Chapter 12 Forge Life


Race - Goblin

Title - Nephelium's Successor

Soul Rank - Mortal (progressive)

E Rank

Strength - 80 (20)

Intelligence - 150

Stamina - 80 (25)

Dexterity - 80 (15)

Vitality - 80 (20)

Agility - 80 (25)

Magic - Infinite

Luck - Blessing of Fortuna

Available Attribute Points - 29


Awareness Rank F

Slash Rank F

Appraisal Rank F

Sneak Rank F

Craftsman Rank F

Aegis Rank E

Hallowed Ground Rank E

Magic Bullet Rank E

Innate Skill

Creation (Active) Divine Rank

Blessing of Fortuna (Passive) Divine Rank

Genesis (Active) Divine Rank

Not too bad, I've gained a free attribute point without actually having to do anything myself, I'm able to get a lot of things done with my main body and keep grinding with my clone. I can't wait until I can make more clones and be able to double my grinding speed, I'll turn into a monster core farming machine, I'll also gain soul strength from the monsters my Familia members hunt either here in my floors or in the floors that I have yet to take control of, I think excitedly.


After having gone through all of the management features for my floor, I go off to find Damian and see how he's fairing with creating his building with the help of his new system that he's adapting to pretty quickly. A short distance of about five hundred feet south of the castle's main gate I find Damian standing outside of a very conservative looking house. It looks to be roughly twelve hundred square feet but, behind it is a building several times the size measuring at roughly thirty-six thousand square feet. Both building have the exact same exterior look, Brown shingled roof with solid red brick walls and exquisite looking windows that have blue colored shutters adorning them. There is an enormous chimney centered on the roof with smoke leaving it indicating that the forge inside is currently lit and running.

"That's an impressive looking workshop you have there," I say while admiring the massive and beautifully designed building.

"Thank you very much, it's definitely my dream workshop that's for sure, I didn't ever think I'd be able to have it after everything I've gone through, especially getting it in just one day, thank you very much for this opportunity," Damian says bowing his head towards James.

"It's not a problem, I'm just glad I was able to meet you and you agreed to join me ha-ha. Now I have an amazing blacksmith to keep me in the best possible gear and I don't have to try and rely on loot drops anymore," I say with a smile.

"Loot drops? What are loot drops?" Damian asks confused.

"Well, when you kill a monster, it drops different colored loot items, grey for common items, green for uncommon items, blue for rare items, purple for epic items, red is legendary items, orange is mythical items and gold is magic items, isn't that normal?" I ask perplexed.

"That's definitely not normal, usually when someone kills a monster, they take materials off of that monster and then either sell them or use them to make items. I've never heard of loot drops before, I wonder if it's because of your unique system that this takes place," Damian says thoughtfully scratching his chin.

"Huh, this is the first time I've actually talked with someone about it, so I thought that's how the monsters in this crypt worked. It never even occurred to me that it was a unique feature of my system," I say scratching the back of my head.

"Well from now on if you bring the loot to me, I can see if I can use them to make something better or if there could be any kind of use for it other than the traditional use. If there isn't then we can always sell it in Marbelium or if there are other cities on other floors we can sell them there," Damian says with confidence.

"That sounds like a great idea, for now I really want to see the inside of your workshop," I say with excitement.

Damian and I enter the workshop and the first area of the building is actually a store, it has shelves, weapon and armor racks and accessory cases so after Damian makes the items', they can be displayed for people to buy once the city is up and running. Behind the main counter there's a door that leads into the actual forge and workshop area of the building. Walking through the door we enter the workshop and the first thing we see is a giant coal forge in the center of the room surrounded by several different anvils of varying types and weights. Along the walls are workbenches with neatly organized tools that will be needed to create all sorts of different items ranging from weapons all the way to magical accessories.

"WOW, this workshop is absolutely amazing! I've never seen a forge this big before, it looks like its big enough for several blacksmiths to use it at the same time. There's even a huge storage area in the back of the workshop to store all the materials needed to forge," I let out in wonder like a kid in a candy store.

"The forge is indeed big enough for several blacksmiths, I made it this way so later on when the city starts to become more populated, I'll be able to have some workers here helping me out and there won't be an issue with not enough room to heat the materials. The storage is also that big because in order to make great equipment you'll need lots of different materials' so it'll take up lot of space storing them," Damian explains his thoughts behind making such a big workshop.


(New Floor Feature Acquired)



(New Floor Feature Acquired)


It unlocked some more new features huh? Let's check them out and see what they're all about.

- Blacksmith F Rank

(You now own a blacksmith workshop, upon getting more workers you'll be able to rank it up and increase the overall size of the workshop and increase the ability of those that work there making them able to make better equipment).

- Mine F Rank

(You now have the ability to mine ore in your domain in order for your blacksmith workshop to make new equipment. Ranking up your mine will give you different ores that you'll be able to mine in the future. Current ore(s) obtainable from the mine are - Iron ore and coal).

(Due to the ability of Damian the blacksmith, you are able to rank up the mine to E Rank, would you like to proceed?)


- Mine E Rank

- Current ores available include - Iron ore, coal and Mithril.

"Hey Damian, I just added a mine to my floor, you'll be able to mine Iron and Mithril ore along with coal," I inform him.

"That's amazing! As of right now I'm the most proficient in those two ores but as I gain more experience, I know I'll be able to make equipment from better ores," Damian says confidently.

"Good, it seems my mine rank is directly tied to your ability to use that material, that's why it's only able to generate those two ores at the moment," I say with the utmost faith in his abilities.

"Now that we have everything here set up, do you want to head back to Marbelium? We can see if there are any monsters that need to be hunted down or we can try to find out how to get the third floor," I say to Damian.

"I'm fine with heading back, I'm sure there will be some quests at the Adventurers guild that we can go look at. Also, I think there should be some information at the guild on where the entrance to the third floor is and how we access it," Damian states.

"Adventurers guild? What's that, it wasn't mentioned to me when I talked to a merchant about the way Marbelium operates," I say confused.

"I mentioned it earlier when I was explaining about what a guild is and that Marbelium has a few different guilds. The reason the merchant didn't mention it is probably because the adventurer's guild doesn't really have that great of a reputation. Most of the people in the guild think they run things because they go out and fight monsters while everyone else stays in the city. So, there's always confrontations between the guild members and the other people of the city. If they would just act right instead of being arrogant asses, they would definitely have a better reputation," Damian explains solemnly.

"Oh ok, I guess that makes sense, I wouldn't want to tell a visitor that there's an entire guild of people that like to go around picking fights with people for no reason other than the fact that they think that they are better than everyone else," I reply knowingly.

"OK let's head back to your workshop in Marbelium," I say finally.

Return Last

Return Last


Damian and I are teleported back to Damian's shop in Marbelium, after arriving the both of us leave and head towards the west side of the city going to the adventurers guild in search of some potential missions and hopefully some information on the entrance to the third floor. Little do we know that right this very moment there is an expedition being put together by the adventurers guild in order to wipe out a threat near the third-floor entrance that are becoming a threat to the safety of Marbelium.