
"How did it go?"

"That so called meeting didn't even lasted for 10 min. I felt like he was not there to take my permission, but to give me order" Vincent hissed in anger.

"Because that's why he was there" the women laughed amusingly

"What do you mean?"

"He is JK. Did you really thought he came here to ask for permission?"

"You seem quite happy! Everything alright?"

"Never better. My baby gets what he wants."

"Baby? JK.... your baby?"

"Not your concern. Never call me again. We don't know each other. Good bye Mr. Brown"

"Wait .... hey wait j-just one m-more thing " Vincent said is very horrified voice.

"What now?" The one on the other side said uninterestingly

"M-my s-son."

"What about him? Don't tell me your fatherly instincts are kicking in now!"

"That's never gonna happen. He.... that fag. I even feel disgusted calling him son. The thing is I don't know where is he? He.... he didn't come home for 2 w-weeks. I-I think he ran a-away"

"What? And you are telling me now."

"I took the money but I don't know what should I do now?"

"Don't worry. He probably has his hands on him."


"What's his name.... oh Aiden. He would already be at Jonathan's."

"What are you saying?"

"JK has Aiden. That's why he came to inform you that you have no right on him now" women chuckled again.

"T-t-that means..."

"He already is keeping him as his own. Enjoy your day....No no, life Mr. Brown"

Vincent was about to say something else but the other one cut the call. Vincent's jaw dropped to his knees. Aiden..... his son is in JK's Wishlist. Did he really underestimate his worth? Still, he collected himself together when the thought of money came in.


Jonathan got off the car and went inside. On his way to his room, he saw Michael sleeping on the couch. He rolled his eyes on his so-called active right hand man.

Zack came out of the younger's room. He saw Jonathan standing in the living room, he went straight to him.

"What are you looking at?" He traced JK's gaze and small chuckle left his mouth which he stopped by placing his hand on his mouth.

"He just came back half an hour ago. Was asking for you. Where have you been?" Zack asked while walking with JK to his room.

"Nowhere. Bring that boy to me and don't bother to come along." Jonathan asked while removing Zack's arm from around his shoulder and went inside.

"Come on dude I'm older than you at least speak politely." Zack protested but didn't felt any effect on younger.

Zack opened the door and saw brunette reading book with quite interest. He knocked lightly to get younger's attention and the other lifted his head to him.

"I didn't know you like reading. If I did, I would have given you some books earlier." Zack asked showing his dimple smile.

"I love reading. Always did. Mom used to read me ... why .... do you need anything?" Aiden felt like spacing out so quickly changed the subject.

"Ohh... i-i umm..." Zack felt nervous due to early experience between Jk and the younger. He knew nothing good is going to happen. He can judge it from JK's mood.

"What is it brother?" Aiden asked innocently.

"Brother? You really just called me Brother, Aidde?." That dimple smile was much wider and brighter after just one word by younger.

"You have been nothing but nice to me always like a big brother. If it was not you, I would have been dead by now by your JK's hands" Aiden said by showing air quotation marks with his fingers making Older laugh.

"Umm that JK is asking for you. You need to come with me" Zack mimicked younger but instead of smiling or laughing, fear was plastered on younger's face.

"Me? Why? Did I do something wrong again? I promise I didn't. You can take your books with you it's okay I don't want them. I won't even talk to anyone. I won't I pr...." Zack step forward and hold both shoulders of younger and lifted his face by placing finger under his chin.

"Aidde you just called me brother. Didn't you?" Younger nodded with sad smile and shivering shoulders. "So, your brother will protect you. Don't worry. Let's just go. He hates waiting" Aiden nodded and held Zack's hand tightly and followed him to hell hole. Yes, hell hole. That exactly how Aiden felt.

Aiden walked with the slowest pace he could walk. Zack didn't question him. He did realize why was younger not walking fast. He just took him to JK's room. He knocked and heard "come in" from inside. He looked back at Aiden and his face was exactly like that night.

Pale face, trembling body and eyes filled with water which was forced to stay in there.

Zack's heart drop at the scene but orders are orders. He is bound to obey. "Go inside" Aiden's eyes widened on his words.

"Y-you aren't coming?" his voice was deep and low more like whisper, whisper of fear.

"I'm right here. Go. Brother will just be outside." Zack said completely disappointed.

"B-Brother i-i don't....." Aiden was cut off when the door opened from the other side. And there stand the man, no! worst nightmare of Aiden's life.

"If you are over with your brotherly love, come inside." Jonathan said in his mafia tone and that was enough to freeze blood in Aiden's veins. Trembling increased and with shaky legs Aiden moved backwards just to be yanked inside the room with the muscle force of Jonathan. He closed the door behind his back and glared at the younger.

Jonathan slowly walked towards his bed and sat on the edge of the bed and tangled his legs.

"I-I promise I didn't do anything. Y-you can ask anyone. Ask Z-Za.....Brother. I won't t-talk to anyone. I gave him h-his b-books back. Really...." he flinched when the mafia roared.

"SHUT UP. Did I give you the permission to talk? Huh?" The other lowered his eyes and gulped with fear and murmured in barely audible voice.

"Sorry" but Jonathan heard it clearly.

"You are exact slave material. This the exact respect you are supposed to give your master" For Jonathan those were just words but for Aiden that was like dagger steeping inside his chest for like 100 times.


Am I a slave now?


No, I'm not.

"Don't think too hard. Here takes a look at this and you will understand." Jonathan tossed a file towards Aiden which dropped at his feet. Aiden picked it up with trembling hand and opened it and the first page that came In front of his eyes was the page where his father signed and his breath almost stopped when he saw the words written down his father's signature

20 million

He didn't even need to read papers. He knew what was the other talking about.

His father sold him.

"Your filthy father sold you, for some money. And see here you are. So, tell me what should I do? And believe me it didn't took him 2 min to make this decision." Jonathan was lying back on bed and facing ceiling. And something fell on the ground with a thud.

"Do whatever you want with me Master. I'm your property" Jonathan felt a pang in his heart. He felt guilty. Aiden was on his knees head hanging low in submission.

"Get up". Aiden stood up but didn't lift his head. After a minute Jonathan felt like the younger was trembling more than earlier. He asked him to look at him but other didn't. Jonathan stepped forward an held him by his shoulders and saw the cold sweat strands on other's forehead and his skin getting pale.

His breathing was not normal also. He was feeling difficulty while breathing. His chest moving up and down with a lot more force and then he stumbled a little and his eyes rolled back and the boy went limp in elder's hold.

Jonathan panicked looking at the boy. He was already weak and now he was a lot paler and weaker.

"Zack.... ZACK" he didn't need to call him again because the called man came running inside.

"What happened? What did you do now?" Zack asked glaring at JK. If looks could kill JK would be dead by now.

"I didn't....Excuse me." Jonathan regained his usual cold expression. "Take him back to his room and call Erica so that she can check him. Is he a girl? I mean how come he is so fragile being a boy"

"What happened JK?" Zack repeated his question.

"Nothing bro. I called him to tell him that he is going to stay here for a very long time that's it" Jonathan was surprised by his own statement. Was he frightened of his brother? Well practically yes because this cute dimple smile is just one side of the older.

"That is not the reason that he is like this now" Zack said while taking Aiden out of Jonathan's arms.

"Come on. Call Erica. He is getting more and more pale."

"You could have thought about that while doing what you did. Human life is not a joke JK. Why do I feel that you will regret this? Stop it before the burden get too much that you can't carry it" with that Zack left the room with unconscious Aiden in his arms.

"I'm sorry. Brother is sorry for not protecting you. I broke my promise before it even got said properly." Zack took the limp body of Aiden to the single bed room and closed the door, and placed younger body slowly on the bed.

He then turned to one corner of the room and fished out his handkerchief and looked it the camera "Good Night" he said grinding his teeth.

"What the.... ahhh Come on. Not you also. What is it so special in that boy that everyone is just keep flowing towards him?" Jonathan huffed and went back to the bed.


"Hello Baby Brother" Jimmy chirped happily as usual right after picking the call.

"Come on Bro. Stop calling me that. What would people think if they see your calling this to the biggest mafia of Brooklyn. You are ruining my reputation" the boy said in quite frustrated yet playful tone.

"Aww... come on I know you like it Johnny. So how come you contacted me on your own. Are you alright? I mean got any head injury that resulted this call or any reaction of some drug.... or are you drunk?" Jonathan just rolled his eyes on his brother's childish behaviour.

"Ok cut it out.... I call you often okay and it should be me who should be angry with you. You have been gone for like 1 and half month but you didn't even think to call me. What if I needed you?" Jonathan heard Jimmy chuckle on the other side and huffed.

"People are needing me a lot now a days. Hope everything is alright." Jimmy said in bright tone.

"Meaning?" Confused Jonathan.

"Nothing. On a serious note, is everything alright Johnny? Wanna share something." Jimmy said in deep serious tone completely contradictory to the tone a few secs earlier.

"I got my hands on him bro. I got what I wanted. Come back soon we have a revenge to take" Jonathan said in devilish tone with sinister smirk.

"Well, that news is worth calling. I'll be back by the end of next week. See you soon baby bro" Jimmy being same psycho as JK.

"I'll be waiting. See you soon big bro" Jonathan said and cut the call while smiling.

He took shower and changed his cloth. After that he opened his laptop with a hope to see the younger. Deep in his heart he has the desire to make sure that the younger is okay. He wanted to see him but the camera of the room was still covered.

He tried to get his mind off of younger but it was nearly impossible for him. He closed his laptop and took the book to read but his mind was just recalling the scene he witnessed earlier and only one thing was moving in his mind.

"Do whatever you want with me Master. I'm your property"