
Aiden got into little more comfortable clothes and ran to the college to get on time. It is not his first time but still he was being nervous like it's his first day.

Yesterday when Aiden got the news from Zack, he was so happy that he skipped his dinner and now he still didn't eat anything as he overslept and don't want to be late at his first day after so long.

That day college looked a little weird to him. It's been almost two months and now he felt some changes. His name from the locker was removed as they thought maybe he would have died or changed the college.

The day spend busy in his work. He needed to catch up with a lot of work he left. Some Zack helped him but he was still back from other students.

"Everything is same I just miss chim more. I hope he will meet me. Should I tell him what happened? No, no no I can't I can't risk his life. JK is a dangerous man and chim, never. I'll never let him know about me" Aiden self-talked and went to take last class for a day.

He was hell tired. It was 5 in the evening and Aiden left the college to go back to the mansion. He doesn't have any money so he has to take a walk as he did in the morning on his way back.

Hunger got the best of him. His legs were trembling while walking. Then he realized that it's been one and half day he didn't ate anything. He wanted to cry. All the events from past few weeks hit him hard. Everything was revolving in his mind. He wanted to run away and never come back. He wanted to vanish from the earth.

On his way back to mansion there was an old cemetery. He was hell tired so he thought to take rest. He went inside without thinking what time was it.


"JK he is not home yet. Its 6 in the evening. He was free from college at 5." Michael told Jonathan.

"What do you mean by he is not home yet. I asked you to send one man with him." Jonathan said slamming his hand on the desk.

"Man? No one told me about that man thing." Michael tried to prove his point.

"Shut the fuck up. You guys can't even keep an eye on 17-year-old boy." Jonathan was fuming with anger. He took his car keys and left the room on his way back he saw Zack coming inside the mansion. He asked him what happened.

"I told you he is fucking son of Brown; he can't be trusted. He is going to die by my hand today and in a worst way possible. And you I'll see you after that. You have an explanation to give" JK was hell angry and left the mansion to find the brunette himself.

Zack didn't understand what happened so he asked Michael and when he got to know he just prayed that Aiden should be okay. He was sure that the younger will never betray him. And he was also sure that he has no one other than his friend chim, who is also not in the city.

Jonathan has made his mind that today the brunette will get his lesson. He will tell him what it results when you mess with JK. He went straight to his college and asked the guard that has he seen Aiden today. He showed him his picture. The guard told him that the boy left almost an hour ago.

Now JK was sure that Aiden ran away. He was angry. The thought of betrayal was not helping to calm his anger. On his way back he saw a student of the same college he stopped his car near him and called him. When that student came to him, he asked him about Aiden.

The boy told him that he left quite late from the college but he saw Aiden walking slowly like he was about to faint. He pointed toward the old cemetery and said that he thinks Aiden went their inside because it just took him seconds to disappear.

Jonathan felt an unknown feeling building up in his stomach and he felt his heartbeat increasing. What if the younger was not well? Was he being too much occupied by his revenge that he didn't see what the other is going through? The words of Zack echoed in his ears. He felt suffocated. He quickly left the car and ran toward the cemetery.

As he went inside, he felt weak at his knees. The scene infront of him made him like a living statue.

Aiden went inside the cemetery dragging all his body with full force, forcing his legs to keep him standing but it didn't last for long as he trip over the small stone and fell down. He didn't have the energy to stand up. He loosened the grip on his bag pack and let it slide from his shoulder.

He supported his arm with the tip of a tombstone and tried to stand up. But it didn't work. He retracted his hand back. He dragged his body and supported his back with the tombstone.

After good 30 min he felt quite the energy to stand up so he again loosens up and held the top of tombstone to stand up. He knew he was being late. The fear of punishment didn't help to get back the normal color of his face. He doesn't have the money so he couldn't make an excuse that he stopped to have something to eat.

It's going to be a long long night Aiden.

A deep sigh left his mouth. He turned his attention to his hand and something caught his attention. His eyes widened and the tears on the edge of the eyes welled up. His hand starts to tremble, his already weak body started to feel numb. The words on the tomb were the words he didn't saw for a long time. He never knew his fear will turn true right now. The tombstone reads,

Here lies Venessa Brown

A beloved mother

A great wife

And even better friend.

On the top of everything an excellent person.

He tried to maintain his balance but he couldn't he stumbled and fell back on the ground, hand holding the grave boundary. He tried to contain himself, he couldn't cry, too weak for it. He needs to keep his strength so hat he can walk back to the mansion.

But he couldn't. All his life came in front of his eyes. All those taunts, all the beatings and then what he endured. His promises, his lies, his truths all of them started visualizing infront of his eyes like a film. And a broken cry left his mouth. He wanted to scream, or he did.

He clutched the grave with his hands, knuckles turning white. He cried, screamed and then he lost some control he was left with.

"H-hey Mom......." then one long silence. "I-I'm s-so-sorry. I didn't visit you for a long time now. I know.... I know I'm not a good son. Dad made it clear in all these years. I'm so sorry mom. You must be angry with me....." another silence.

"P-please *hiccup* please don't be mad. I just have you. What will I do if you will also be mad at me? P-please I'm... I'm sorry. I know just a sorry can't amend my behaviour but still please forgive me....." He felt relief filled his chest. Like his mother spoke to him that she forgives him, or maybe I'm not mad, don't say that again.

"Thank you, mom. I-I know I'm being too formal now, so let's throw this awkwardness away. Here I'm in front of you. 17-year-old or should I say 18. It's the best birthday gift I can ever have. I get to meet you. So what else should I ask for..... I have a lot to tell you." He stopped for a min maybe thinking where should he start.

"So, I'm about to complete my college. And you know Chimmy has gone to perform at Broadway Dance center. You do remember Chimmy. Right?" He felt happy even talking about him.

"I miss him though. It's been 2 months. I don't know how many times he called. He must be worried and hell angry. He always is when I don't pick his call. Ahhh why? Ummm because I lost my phone." Another silence. Then he remembered what happened to him after Jimmy was gone. The worst of worst. All his miseries and then his weak soul. He can't take it. And again, his eyes filled with unshed tears which he can't control anymore. He sobbed hard, followed by hiccups.

"I became a slave. I have a master. Yes *hiccup* d-dad sold me." He wiped his tears with his sleeve and cleared his throat.

"I'm fine though. He is nice, yeah, he is very nice to me. Take care of me. He never let me feel like a slave. Always polite to m-me" he felt his heart clenched and a sharp pain in his chest.

"I also find a good brother you know. Zack and I find you also." A soft chuckle left his mouth.

"Erica. She is just like you. A mother figure *chuckle* I think if I would have spent any time with you it would be exactly like me being with her. You know what she always scolds me whenever I skip my meal. But it's been a week I haven't seen her. I hope she will not leave l-like..... like you" his voice cracked at the end. His hiccups could be heard from afar.

He stayed there completely unaware of the figure standing at some distance. The figure moved having it enough of the crying mess, a boy infront of him. He came near the boy without any noise. He hesitantly stretched his hand and placed it on the boy's shoulder.

Aiden felt a soft hand at his shoulder and flinched. It quite dark he noticed it just now. Very random thoughts in his mind and he turned around to see dark brown eyes looking at him with concern? Lust? Or care? He couldn't actually tell that but he doesn't know these eyes. He shrugged that hand off of him and moved back a little.

"Hey... don't be afraid. I was standing there from quite a while and seeing you like this but I can't watch it now. Stop crying boy. It's been quite a time now." Aiden was afraid very afraid of the other. He tried to move further but the other held his hand.

"Watch it... you were going to hurt yourself. Oh, I am Andrew. Sorry to scare you. Want any help. Should I drop you home. It's quite late" Andrew was coming dangerously close and his expressions were also alarming. Aiden tried to back away but the hold on his wrist was very much strong. He couldn't move back. Andrew pulled him up and Aiden yelped as he met with others hard chest.

"Calm down, I'm not here to hurt you. Tell me where do you live." Andrew asked him but the other didn't dare to speak. Then they saw another shadow other than theirs. That person came and Andrew separated away from him. Aiden felt a bit relief and he let the breath out that he was holding from so long.

"Leave" Andrew clearly know this voice. He turns around and met with the dark orbs of Jonathan. He backed away from other and tripped and fell down. Andrew stretched his hand to pull him up but Jonathan moved fast and pulled brunette's shoulder and made him stand up.

"I said leave. What part of it is that you don't understand." Jonathan glared at the other.

"M-Ma...." Aiden couldn't complete his sentence when Jonathan jolted him forward.

"Let's go..." He said and dragged the weak boy toward the car. Jonathan was angry not on Aiden but on Andrew. He dares he touch Aiden? He pulled the car door open and gestured Aiden to get inside. Aiden got in Jonathan closed the door and went to the driver seat. The drive started. Jonathan didn't say anything neither did Aiden. There was a heavy silence which made already frightened boy more terrified.

"I-I'm.... I'm s-so....."

"Seatbelt" Jonathan just said one word and then again diverted his attention to the road.

"I-i w-was r-re-relly tired s-so i-i went to....." Aiden fastened the seatbelt and gulped and spoke again.

"Did I ask? Keep your mouth shut. Will you?" Jonathan sounded a lot frustrated. Because of Aiden?

Aiden flinched on the command. Rest of the drive was quieter. Grave silence filled the inside of the car. Suddenly Jonathan felt something cold on his hand which was on the gear. He turned his head casually. His eyes widened and he pulled the breaks harshly.