Fix it

"What's your problem? Why are you bugging me? Infact what right do you have, to tell me whom I should fuck and whom I shouldn't?"

Narrowing his eyes, "now Liam, listen to me and listen good." Pointing at Bianca, "this woman you're flirting with, is Justin's girlfriend. So you better back off and stay on your limits. She's not Lorena, so you better take your eyes off her and get outta here."

Letting out a mockery chuckle, "damn, you're so funny, man."gritting his teeths, "I don't give a fuck to whoever she's dating, all I know is that, am gonna shoot my shot on her."

"Hmm, impressive. I can smell a guy's death around here. Infact, am seeing the guy's casket about to be buried in the cemetery." Looking at Bianca, "get your stuffs from the car. I'm gonna call my chauffeur to pick you up ASAP. As for your car, I'm gonna fix it and send it to your company."

Nodding her head, Bianca dashed into her car and took her bag and the necessary documents. Billy called his chauffeur immediately. In less than ten minutes, his chauffeur came and picked bianca.


Kevin's apartment


"I missed my future daughter in-law. I haven't seen her since when she came back from Hawaii." Granny Mathilda chuckled while knitting.

"You know what, grandma? I think you need to see bianca ASAP. Because she has started adding more weight." Nelly chuckled.

"Hmm, is she chubby or pregnant?" Grandma Mathilda gasped.

"Grandma? Come on isn't it too early to talk about that?" Nelly frowned.

"Stupid girl, what is too early to talk about there? You're 23 and same age as bianca. Did you know that I got married at the age of 20?"

"Grandma, that was your century. But in this era, women can get married at age 28."

Widening her eyes, "huh, age 28? What are you saying? Do you think you're still a baby? Let me tell you one thing, every woman that is above the age of 18, is mature and overdue for marriage. Or do you want to get to my age before you get married?"

Scrunching her brows, "eww, never. I don't want to start having wrinkling skins before I get married."

"So start wishing for your boyfriend to make a quick step."

Rolling her eyes, "yeah he will, but not for your selfish interest."

"What selfish interest?"

Crossing her hands in the front, Nelly pouted her lips. "I know you're saying all of these, just so you can carry your great-grandchildren."

Letting out a chuckle, "yes of course, at least my intentions and selfish interest are not the bad type, right?"

Sipping her juice, "yeah." Looking at what she's knitting, "grandma?"
