
"A-Aiden.. A-Aiden. Hey open your eyes" Jonathan said by tapping his hand on others cheek. The boy was a lot pale and freezing cold. It frightened the mafia.

"Come on wake up already. I already have my share of worries for today." Jonathan said in a very pleading voice. Aiden was not at all in the condition to wake up.

"Dam it." Jonathan started the engine and drove at full speed to get to the mansion. After 10 min they reached home and Jonathan quickly left the car holding Aiden in his hand in bridle style.

"Zack.....Michael..." he shouted. Called men came running to the entrance of the mansion. Zack gasped looking at the pale boy in mafia's arms.

"What happened to him? I was sure he is not okay... he will never...." Jonathan cut him off

"Later Zack. Call Erica. He needs a doctor first." Jonathan asked but Zack just shook his head. Too emotional to talk. Michael butted in.

"She is not here. I'll call Shawn." Michael said and went to call the said person. Jonathan took Aiden to his own room and laid him on his bed not to forget Zack came in following Jonathan.

"What happened to him?" Zack questioned but didn't get any answer. Zack can easily tell from JK's expression that it is not the time to ask him anything. Not after 30 min the doctor came and checked Aiden.

Jonathan never left Aiden's side.

"What do you think, what happened to him Shawn? He was completely okay but then suddenly he fainted" Jonathan told him and doctor chuckled softly.

"He is okay. Well, he isn't but it's not serious. He is weak very weak. He needs to eat I think that's why he fainted" Doctor told him but it didn't satisfy Jonathan instead he became angrier.

"Think? What do you mean by 'you think'?" Jonathan said by standing right infront of doctor.

"Calm down JK. You are taking him too seriously. It feels good to see you caring about someone. And I said that because he seems quite frightened also that could also be the reason. But he needs some food. Feed him on time." Shawn told him and packed his bag to leave.

"Zack accompany her to the door please." Jonathan said and moved back to the unconscious boy lying on the bed. He held his hand and caressed the back of his hand.

Jonathan's mind went back to the scene that he witnessed at the cemetery. Aiden's condition, his words all of them. Jonathan released a shaky breath and rested his head at the back of the chair.

Am I doing something wrong? But Mummy..... But he..... He was lying to his mother, to his dead mother. He is too innocent. I did a lot damage to him already. Still, he was keeping a good cover of me infront of her. Of course she know the truth but he..... Is he portraying all this? But he..... he was alone their and..... and.

What should i do.... what.... ahh Jim i hope you get back soon. I can't handle it alone.

He thought and during his thought his mind diverted to the sentences the other said at the cemetery and then to his brother. He doesn't know when he drifter to sleep sitting beside his bed still holding Aiden's hand.

"HELP... somebody help us pl-please... Guard Uncle... GARD UNCLE...PLEASE SOMEBODY ...." the boy yelled on the top of his lungs. But nobody came. The boy was a crying mess. He was unable to handle the situation. He too young for that.

He just wants to be in his bed hugging his mother feeling safe in her warmth, not in a freezing cold night outside.

"Mommy.... please Mommy don't do this. Please *sob* pl-please Mommy. W-What will I do...P-....." he didn't got to complete his sentence when he experienced the worst nightmare of his life.


Jonathan woke up from the sleep. He cleaned the drop of sweat from his forehead. He looked around and abruptly stood up watching that he is still holding Aiden's hand and still sitting beside him.

His gaze diverted to the sleeping boy. He was sleeping so peacefully. Suddenly worry started to surround his mind. What if someone saw him. He can't risk it; he needs to leave immediately. But where? It's his room. Should he wake Aiden up and ask him to go back to his room.?

"No. What the fuck Jonathan. Just get out, before anyone wakeup." He mumbled almost inaudibly. He looked at the clock hanging at the wall.

3 am

He went outside on his tiptoe not to make any noise. He does not want any drama. He still needs to sleep so he made his way to his office where at least he could get some sleep. He went inside and lay down on the sofa and drifted to sleep.

Aiden woke up when sun rays shinned on his face through a large Windows on his left side. He sat up giving his back support with the back stand of the bed. His eyes wandered here and there and he realized that he is not in his room. Whose room is this? What is he doing here? He quickly stood up from the soft and comfy bed.

He diverted his eyes around the room and his gaze landed on the picture at the night stand. A small boy standing with a very pretty lady in a garden maybe. A boy will be around 10 or 12 and he has a very pretty bunny smile. His features are quite similar to Jonathan's.

Maybe he is his son. JK is married?

"J-JK" Then he remembered all what happened yesterday. "W-what a-am I doing i-in his room." Aiden gulped visibly in complete fear. Then his gaze met with a white paper lying beside the photo frame. He lifted the paper and read "For Aiden". He frowned his eyebrows in confusion and slowly opened it to read what's written inside.

Happy Birthday Aidde.

Well belated actually. Don't tire yourself too much, and never skip your meals. It's okay to ask for help when you can't take it all by your own. After all what are friends for? You are free to talk to anyone here. Get along with others so that when you are not well or not feeling like okay, ask them to help you. People here don't bite. And keep this letter to your own self. Don't tell anyone that you found it. I don't want JK to get angry with you.

"Erica". Aiden said out of instinct and unconsciously started smiling. There was no name of the one who has written it but it made Aiden happy. He is sure that only Erica will be the one who will talk to him about meals and will care for him. He folded the paper and put it in his back pocket of the jeans. He went outside not knowing the way to the kitchen so that he can perform his duty as he is getting late for his college.

It's been just one day he can't risk it that JK again stop him from going to college. He asked the boy who just crossed him for direction. He told him the way and Aiden went downstairs to the kitchen.

Zack was already at the dining table having his breakfast along with very angry Michael. Aiden greeted both of them and made his way to the kitchen.

"Aiden. Where are you going? Come sit Maria will serve you. You need to go to the college also." Zack said tapping on the chair beside him.

"B-but i-i have to serve breakfast to M-Master" Zack shook his head while chewing his bite and gestured him to sit down. Aiden looked at Michael hesitantly and sat down. Maria came and served him bacon and egg along with the glass of milk.

Aiden ate his food and went to change his clothes from yesterday. He got ready quickly but silently left the mansion. He doesn't want to trouble them anymore than he already did. He ran to the college not to get late.

Jonathan woke up and came downstairs in his black sweats and black shirt.

"Where is Aiden?" Jonathan asked Michael who was looking quite unbothered to answer. He diverted his attention to Zack.

"He went to college just now." Zack told him.

"Alone? Again? I told you to send a man with him. I still don't trust him man. And after to...." he stopped abruptly and cleared his throat.

"Come on JK he is not a criminal you know that. If he had to run, he would have run yesterday." Zack answered angrily and walked away from the dining table.

"Gosh. Having a bad day, Mike?" Jonathan asked Michael again.

"I don't know why you are giving him this much liberty" Michael hissed in anger.

"Got in a debate with sexy brain?" Jonathan smirked that fuelled Michael's anger and he also walked away from the dining.

"What? Now I should eat alone? What about getting together on a dining table thing?" Jonathan huffed and get to eat his breakfast.

Aiden had the same busy day at college. All day classes and he is all alone. "Chim will be back in a day or two. Then it will get better" he smiled and made his way to the last class of the day. It's getting cloudy. He just hopes it should not rain because he is not having any money neither he took an umbrella with him.

Class ended and it was raining heavily. Thunderstorm growling. Aiden signed thinking how will he get back home. He can't get home late today surely JK will not spare him. He held his bag on his head and ran to get less soaked by the rain.

A black SUV stopped in front of him. He tried to see through the blinds but couldn't. Slowly the glass rolled down and there sat his favorite person.

"Erica" Aiden chirped happily seeing his favorite person.

"Get in baby" Erica asked him and Aiden hopped in.

They drove home while talking. More like Erica inquiring him about his routine. Aiden once mentioned the letter but the other didn't know what he was talking about so she shrugged it off not giving it much of a thought.

They reached home and Aiden quickly left the car and got inside to surprise Zack who actually got surprised. First seeing Aiden smiling with all his heart and then the arrival of Erica without informing.

Aiden insisted Erica to stay for today. He already was missing his mom after yesterday so he wants to be with Erica who care for him just like a mother. Erica being himself was sharing her lame jokes making the other two laughs. Soft deep giggles of the younger filling the home making both of them coo at his cuteness.