Train C-Class Murder Case

At this time, the train went through a short tunnel, and the interior of the carriage was directly darkened, and the lights in the carriage did not turn on.

Total darkness!

"What's the matter? Flight attendant, flight attendant..."

Akagi Masao yelled, he was looking at something, and it suddenly became dark, which made him very unhappy.

A flight attendant in uniform came into the carriage and bowed to Takeo Akagi: "Do you need anything, sir?"

"Your lights don't work, fix it for me quickly."

The flight attendant tried a few times, and the lights in the entire No. 3 compartment were broken, but the car was already driving, so there was no way to repair it, so he could only keep apologizing.

Akagi Masao cursed, looked around, and walked directly to a seat, because there was a small light there.

Heiji glanced at the small light in confusion. It was impossible to have lights on the train, which meant that someone did it on purpose.

The power of the lamp is too weak, it can only illuminate a small spot.

Akagi Masao looked down at the paper in his hand, and with Heiji's eyesight he could only see the dense words on it, but the content was unknown.

The inside of the carriage was quiet again.

Nizi He Ye must have woken up very early to prepare the lunch box. After eating, she fell asleep on Heiji's shoulder.

Smelling the faint body fragrance on He Ye's body, Heiji had nothing to do, so he closed his eyes and rested.

The train enters the tunnel again.

This tunnel is much longer than the previous one, and the interior of the carriage suddenly darkened.


In the darkness, Akagi Takeo scolded, and then the sound of a button sounded, apparently trying to turn on the small light.


Suddenly, an extremely subtle voice sounded in the darkness.

At the same time, Heiji felt someone running by beside him.

After a while, the train exited the tunnel, and the inside of the carriage lit up again.

"Sir, in order to make up for my apology to you, the conductor decided to provide a lunch box for free." The flight attendant walked in with the dining car and distributed the lunch box to several people in the third carriage.


Heiji took over two bentos. Since they were free, I would not eat them for free.

"Sir, sir, ah..."

Akagi Takeo fell on the seat as soon as he was touched by the flight attendant, his face was pale, and he didn't move.

"Heiji, what happened?" He Ye was awakened.

"It seems that someone fainted... No, it smells of almonds."

Ding dong!

"If you find a C-level murder case, please ask the host to solve the case and find the murderer before the train arrives at the next station. Otherwise, you will not be able to obtain the corresponding crime value."

Sure enough!

The system's prompt proved Heiji's hunch that the guy was dead.

"What's wrong with him?" The middle-aged man wanted to check.

"Don't move, he's dead, you can't destroy the scene."

A lazy voice sounded, but it was full of undoubted majesty.

"Dead? Hurry up and call the police." The middle-aged man stopped suddenly...

"Dead? It doesn't look like it." The woman who came out of the toilet gave Akagi Takeo a suspicious look, as if she was asleep.

"Dead?" Yuan Gang was stunned for a moment, and then he showed a happy smile.

The expressions of the three of them were caught by Heiji—in his eyes, he probably had some discoveries in his heart, but he still had to look at the corpse to find out.

"Dead? How could he be dead? Heiji is about to call an ambulance." He Ye yelled.

"It's really dead. You should smell the almond smell in the air. This is the smell of potassium cyanide when it evaporates."

Heiji pulled He Ye over with a calm expression.

"Potassium cyanide? That's a highly toxic drug, but it needs to dissolve in water. So it's because of the glass of water?" The middle-aged man looked at the glass of water in front of Masao Akagi.

After the middle-aged man's analysis, everyone focused on the glass of water.

Heiji was the same, but he was not influenced by the middle-aged man, so he carefully checked the surroundings and corpse of Akagi Takeo.


He noticed that Akagi Takeo's collar seemed to be wet.

"He Ye, gloves."

"Heiji, here it is."

He Ye quickly took out a pair of white rubber gloves from his bag. She is now an assistant when Heiji solved the case. In addition to the money, documents and some skin care products, the bag contains some small things necessary for solving the case.

After Heiji put on his gloves, he wanted to check the body of Takeo Akagi.

However, he was stopped by the middle-aged man.

"Wait, you told us not to get close to the corpse, and you can't get close either."

Heiji looked at the middle-aged man: "I don't let you approach that because you will destroy the scene."

"Then you might also destroy the scene." The middle-aged man sneered.

"Heiji is not as stupid as you guys. He is very good at solving cases."

Hearing that someone didn't trust Heiji, He Ye got upset, and hugged his boyfriend's arm proudly.

"Solved the case? Is he a policeman?" the woman asked curiously.

"No, Heiji is a detective, a great detective." He Ye was extremely proud.


The three were shocked.

"Introduce myself, my name is Hattori Heiji, I'm a detective." Heiji said lightly.

"Heiji Hattori, you are our famous high school detective in Kansai?" the flight attendant exclaimed in surprise.

Hearing that Heiji seemed to be very famous, the expressions of the three of them were a little different.

"Then, can you let it go?"

The middle-aged man quickly got out of the way. Since the other party is a detective, there is no reason to stop him.

The closer you got to Akagi Takeo's body, the stronger the almond smell.

Heiji carefully looked at Takeo Akagi's collar, and just opened it a little, a very strong smell of almonds wafted in his nostrils.

Although he choked his nose, Heiji made a new discovery.

A little above the collar, there was a very small pinhole-shaped wound on Akagi Takeo's neck, and it was impossible to find it without looking closely.

[What's the matter with this wound? ]

Heiji pondered in his heart that a seemingly simple case had become blurred because of this wound, and there were many doubts.