
It's been a week since Jonathan told Aiden about the deal. Aiden has been quite busy with his brother Zack to get to know the house and it's works.

Jonathan has ordered Zack to let Aiden know all his work and asked him to also inform the younger that from now on he will do all his work. Just his, he need him at his service just by one call.

Zack has tagged Aiden along with him and took good care of him. He has always been there for him.

Aiden on the other hand was happy very happy. He has got the love he was deprived off for so long. Zack was always by his side. He also made him learn things that he was skipping from the college.

"I'm very happy that I have you or else I would have failed my final year. You know what, I literally thought that I'm never going to get my degree. The funny thing is that I have my finals in few months but I can't....." Aiden didn't finish his sentence and just cleared his throat.

Zack on the other hand can easily feel the sadness of the younger. He knew what he was about to say but drop the subject by shoving the tray with the glass of juice in his hand. "Take this."

"What for?" Aiden was confused as Zack never actually ordered him. He always just suggested and gave the younger open choice to do what he wants.

"Take this and go give this to JK" Zack didn't looked him in the eye like usual, he said it by placing the two glasses in another tray "and then we will enjoy the movie. Go hurry up."

Fear and panic again took over younger's body. He was frightened that whenever he has faced his Master that never ended good. Also, he remembered Zack's words.

Listen to me Aidde. As you know your father made a deal with JK. He ordered that from now on you will do all his works. So let me tell you the rules. Follow them and you will be out of trouble

"O-okay." Aiden couldn't say any other word. He just took the tray and dashed toward the JK's room. Or should we say His Master.

Aiden knocked on office door and quickly heard the permission to come inside. He went inside and the older was busy with his paper work. There was a pile of papers on one side of table and Jonathan was bending down and writing something on the paper. Aiden's eyes widened on the amount of work other was doing.

Now I know why he is always frustrated. I get frustrated even if I have to write just an essay and he....

"Your juice Master" Jonathan lifted his gaze and met with feared face of younger with lowered head in submission. Jonathan didn't like the view but quickly shrugged the feeling.

"Put it on the table" Aiden did as told.

"D-do you need anything e-else Master?" Aiden asked before leaving.

Jonathan stood up from his chair and moved toward Aiden, on which the brunette took step back as the other took a step forward. "Yes."

"What can I do Master." Aiden asked still in fear filled voice.

"Could you be a little more relax. You give me more headache than this work." Jonathan asked in a soft tone which surprised Aiden.

"O-okay Master" Aiden replied.

"And second stop calling me master after every damn answer" This time Jonathan's voice was a little frustrated. As Zack's words still haven't left his mind.

"Slave should respect his master." Aiden replied without shuttering.

"Will you drop it?" Jonathan was beyond frustrated now.

"If that's your wish Master sure I will" Aiden said without taking his eyes off of from ground.

"Fuck... Get out" Jonathan pointed at door. Aiden didn't want to be asked for second time and quickly left the room.

Jonathan sat on the sofa and didn't know when he drifted to sleep. His head in a very uncomfortable position. Aiden came back to ask for permission to watch the movie as Zack asked him.

He didn't want to anger the older. Jonathan has made his hard impact on him. He remembered the rules Zack told him and one of them was to ask JK before doing anything so that if he need you, he can tell you early.

Aiden knocked once, twice, thrice but didn't get any answer so he just peeked his head inside and saw the office empty. He was kind of confused, not just 10 sec earlier JK was inside and now he is not. He didn't saw him leaving, maybe he is in washroom.

He came inside and stood there not seeing around just waited for the washroom door to open so that he can ask for permission.

He stood there for good 15 min but Jonathan didn't come. He turned to leave when he saw Jonathan sleeping on sofa. Legs on the ground and head on the arm of sofa. His body at the 45 degrees angle.

Aiden intended to wake him up. He tried by calling him Master for couple of time but he didn't wake up, he thought may be the older is doing this because he doesn't like him calling Master every minute so he spoke again. "J-Jk" he called again but did get any response.

Now he was getting worried about the other. He moved closer and shaken others shoulder but the other didn't budge. He thought to call Zack but then again, the rule.

Don't ever get anyone involve in your work

He tried again but didn't get any answer. So, he slowly lifted others head straighten it so that the other can get peaceful sleep. As he placed his head on the back of sofa, he gets to see the older closely.

Aiden saw the innocence of others face and that dark mole under his lip on a white milky skin standing proudly. He was unable to understand that this face can have such cruel mind. But then again, he doesn't know his story.

Aiden came to the living room where Zack was waiting for him. He came and said "Master is sleeping. I tried to wake him up but he didn't. I think we should not watch movie what if he saw and got angry...." Zack understood younger's worries and smiled showing his dimple smile.

"Brother" Aiden again called and Zack hummed in response while sipping his drink. "D-do you know Erica?" Aiden felt nervous thinking whether it is okay to ask or not.

"Oh Erik. Of course, I do. Why do you ask?" Zack asked and saw the other's surprised expression and laughed.

"You gave her a nickname. That's so cute." Aiden cooed.

"Why do ask?" Zack felt embarrassed a little. He always was even infront of Erica. It took him quite a time to get normal with her.

"She came every day earlier when I first came here but now, she... it's been a week and she didn't come. I-is she also not going to come like J-Jackson?" Aiden whined. As the fear of losing people never got away.

"Ahh so this is the reason you are so gloomy? Erik is out of the city for a week. She..." Zack didn't got to finish the sentence when a very angry roar echoed the living room. And Aiden flinched when he heard his name.

"AIDEN FUCKING BROWN. GET IN HERE NOW." Jonathan roared. Not to mention Aiden, he could practically feel what is about to happen. He doesn't want to witness it again. He was still in the trans when the voice echoed again. "AIDEN BROWN" Zack pushed Aiden out of the sofa and asked him to run to the office. Aiden did as told.

Aiden didn't need to knock or ask for permission because Jonathan was already waiting for him. He gulped in fear as he can see the fire in elder's eyes. "Yes M-master".

Jonathan walked toward the other and the other moved back to stay out of any punches. "Move one more step back and I will skin you alive" Jonathan didn't stop but Aiden did.

"I-I'm s-sorry M-Master." Aiden said lowering his gaze. Jonathan harshly pulled the boy close by clutching his jaw in his fingers

"So you want....." before Jonathan could say anything his phone rang and the caller id made the frown change into a smile.

"Hello.... Brotherrr" it was quite a new scene for Aiden to see Jonathan like that, all smiley and cute.

"Hey baby brother." Jim from the other side spoken in usual teasing tone.

"Come on brother not....." but before he would say his eyes met with Aiden who was looking at his face with slightly surprised expression.

"What are you looking at? Get out. And keep your tongue behind your teeth." Jonathan's tone was not at all the way it was with the person on call. It was usual all fiery.

"Ohooo. Baby bro you got a whole mafia thing practiced huh" Jim said impressed by the intimidating voice of JK.

"Who is that unlucky person."

"A surprise for you. Tell me what time is your train arriving?" Jonathan asked

"Ahh about that. Jonny you need to wait a little more. I've got some issues here that I need to solve. I'll be back soon" to say Jonathan was sad will not be wrong. He wanted to meet Jim.

"What the hell. It's already been almost two months. Come on how much long?" Jonathan was being a child for his brother to get here quickly.

"Aww don't do that Jonnie you know I won't be at peace. I promise just one more week. I will surely be there." Jim assured his brother who quickly got agreed to that.

"Not a day late okay. If you delayed it any further people of New York will know why we are called JJ Brothers " Jonathan said it in all playful mood.

"Woo calm down calm down. I'll be there okay. For now, I have to go." Jim said.

"Bye brother. Take good care of yourself." Jonathan said before cutting the call.

He still didn't forget younger's words. "Is he also interested in Jackson. No doubt Vincent called him fag.." Jonathan gritted his teeth.

Aiden was still thinking about the swing in JK's tone and body language. He doesn't understand why him? Why he is so harsh on him. And with minding his tongue. Does he want him to stop talking to others? So many questions and he bumped to Michael.

"I-I'm sorry. S-sorry Michael." Michael pushed him and walked past him to the sofa.

Aiden met Zack in the garden and asked him that is there still any work for him to do? Zack told him that there is nothing for now so he bid his goodbye and went back to his room.


Two days past and Aiden has always been at JK's service and the other also didn't troubled him. He spends less time with ZACK after what JK told him. He still didn't understand what made older angry so he only spoke when it's really necessary.

Jonathan on the other hand enjoy it a lot when younger try his best to stay out of red zone. Jonathan always tried to push younger so that he may stumble a little to red zone and Jonathan will get the opportunity to release his frustration on the weak boy.

"Can I come in?" Zack came to Jonathan's office. He saw Aiden serving coffee to the younger. Aiden offered him too but he refused.

"Can I talk to you in a private? Just one min not more" Zack added and Jonathan gestured brunette to leave them alone. Aiden did as told.

Jonathan gestured older to continue as soon as the door closed. " J-JK I know you will get angry but I want to tell you in advance that this is just my thought no one else has anything to do with this." Jonathan didn't say anything he just nodded.

"JK you know that he was a student and then.... I mean please he has his f-finals in next few months please just let him continue his study. He is already yours; you are controlling him just let him g-go to the college. Please JK." Jonathan refused at once like he didn't even listen what other was saying.

"No" Zack was not going to leave him alone unless he gives him the permission. So, he spoke again.

"JK he is doing his best to do what you asked. Please you can at least do that for him. Please JK give him the permission for me please please" Zack begged but it was not enough to convince Jonathan.

"No means No. you have avail your 1 min. You can go" Zack felt angry so he used the last he can say.

"If not, me then please let him go for Jim. Please and the good thing is he is in the same college where Jim is studying so that won't be a problem. He will keep an eye on him. You trust Jim more than any of us, right? Please JK" Jonathan didn't get any other option Jim was his weakness and how could he not do it when it is on Jim's name. And the explanation given by older was also convincing.

"Okay. But if something went wrong that will be his last day and I will break my promise and kill him by myself." Jonathan said monotonously.

"Done. Thank you JK." Zack hurried to let Aiden know this news.