and made his way to the stair and stood on the first stair. The scene was bit disturbing infront of him.

"Ummmmm..... *cough* Je-Je *cough* Jesse...." the boy ran desperately to downstairs. He ran directly to the man lying on the floor...

"Papa... Papa... what-what is this? What happened?" He quickly cleaned the white foam coming out of his father's mouth. Tears were streaming down his face unstoppable, without the knowledge of what actually is this.

"Jo-Jona-Jonathan...." the man huffed for countless times. "M-m-.... Ta- take.... *cough* Mom-Mommy....." the man was feeling great difficulty to speak but still he held the boys both hands and squeezed them while shuttering.

"Papa.... Papa." The boy tapped at the left cheek of his father with both hands.

"V-Vin…" that's all what the man could say. The man said with all courage left in his body, and then his body went limp in the boy's hands.

"PAPA.... PAPA..." the boy turned for the first time to his mother who was lying on the couch near his dead father, half naked. The boy didn't look at his mom again and lowered his gaze to his dead father.

"Jonathan" he turned when his mother called him in very low tone. "Come here" she tried to sit up. There were many bruises on her face and body. She tried to cover herself up but her clothes were torn. Still, she gathered the pieces of her clothes and gestured to the boy to come to him.

"Mommy...." Jonathan woke up from his sleep. He felt tears in his eyes. With trembling hands, he swiped his tears. He turned to see the clock on his side table.

4:30 am

He stood up from his bed and went to the washroom, he saw his reflection in the mirror. Threads of sweat on his forehead and red eyes from waking up in mid sleep. He splashed water on his face and swipe away the traces of his nightmare.

The nightmare that still haunts him. The nightmare that he can't get free of.

He made his way to his bed and opened his laptop. He did the one thing that became his habit from past few weeks. He saw a figure sleeping peacefully. Anger builds inside him. He slammed his laptop lid shut and slip the loose shirt on his naked body.

He made his way out of his room and moved to the one room that he haven't visited in days. When he got near to the door, he slowly opened the door trying not to make any noise.

He stepped slowly to the sleeping figure. He stretched his hand to grip the younger's arms that was lying peacefully on the bed but out of the blanket, whole of his body was under blanket wrapped perfectly and one pillow clutched between his chest and right hand under the blanket.

His long lashes lying proudly on his rosy bread cheeks and the soft curve of the nose. His pulp lips slightly parted and soft snores making their way out of them. The figure made Jonathan stunned on his place. He can't hurt him. He already did a lot to this innocent being.

Why am I getting soft on him? Why should I care how is he? The hell with him and his filthy Father.

Jonathan again tried to hold his hand but Aiden slightly moved and flipped to the other side. The flip revealed his slim frame and the baggy shirt on his frame.

Something moved in Jonathan's body from top to bottom. What was he doing?

He moved out of his room and went to the kitchen. He opened the silver steel fridge and took the water bottle and was about to return to his room when his gaze dropped on the food tray covered on the kitchen counter.

He felt anger running down on his body. He felt like punching something or someone so hard that he knocks them out. Why was younger being so stubborn, he gave him the leverage to talk to others, to be engage with others and to do whatever he can in his room. Then why he is being so stubborn again?

He was not known why is he so concerned about the other when he is the one who kidnapped him, when he is the one because of whom the other is in that condition.

He held the water bottle in his hand and went back to his room. He slipped in the sheets to get more sleep.


"Rise and shine" a very cheerful voice flew to his ears and he slowly pull back from the dream land. It became the habit now. From the past few week's things are going quite smooth. He opened his eyes and saw the same gleeful face.

"Morning" he replied back to the figure by sitting up and rubbing his eyes to swipe the remaining sleep from his eyes.

"You did not eat your food again? Care to explain?" The figure asked in a manner that he didn't like the behaviour.

"I was not hungry. I had snacks late in the evening so..." Aiden said by giving a sweet smile to the other. A smile that can melt anyone's heart.

"Baby you are too weak and how come just few chips were enough for you that you didn't needed dinner? Baby you are too weak try to eat a lot." The other said in motherly manner showing the concern for the younger.

"Erica, I'm fine. Really. Don't worry. I'm used to eat less." Aiden said smiling and got up from the bed. "I'll be with you in a minute." Aiden said running toward the washroom. He was getting comfortable with his condition.

She was worried for me. Someone is worried for me other than Jimmy. It's getting better slowly. Other than that, JK everyone is nice to me. At least I get to rest and have good food. It's better than home here. Still, I miss Jimmy.

Aiden thought and felt tears welling up in his eyes. He shrugged that feeling and quickly done his morning routine and went back to Erica who was waiting for him to do breakfast.

Erica started visiting mansion almost daily unlike she used to do. She felt the attraction towards the younger. After her first experience with younger she felt the urge to be with him. It was like she sensed the insecurity of the other and wanted to comfort him.

Aiden came back and they both had the breakfast.

"Zack said he selected some books for you so that you won't get bored. He said he'll visit you in an hour" Erica informed him and bid him goodbye to go to the hospital.


"What did you find out?"

"Come on JK it's not easy to find everything about someone. I need time."

"I hate to extend dates and you know that, Michael. Hurry up" With that Jonathan cut the call.

"Looks like we need to make a visit to our dear enemy." Jonathan said smirking and dialed another number.

"Set my meeting with Mr. Brown"


"Hello sir. Let me show you your table" the waiter asked to Vincent and lead him to table reserved by JK's secretary.

Vincent sat there waiting for the one who arranged this surprise meeting. He fished his phone out of his pocket and dialed the number he never thought will dial ever again.

"Hello. I'm here. waiting for him." Vincent said in quite nervous tone.

"Wait. He never delays when he himself set the meeting." Came a feminine voice from the other side.

"What do you think, what could be the reason for this meeting?" Vincent said to the one other side of the line.

"Don't know, don't care. Just do whatever he says. Just don't argue with him."

"That was not at all helpful you know. I think he is here... bye" he cut the call when he noticed a man coming toward him. He has a very dark and dominant aura. The one that don't need any introduction.

"Hello Mr. Brown. Sorry I'm late" JK said with a short smile and took a seat.

"No no its okay. I just got here." Vincent, who was hell nervous at first was now dying of curiosity of what could be the reason.

"Ah I thought I made you wait for long. So, let's talk about for what we met today." Jk said by placing both his elbows on the table and leaned forward.

A waiter came and took their order and left quickly. Vincent on the other hand just get to node in the agreement.

"So, I was looking for a very loyal workers for me and I got the news that you have a son and fortunately he perfectly fits with the requirements I have for my desired workers. So I just want to buy your son." JK delivered his words with a lot ease and without any flow of emotions.

"Buy as in you want to hire him. Right?" Vincent said intimidated by the JK tone and body language.

" No, I want to buy him like buy him literally. He will have no strings attached to you." Again, the same emotionless voice.

"Umm.... that... what." He didn't get to end the sentence when JK cut him off

"I'll pay you the amount you ask. Just say the digits. But then he doesn't belong to you anymore" JK completed his sentence with a lot ease. Like he knows what he is doing. And he do.

"I have heard that you are very dangerous man but after meeting you I don't think all what people say is true" Vincent tried to ease the environment between them.

"If I were you, I would believe what people say." JK said smiling which sends shivers down Vincent's spine.

Just do whatever he says. Just don't argue with him.

These words kept on moving in his head and he spoke after a while. "Payment will be at once or in instalments?"

Jonathan has a victorious smirk on his face. Like he was expecting it but with this ease he never expected. And then he heard the sentence that made his blood boil.

"I doubt you will pay me the amount I ask for that fagot." Vincent said chuckling. Jonathan felt like breaking his head with his bare hands but he controlled himself somehow.

"Where is he by the way. Can I meet him?" Jonathan asked completely ignoring the manners.

"He.... ahh ... he is in the school right now." Vincent said after a while.

"On Sunday? That's awkward" Jonathan quickly asked him. Vincent's color went pale like he got caught red handed robbing a bank.

"Oh yeah he got some festival in the school and he was the part of management team. So, he had to go today." Despite knowing that he is lying JK got along with that lie and replied smiling.

"Okay I'll pick him up from the school. He is my property now. Just sign the papers and write the amount here. You will get it right now"

Vincent felt like he was on cloud nine. He was being rewarded by both hands one he will get rid of Aiden and second, he will get whole lot of money. He quickly signed the paper without even bothering to read them. And wrote the amount on the paper.

20 million Dollars.

Although he himself doubted that JK will never give him that much but still he wanted to try his luck.

"Okay" was the only word JK said and handed him the bag full of cash and then raising one eyebrow he said to him.

"You don't know him and he don't know you. And if I see you near him ever that will be the last day of our deal and first day of your funeral. Have a nice day Mr. BROWN"