Accompany Kazuha to Tokyo to Play

"System, take a look at my property bar."

Without any sound, a simple virtual screen appeared in front of Heiji's eyes.

Host: Hattori Heiji.

Ability: All skills related to crime.

woman: none

Girlfriend: Yuan Shan and Ye

Guilty value: -99995

The attribute screen is very simple, and Heiji has long been used to it, but the two columns of women and girlfriends make him a little bit sick.

He once asked the system, what is the difference between the two columns, and the answer he got made him sigh that the language of the Celestial Dynasty is so broad and profound that it makes foreigners bewildered every minute.

"A woman is a girlfriend who has been XXOO by the host, and a girlfriend is a girlfriend who has not been XXOO."

However, what he wants to know is not this. What he wants to know is why there are two attributes, women and girlfriends.

"The host's woman will have a positioning attribute. No matter where she is, the host can see it and be sheltered by the system. This is to allow the host to concentrate more on eliminating sin. As for girlfriends, sorry, they are not eligible for system protection. ."

After listening to this, Heiji didn't know whether to cry or laugh. He really wanted to ask why he needed the [Girlfriend] column.

"Heiji, it's almost winter vacation, let's go to Tokyo to play, shall we?"

He Ye suddenly hugged Heiji from behind, and the pair of bulging peaks on his chest touched his back, moderate in size and round.

She and Heiji have had no secrets for a long time, so it's nothing.


It seems like Kudo Shinichi and Maurilan live in Tokyo.

"Well, I heard that the playground there is more fun than the one in Osaka, let's go and play." Kazuya had not traveled with Heiji before, and she was looking forward to it.

Heiji thought for a while, and nodded yes. As it happens, there should be a lot of cases to be friends with that death pupil. In order to eliminate the sin value, this is the fastest way.

"Okay, I'll take you to play."

"Yeah, thank you Pingji."

Soon, the winter vacation came, and the students who had been busy for a semester were finally liberated.

Early in the morning, Heiji was forcibly pulled out of the bed by He Ye, with a sleepy look on his face and yawning.

"Really, fortunately I'll call you, otherwise you'll oversleep again." He Ye complained.

"You're ashamed to say, it's only seven o'clock, can't you let me sleep until I wake up naturally on the first day of summer vacation?" Heiji looked helpless.

"How can this be done? It takes several hours to go from Osaka to Tokyo. If you don't hurry, you won't be able to play for long." He had a word with Ye Zhen, and she finally came out with Heiji once, of course she had to play enough.


"Oh, what are you doing, Heiji, many people."

He Ye suddenly covered Qiao Mao and glared at Heiji.

"Idiot, we are boyfriend and girlfriend, one day is not enough, we can stay in a hotel and continue playing." Heiji said helplessly.

"Ah, yes, sorry, Heiji, I forgot."

He and Ye looked shy. Thinking of Heiji's first date, she was so happy that she forgot that she was already Heiji's girlfriend, and she was just as apprehensive as before.

"You're an idiot, let's go. If you don't hurry up, you won't be able to catch the train."

Heiji shook his head, but he felt pretty good, this girl really deserves his treasure.

"Yes Yes."

He Ye took Heiji's hand and happily walked towards the train station with long legs.

Although it was summer vacation, it was still early and there were not many people at the train station. Heiji and Kazuo bought tickets very quickly.

"The two of you are in the third compartment. I wish you a pleasant journey."

The flight attendant bowed slightly to Heiji and Ye, very polite.

"Car No. 3, Car No. 3, here, Heiji, we... oops."

He Ye was looking for the door of the No. 3 car with the ticket in hand. Just as he found it, he was about to turn around and talk to Heiji when he was hit.


A flustered woman just turned around to apologize to He Ye and ran into the car.

"What?" He Ye looked unhappy.

"Young people today are always so flustered." A middle-aged man in his fifties shook his head and walked in.

"Get out, get out."

A middle-aged man with a face full of flesh was like a bulldozer, rampaging, and he was about to hit He Ye.

Suddenly, a hand directly grabbed the arm of the middle-aged man.

"Ah~" The middle-aged man screamed in agony.

"It's better to be gentle with girls." Heiji said lightly.

"You... you let me go, I don't dare." The strong man said painfully, he didn't expect that the other party was just a high school student, with such a strong hand.

In fact, it wasn't that Heiji's hand was strong, but that the place he was holding happened to be on the pain point on his arm.

Mastering the weaknesses of the human body is a necessary condition and an essential skill to become a mechanic.

"Looking at how tall you are, you were bullied by a high school student, what a waste."

A man with a larger body looked at the strong man with disdain and mockery.

"Akagi Takeo, don't be too arrogant."

The strong man touched his arm and stared at the man named Takeo Akagi, his eyes full of anger.

"Yuan Gang Zhengnan, you are a waste, you dare to speak loudly to me, get out." Chimu Gangxiong violently pushed Yuan Gang Zhengnan away and walked into the No. 3 carriage.

"You... you let me go, I don't dare." The strong man said painfully, he didn't expect that the other party was just a high school student, with such a strong hand.

In fact, it wasn't that Heiji's hand was strong, but that the place he was holding happened to be on the pain point on his arm.

Mastering the weaknesses of the human body is a necessary condition and an essential skill to become a mechanic.

"Looking at how tall you are, you were bullied by a high school student, what a waste."

A man with a larger body looked at the strong man with disdain and mockery.

"Akagi Takeo, don't be too arrogant."

The strong man touched his arm and stared at the man named Takeo Akagi, his eyes full of anger.

"Yuan Gang Zhengnan, you are a waste, you dare to speak loudly to me, get out." Chimu Gangxiong violently pushed Yuan Gang Zhengnan away and walked into the No. 3 carriage.

Yuan Gang Zhengnan's fists were clenched tightly, and the blue veins were exposed. After a while, he calmed down and walked into the No. 3 carriage. However, he had one move that caught Heiji's attention.

The things in the clothes seem to be important.

"Heiji, let's go in." He Ye pulled Heiji into the third carriage.

Since it was morning and it was a weekend, there were not many people in the carriage.

A woman in a panic, a middle-aged man in his fifties, Yuan Gang Zhengnan, and the arrogant Akagi Takeo, and then Heiji and Kazuya.

He sat down with Yela Heiji, took out two bentos from the bag he was carrying, and opened it for his boyfriend obediently and handed it to him.

"Heiji, have breakfast."

Heiji was eating Heye's Love Bento. He had to say that this woman's cooking skills were really good, which made him have a great appetite.

Watching Heiji gobble his food, He Ye's heart was very sweet, and he ate with satisfaction.