Chapter 10 Exploring Marbelium

"This key will allow you to lock the room for your security, not that we have any problems like that here, but it never pays to be safe," Annie says with a smile that seems to brighten up the room.


After collecting the key to my new room, I go up to the second floor to check it out, walking to the end of the hall I find that the room is the last one on the left. Unlocking the door I step inside to see what I have paid three hundred silver for.

Upon entering the room, I see a very comfortable looking bed located across from the door centered on the back wall, to the right of it there is a bay window that opens up to look at the main square and on the left is the bathroom.

I walk into the bathroom and finds there is a very deep soaking tub on the left and a toilet and wash sink on the right side. This is a very nice room, definitely worth ten silver a night, I'm glad I was able to get it since it's their last one available, I say to myself.

Walking out of the bathroom I spot a chair next to the window so I puts my backpack onto it and leaves the room, locking the door after myself.

Leaving the Inn, I start to walk around the square looking at the shops that are around this area, I decide to start exploring the city slowly working my way away from the Inn taking note of all the shops I might have to visit to see if there's any good equipment or items, I could use to increase my monster hunting efficiency. After a few hours of exploring the city, I stumble a crossed a back road that leads to a more desolate part of the city.

Hmmm, that's weird that this place is emptier than the rest, as I am thinking this, I begin to hear a constant clanging sound coming from down this back road.




Interesting, I wonder what's down here, I start to follow the road to find out what the sound is that I'm hearing, I mutter to myself.

At the end of the road there appears to be a house with a blacksmiths forge next to it, and it sounds like someone is in the forge working on something, which explains why I heard those clanging sounds.

I walk towards the forge to see who lives and works all the way out here on the edge of the city, upon entering the forge I see the back of a burly dwarf pounding on what looks to be the makings of a sword, surrounded by different types of hammers and other black-smithing tools. Staying quiet and standing off the side not wanting to interrupt his work and make him end up messing up what he's working on, I patiently wait for the dwarf to finish what he's working on.

Several minutes go by before he seems to have finished what he was working on and turns around and looks at me.

"Thank you for not interrupting me while I was working", he says.

"Of course, if it had been me, I wouldn't have wanted to be interrupted while I was in the middle of working so it's only natural that I not interrupt you", I reply back with a smile.

"Hahaha, that's a fine way of thinking you have there, my name is Damian, it's a pleasure to meet you," Damian says holding out his hand.

"I'm James, it's also nice to meet you", I reply shaking his hand.

"If you don't mind me asking, why are you living all the way out here? I was exploring the city and happened to hear you working so I came over to see what was going on", I ask while looking around at all the weapons that are in different stages of completion.

"Ah, I had a falling out with the guild I was in over some stuff that's not important enough to get into and because of that it made my life harder and so I moved out here to be away from it all and decided to just work for myself," Damian says scratching the back of his head.

"What's a guild"? I ask Damian.

"You don't know what guilds are? That's odd, I've never meet someone who hasn't heard about guilds, then again, I've never met an intelligent and talking goblin either", Damian says scratching his chin.

"Well, a guild is a group made for specific reasons, where people can join to get certain benefits and experience by doing missions created by citizens that need specific things done. Here in the city, there are a few different guilds, there's the merchant guild, blacksmiths guild, and the mages guild. As you can guess I was a part of the blacksmiths guild until I had a falling out with one of the higher-ranking guild members and decided to just work on my own" Damian explains.

"Oh, well that makes sense, so basically it's just a bunch of people working closely together to help out the city as a whole," I say as I listen closely to Damian.

Hmmm I wonder if I'll get the chance to have something similar on my floor.

"So, if you're not a part of the blacksmithing guild anymore, how do you earn a living now and how do you get all the materials you need to make weapons and armors"? I ask curiously.

"Well to be honest I haven't had any customers yet, since people will go to the guilds for things, that's why people join the guilds in the first place because they can't survive on their own," Damian sighs.

"So, if you haven't had a single customer then how are you going to continue to make a living in the city by being a blacksmith"? I ask, hinting that he might need to rethink his plans.

"To be honest I don't know, blacksmithing is all I've ever known and been good at, if it wasn't for the groups in the guild that had it out for me because my works were better than theirs, I'd still be in the guild. It's not like I can just go to another city because this is the only city and outside this mountain there's nothing but monsters. I've just been avoiding thinking about it because the reality of it is I'll have to give up blacksmithing and do something else if I want to survive," Damian says crest fallen.

"You don't have to stay in this city if you don't want to, I'm on a journey to clear this entire crypt, all one hundred floors, so if you want you can join me and you can continue being a blacksmith", I say casually.

"What? What do you mean join you"? Damian asks confused.

"'Well, I'm going to conquer this crypt, and, in the process, I'll end up gathering a bunch of people along the way and we'll need someone to make really great equipment to help us fight strong monsters with. Plus, then you won't have to worry about making a living here with all the trouble you have with the guild, and you won't have to change careers either," I explain smiling.

"So, you want me to leave everything that I have and go with you and be your personal blacksmith? Do you even have any money? A place to live. Resources of any kind?" Damian asks me doubtfully.

"Technically yes, I actually own the entire first floor of this crypt, but while I'm traveling, I'm not really using is. I did leave my clone there though to kill the monsters that live there and look after the floor," I say nonchalantly as I scratch the back of my head.

"You what?? What do you mean you own the first floor?! Nobody can own the floors of the crypt except its creator, The Great God Nephelium," Damian exclaims in outrage and disbelief.

"Well to be honest I met Nephelium, and I became his successor, so whenever I clear a floor of the crypt it comes under my control, at least that's how he explained it to me. So, when I became his successor and reached E Rank I met the requirements to govern the first floor, now I'm on a journey to conquer the rest of the floors so I can leave this crypt and go to the Shadow Lands," I tell Damian honestly.

"This is a lot to take in, especially since we just met, I think I need to sit down", Damian says tiredly. So, what will happen if I decide to join you? Will there be any benefits besides leaving this city and seeing new places?" Damian asks after a few minutes.

"Well to be honest I'm not sure, you'd be my first companion, so I honestly don't know what to expect", I reply scratching my head.

"I'm sure there will be some kind of benefit, I mean I am Nepheliums successor after all and he did have the power to make this entire crypt." I say confidently.

"Well, what do I have to lose, either I join you and potentially have a great life or I stay here and either die in poverty or have to change professions and live an unhappy life. I guess I'll join you and see what life will have to offer me," Damian says with confidence reaching out his hand to shake mine.

I grab his hand shaking it to seal our agreement to travel together, all of a sudden, I get a notification from the system.


(Requirements met)

(New feature Unlocked)


(What would you like to call your Familia?)

"What the heck," I say out of surprise.