Love syndrome

Ryan, Thomas and Billy dashed towards him with a scoffing look on their face.

Looking at his friends, he frowned deeper, "why are you guys standing there and staring at me like that? Come on, help me to catch her"

Laughing in unison, they giggled.

"Are you kidding me dude? Do you think am gonna catch her for you? To do what? Venge more anger on her?" Ryan laughed.

"Dude, you asked for the hit and she gave it to you" Thomas chuckled.

Patting his shoulders, "am sorry dude but I thought you were going to approach her and ask for her number but you scared her away instead" Billy laughed.

Slapping his hands off, "you guys are just bunch of idiots" Justin retorted aggressively.

Just then Nelly, Charlotte and Sasha walked into the garden with a bottle of champagne and empty glass cups in their hands.

Looking around, Nelly scrunched her brows when she didn't see her bestie. "Where's Bianca?"

"Sorry Nel, but Justin scared her away" Ryan chuckled, with his eyes not leaving Justin who was giving him a darkly look.

"What?" Looking at Justin, "why did you scare her away? I know she's a timid type of person but she's not that shy, so what did you say to her that made her ran aw–"

Cutting her off, Justin pushed her aside, "Get outta my way" he scowled and left the garden.

"Justin, you're gonna explain to me the reason why you scared my best friend away" Nelly nagged and went after him.



Edwin's apartment [Bianca's room]

Looking at the different gowns lying on the bed, Bianca groan in frustration. "Come on bianca, it's just a random date" she sighed and picked up a short blue gown amongst them.

Scrunching her brows, she nodded and tossed it aside. "No no, that's not gonna fit in either."

"Bianca did you–whoa! Is someone having difficulty in picking a dress?" Isabella scoffed and walked into the room.

Taking a deep breath, "yes mom, I think I need a helping hand" she murmured.

Sitting on the bedside, "so what's the occasion?"

"It's a date"

Widening her eyes and mouth, Isabella squealed. "Are you serious? Oh my God, this is a miracle! My daughter's love syndrome as come back to life"

Scrunching her brows, "mom? Will you please cut it out? It's not an official date, it's just a personal meeting for the first time"

"So what if it's a personal meeting? All that matters is that it's a romantic date"

Slapping her forehead, she scrunched her brows. "Mom, I don't know if it's gonna be romantic or not, because it's random"

Scrunching her brows, "Huh? Random? What's random?"