
Without waiting for her reply, Nelly hopped out of the water and dashed into the mansion. Charlotte and Sasha followed, after her. Leaving bianca all alone with the guys in the garden.


Scrunching his brows with his mouth wide open, "Ryan, she's grandma's so-called future grand daughter in-law? I still remember grandma saying that last night" Justin said.

With a quizzical look on his face, Ryan awkwardly shook his head. "Dude am just finding out the same way you found out"

"Future grand daughter in-law" Thomas burst into laughter.

"That's a good one, so who's the future husband?" Billy chuckled.

Wearing his slippers, "she own me an explanation" Justin said with a serious look on his face.

Frowning confusedly, "dude where are you going?" Ryan inquired confusedly.

Getting up from the chair, he tied his hair into a messy bun, adjusted his white t-shirt and blue Drop Crotch saggy Jeans, which was reveling a bit of his black Calvin Klein's boxer. "She need to explain the reason why grandma came home at that hour"

Widening his eyes, "are you mad? I thought that case has been settled, so why are you recalling it again?"

Rolling his eyes, "just watch me"

"Dude, you better–hey, hey, Justin, come back" Ryan whispered when he saw Justin walking towards bianca whom was sitting on the swimming pool slab, with her legs in the water.

Bianca scrunched her brows when she saw a huge shadow of an handsome guy, reflecting in the water.

Shrugging her shoulders a bit, she gave it an absent expression. But not until when Justin dragged her up with one hand.

Widening her eyes in shock and staring into his eyes, Bianca got lost in his gaze.

Ignoring her shocking expression, Justin snapped and placed his hands on his waist. "Hey! Wake up"

Shaking her head out of the daze, bianca startled when she heard his cool deep cracked voice. "Y–ye–yes–yes?"

"Why did you keep my grandma hostage?"

Widening her eyes, "I don't understand what you're saying?"

"Don't play dumb with me young lady,  you better explain to me why you held my grandma until nine yesterday" he scowled.

Twitching her fingers together in fear, Bianca quickly grabbed her dress and wanting to leave but Justin grabbed her hand and pulled her back.

Narrowing his eyes, he inched closer to her face. "Have you answered my question? I said explain to me why you held my grandma hostage until nine yesterday?" When Bianca did not say anything but glazed at him, he shouted. "Answer me!"

His voice startled everyone in the garden, including Bianca whom was already shivering in fear.

Tightening her grip on her dress with her eyes wide open in shock. Bianca gulp a huge amount of saliva down her throat and gather up courage.

She yelled at him, with a deadpan look on her face. "How is that your business! Huh?"

Scrunching his brows, "what?" Pointing at himself, "Are you raising your voice at me?"

Tight-lipping her lips together, she nodded her head. "Yes" without waiting for his reply, she added with a faked scowl on her face. "You're just an idiot!"

"What the fu–ouch!" Justin winced and fell on his knees when Bianca kicked his younger brother and ran out of the garden. "Ouch shit! Ahh–come back here!"