Chapter 11 Familia

I grab his hand shaking it to seal our agreement to travel together, all of a sudden, I get a notification from the system.


(Requirements met)

(New feature Unlocked)


(What would you like to call your Familia?)

"What the heck," I say out of surprise.


"A new feature? I have to come up with a name to use for it, well how about "Baruch," I mutter to myself.

(Familia Name will now be called Baruch)

"Hey Neph, can you explain this feature to me please?"

(It appears this feature registers the people who agree to accompany you on your journey. There are quite a few sub features of this feature that will make you and your companions stronger. It seems that those that agree to become a part of your Familia will be given a crest that shows that they are a Familia member. Also, you'll be given a boost in your soul's progression from them slaying monsters, and they gain a copy of your animus system to help them rank up and get stronger.)


Baruch Familia Head

James Baruch

Familia Members - pending

(More features when members join)

"What's this thing I'm seeing? It's some kind of transparent window, do you want to join the Baruch Familia, what's this Baruch Familia?" Damian asks in confusion.

"It's my Familia, it's a part of my power, if you decide to join you will be given a way to grow stronger faster and a way to view your strength in a numerical form along with all your skills and abilities," I explain with a smile.

"Your power? So, you have a power because you're the successor?" Damian asks curiously.

"No, this is part of my power before I became the successor, it was enhanced further but it's originally my power," I explain so Damian knows everything.

"Ah, I think I understand, yes I will join your Familia," Damian states with conviction.

Familia - Baruch

Familia Head - James Baruch

Familia Members - Damian

Familia - F Rank

Familia Skills:

Summon member

Life-sign tracking

(More features when the number of members increases past ten)


(New Feature added to floor)

(Familia Residence added)

(Restructuring Floor)

(Floor Castle and Familia Residence combining)

(Floor City created)

(What would you like to name your city?)

Huh, so that's how it works, I was wondering where the members would end up staying in the castle, but I guess this solves that, I think to himself.

Let's name the city "Rinascita."

(City name will now be "Rinascita")

(New skill unlocked)

Teleport - Allows Familia members to teleport freely to Rinascita, leaving a spatial marker at the place the member teleported from allowing them to return to the place they left from in order to return to Rinascita.

"Woah, that's an amazing skill, I was wondering how I'd get back to my floor if I needed to, now I won't have to travel back on foot to go to and from whatever floor I'm on." I say out loud.

Damian looks at him quizzically, "so how does this system of yours work?" he asks.

"If you want to see your stats just think it and the information window will show up inside your field of vision. It will display all your attributes and skills in an easy-to-understand way and allow you to better keep track of your strength and your progress in getting stronger. Also, when you're out fighting monsters, it will give you the details of that monster such as its rank and a description of it, as long as I've come across the monster before. So that way you don't have to memorize every single monster that lives in the crypt," I explain to Damian giving him the basics.

"Wow, that's pretty amazing, to think all I have to do is look at a monster and instantly know everything about it. I'll even be able to see how strong I am and be able to grow stronger easier also," Damian exclaimed excitedly.

"It is pretty amazing, it's thanks to this system that I was able to get as strong as I am so quickly. If I didn't know as much about the monsters as I was told by the system, it would have taken me a lot longer to hunt and kill them. Also knowing exactly what my stats are, helped me to plan out my hunts and figure out which monsters I would be able to kill the quickest and easiest," I say cheerfully.

"Now that you have joined my Familia, we can even travel back to my floor which has turned my original castle into a full-blown city. Also, after teleporting you leave a spatial marker from where you teleported from so, you'll be able to return to the same place once you're finished with whatever business you had in the city," I explain excitedly.

Damian's jaw drops in shock, "you can use spatial magic?!" Damian practically shouts.

"Not originally, my system just made that feature after you agreed to join my Familia, so I haven't even tried it out yet. If you want to, the both of us can teleport to the city and see if we can get you a nice house with a really nice forge attached to it so you'll have a place to work," I say excitedly, not being able to wait to try the teleport spell.

"For real?! We can teleport right now? And we will be able to come back to this very spot once we're done in your city?" Let's go Damian shouts in excitement.

Hey Neph, how do we use the teleport spell? I ask in my head.

(All you have to do is think teleport Rinascita and the spell will activate. When you want to teleport back to the place you left, just think the words, return last)

"Ok, so to teleport just think the words "Teleport Rinascita" and the spell will activate," I tell Damian.

-Teleport Rinascita-

-Teleport Rinascita-


A second later Damian and I disappear from Damian's forge and appear in the throne room of the castle.

"Holy Crap! We're in a throne room! Why are we in someone's throne room?!" Damian exclaims.

"I did say that I have a castle, right? I'm guessing my floor left my castle in place and just made it so I can have residencies for my Familia members to live and work in. Let's go outside and see what's what," I suggest.

Damian and I head through the castle to exit the front gate to see how the floor has changed to allow the addition of Familia members and how the city of Rinascita is set up. Upon exiting the castle gate Damian and I are dumbstruck because all we see is empty land all around the castle, there are no buildings or any vegetation for several miles surrounding the castle.

"Well, it appears that there isn't anything here, maybe we will have to build each building one at a time in order to suit the owner's wants and needs?" Damian asks curiously.

Neph, is there a way to construct building in my floor, like how I upgraded the other features that my floor controls? I ask curiously.

(Correct, now that your floor houses the city of Rinascita, you'll be able to control its growth through the floor management feature in your system. Although in order to make it simpler to use you will only be able to make those building for which you're currently needing. So, in this case since Damian is a blacksmith, you'll only be able to make his home and forge being that this is all that's needed right at this moment. The person that will own the build(s) will also be prompted to make their desired design for their building. Later on, when you get more people to join your Familia, or that choose to live in your floor without joining, you'll be able to make the necessary building in order to satisfy the need.)

"So that's how it works, hey Damian, where would you like to set up your house and your forge?" I turn and ask him.

"Hmmm, since this castle of yours is the city center, I guess it would benefit me to build close to the entrance of the castle. That way people will be able to find it the easiest and I'll be close to the castle in case you need anything made," Damian replies.

"That sounds good, I'll let you pick the spot and once you've decided you'll be able to use your new system to build your desired buildings," I explain.

Let me open up my floor management feature and take a look at it, I think to myself.

(Floor Management)

(New Feature, City Management)

City F Rank

City Buildings Available:

Blacksmith (Damian)

City Defenses F Rank

City Defenses sub feature:

City Walls F Rank

This management feature is pretty in depth, I can definitely keep track of everything in my floor now. I wonder how well my clone has been doing fighting monsters in the last day.


Race - Goblin

Title - Nephelium's Successor

Soul Rank - Mortal (progressive)

E Rank

Strength - 80 (20)

Intelligence - 150

Stamina - 80 (25)

Dexterity - 80 (15)

Vitality - 80 (20)

Agility - 80 (25)

Magic - Infinite

Luck - Blessing of Fortuna

Available Attribute Points - 29


Awareness Rank F

Slash Rank F

Appraisal Rank F

Sneak Rank F

Craftsman Rank F

Aegis Rank E

Hallowed Ground Rank E

Magic Bullet Rank E

Innate Skill

Creation (Active) Divine Rank

Blessing of Fortuna (Passive) Divine Rank

Genesis (Active) Divine Rank

Not too bad, I've gained a free attribute point without actually having to do anything myself, I'm able to get a lot of things done with my main body and keep grinding with my clone. I can't wait until I can make more clones and be able to double my grinding speed, I'll turn into a monster core farming machine, I'll also gain soul strength from the monsters my Familia members hunt either here in my floors or in the floors that I have yet to take control of, I think excitedly.